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Best Diet for Premenstrual Symptoms

Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS which it is commonly referred to as a collection of symptoms that a female experiences a few days or a week before her menstrual period. The severity of these symptoms ranges from mild to moderate. In some females, the symptoms may be so severe that it affects their activities of daily living. The most common symptoms that a female experiences in PMS is pain, tenderness in the breasts, and above all irritation and mood swings [1].

Generally, the symptoms can be handled by females by taking rest or not overdoing things; however, some people suggest certain lifestyle changes to deal with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. These changes include exercising, relaxing, meditating, abstaining from alcohol or nicotine, and salt restriction. The efficacy of these changes has not been studied much in scientific research done with regard to premenstrual syndrome even though many people believe them to be quite effective [2].

However, there are many females which find these lifestyle changes to be effective while there are others who do not agree with it. A startling fact about premenstrual syndrome is that even though females may have been dealing with the symptoms for many years, it officially was declared a medical condition only after 1980s [2].

Aside from the lifestyle changes mentioned above, there are also certain home remedies which are easily available and can be used to calm down the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. This article highlights some of such home remedies [2].

Best Diet for Premenstrual Symptoms

Best Diet for Premenstrual Symptoms

Studies show that females who experience symptoms of PMS usually lack enough calcium and vitamin B in their body along with vitamin E and vitamin K. Additionally, these females also have magnesium deficiency. This proves that the dietary intake of such females especially around the time of their periods is slightly off balance. This triggers the body to intensify the symptoms of PMS [1].

Some of the best foods to take for premenstrual symptoms are:

Vegetables. Studies suggest that females who consume plenty of vegetables and fruits in their diet tend to have fewer symptoms of PMS. In addition to this, nuts and other herbs can also be added to calm down the symptoms of PMS [2].

Calcium. Foods rich in calcium also plays a pivotal role in calming down the symptoms of PMS. Some of the food products rich in calcium include broccoli, kale, raw milk, and yogurt [2].

High Fiber Diet. Foods rich in fiber also have a positive effect in decreasing premenstrual symptoms. This is because PMS often at times causes gastrointestinal disturbances. This can be best treated by fiber rich foods. Fiber also helps in maintaining hormonal balance which is quite effective in calming down the symptoms of PMS. Oats, peers, oranges, whole grains, carrots, and sweet corns. They are easy to incorporate in the diet and help in preventing any gastrointestinal problems [2].

Green Vegetables. These are also quite effective in calming down the symptoms of PMS. Green vegetables are extremely rich in calcium and vitamin K which become deficient in females with PMS. Once these vitamins and essential nutrients are replenished the symptoms of PMS calm down significantly [2].

Flaxseed. Another important factor in managing the symptoms of PMS is to facilitate estrogen metabolism. Flaxseed plays an important role in this. Thus it is important to incorporate flaxseed in the diet to control the symptoms of PMS [2].

Omega-3. This is also extremely important in controlling the symptoms of PMS. Sardines and salmon are some of the nonvegetarian examples of omega 3 foods. Flaxseed, walnut, and chia seeds are some of the vegetarian examples of foods rich in omega 3. These foods can be easily incorporated in the diet and are extremely effective in controlling the symptoms of PMS [2].

Avocado. This is extremely vital for maintaining hormonal balance as PMS symptoms normally are caused due to imbalance in hormones. Eating an Avocado a day keeps the hormones in balance since it is rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin B6 and potassium. Avocado can added as an ingredient in salad which also contains green leafy vegetables which can be an extremely effective combination to control the symptoms of PMS [2].

In conclusion, Premenstrual Syndrome is a collection of symptoms which females have on and around their periods. The primary for these symptoms is believed to be hormonal imbalance that takes place around the time of the menstrual periods of a female of reproductive age. The severity of the symptoms ranges from mild to moderate and in some cases the symptoms can even be disabling [1, 2].

Most females are able to cope up with the PMS symptoms with rest and relaxation; however there are some dietary changes that one has to make to calm down the symptoms even further. The dietary changes mentioned above if followed diligently can be extremely effective in controlling the symptoms of PMS so that the female can be active and move around even during the times of her periods [1, 2].


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 29, 2019

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