Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura Leaves)

Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura Leaves) is a plant known for its medicinal and health benefits. The herb is perennial and is commonly found worldwide. It is a plant used as food as well as medicine. The herb has a tangy and a sharp taste and is primarily used for treatment of nasal inflammation and sinusitis.

Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura Leaves)

Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura Leaves): An Overview

Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) can be cultivated throughout the year. In India, its occurrence is more common towards the southern parts of India and the north-east, where the land is rich in iron content. The botanical name of ambada is Hibiscus cannabinus. The leaves are the most important and useful part of the plant. Its appearance resembles greatly to spinach. The leaves are oblong and three to six inches long and possess a very sour taste. The tang of the leaves is a result of the acid flavor due to binoxalate of potash. Apart from sour taste, it also provides the medicinal properties to the plant.

Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura Leaves)

Though, Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) is known for its great benefits but keeping a check on the amount consumed is a necessity because excess consumption can be toxic owing to high levels of oxalic acid.

Health Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura Leaves)

Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) being a powerful herb, boasts several health benefits. Some such benefits are enlisted below:

  • Health Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) for Prevention of Hypertension: According to recent studies, sorrel has been proven effective in treatment of hypertension, by lowering the blood pressure of the body. The treatment proves extremely effective for patients with type 2 diabetes.
  • Health Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) for Treating Cancer: The antioxidants and flavonoids present in sorrel or gongura leaves helps in deterring cancer by destroying the malignant cells and prevent the further spread. The rich nutrient profile of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) helps in prevention of cancer, by helping in the natural breakdown and reduction of tumor. Furthermore, the oxalic acid present within the leaves helps in arresting the malignant cells and prevents their further spread. Also, it is rich in chlorophyll, which increases the oxygen within the body and lowers the activity of the malignant cells. It, especially, works well in case of breast cancer.
  • Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) for Hair: Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) extracts work remarkably well on dull, dry and damaged hair. Being a good cure for hair loss, sorrel is also known to control and decelerate process of balding.
  • Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) for Treating Urinary Tract Infection: Ambada or Sorrel leaves (Gongura leaves) help in curing of several kinds of urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases, owing to its anti-bacterial properties.
  • Prevention of Inflammation: Topical application of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) extracts over ringworm, itchy skin, ulcers and boils, helps greatly in reduction of inflammation.
  • Regulates Breast Milk Flow: Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) can be consumed by lactating mothers, to reduce the milk supply, when their young one has started to wean and they wish to stop breast feeding. Thus, it should be kept in mind that sorrel should not be fed to new mothers as it largely hampers the nutritional needs of the new born.
  • Laxative Benefits of Sorrel or Gongura Leaves: Sorrel leaves possess laxative properties, thus, helps greatly in treating constipation.
  • Health Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel for Kidney Stones: The tea made from sorrel leaves, proves extremely effective for the treatment of kidney stones.
  • Bone Health: High calcium content of the Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves), help in maintaining optimal bone density and bone health in women. This, further, prevents osteoporosis.

Medicinal Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura Leaves)

Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) accounts for ample medicinal benefits, like:

  • Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) is a powerful diuretic, thus helps in increasing the production and flow of urine as well as weight loss.
  • Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) possesses powerful antioxidant properties, which helps in elimination of free radicals, lowering the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol from the body.
  • It helps in flushing the toxins from the body.
  • Ambada possesses anti-bacterial properties, which prevents several infections and diseases.
  • Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) cures insomnia when consumed in combination with castor oil.

Nutritional Benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura Leaves)

Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) has a great nutritional significance, as it is a great source of below nutrients:

  • Vitamins: Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) is a rich source of vitamin A, C and B9.
  • Minerals: Sorrel is a storehouse of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.
  • Organic Nutrients: Organic nutrients like flavonoids, polyphenolic acids and anthocyanins, are found in abundance in Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves).
  • Other Nutrients: Other nutrients like fibers and proteins are also found in Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves), which make it a low calories and high nutrition food.


Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) are an important part of traditional cooking and medicine. The leaves are sour in taste but envelope an array of nutrients ranging from vitamins, minerals, organic nutrients, oxalic acid and proteins, to fiber. Thus, it makes them suitable not only as food but also a medicine. The prime health and medicinal benefits of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves) include cancer treatment, curing hypertension, reduction of inflammation and hair care. Though, the leaves have ample benefits, but what should be kept in mind is the dosage. As said, excess of everything is bad, so applies in the case of Ambada or Sorrel (Gongura leaves). Ambada is really effective when consumed in small amounts and become poisonous when consumed in excess owing to the presence of oxalic acid.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 7, 2017

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