“Pregnancy is the beginning of all things; wonder, hope, and dream, of possibilities.” For a woman, it is perhaps the best phase of her life. This is the time when she is extra cautious about everything she eats, drinks and does. Because it involves a life that is growing inside her! Many women do have a doubt and in fact most of the pregnant women fear eating papaya during their pregnancy. So if you are in to this wonderful phase of your life and are worrying if you can eat papaya or not, then do read this article for sure.
Can We Eat Papaya During Pregnancy?
Is papaya your favourite fruit? Are you in your pregnancy and worried about if you can take your favourite fruit? In fact in most countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China etc; it is considered that pregnant women should avoid eating papaya as it may cause miscarriage or a natural abortion. Well! But, many experts recommend that pregnant women can eat moderate amounts of ripe papaya. However, eating unripe papaya is not safe during pregnancy.
Why it is Preferable to Avoid Eating Papaya During Pregnancy?
There are certain things which may bother you while eating papaya during pregnancy. It may be harmful to eat papaya if you are in your pregnant phase. Especially, Papaya must be completely avoided during the early stages of pregnancy when placenta is formed.
- Papaya can cause disruption in the formation of placenta
- Laboratory research suggests that consuming papaya or parts of the papaya plant during pregnancy can lead to anti-implantation, increased chances of embryotoxicity
- Papaya is rich in fiber and this may exert significant pressure on the stomach and the intestine and may lead to miscarriage.
- Carpaine or a toxic substance in the papaya leaves and seeds can damage the Central Nervous System
- Papaine and chymopapaine present in papaya can cause abortion and damage the fetal development
- Papaine content present in papaya may cause respiratory disorders, breathing difficulties etc. And breathing issues in pregnant mothers implies less oxygen reach to the foetus.
- Excessive consumption of papaya may cause kidney stones. And presence of kidney stones exerts more pressure on stomach or abdomen which may be dangerous during pregnancy.
- If pregnant women have an history of gestational diabetes, then papaya may be highly dangerous for them during pregnancy.
Strict NO to Eat Unripe Papaya During Pregnancy:
It must be noted that unripe papaya is not at all safe to eat during pregnancy. It is also to be noted that papaya skin and its seeds should not be eaten during pregnancy.
An unripe or even partially ripe papaya is rich in a substance known as latex which is found to trigger uterine contraction.
Below we will talk about why one should avoid eating unripe papaya during pregnancy.
- Eating Unripe Papaya Causes Uterine Contractions. An unripe or semi-ripe papaya can activate oxytocin and prostaglandin which trigger uterine contractions which may induce premature labour. This is due to papain in the latex. This premature labour may also lead to miscarriage and also may cause abnormalities in your baby.
- Eating Unripe Papaya Weakens the Vital Membranes of the Foetus. The papain content present in unripe papaya can weaken the vital membranes of the foetus which affects its survival. It slows down the growth of cell and tissue development in the foetus. Thus foetus may not be able to survive.
- It Causes Haemorrhage and Edema. Unripe papaya can exert excess pressure on your blood vessels and even may cause internal haemorrhage and bleeding in the placenta. This could slow down the circulation of blood thereby affecting the growing embryo in your womb. Because of Edema, fluid retention in the body exerts pressure on the blood vessels and also causes blood to pool. It slows down the circulation of blood. There may be internal haemorrhage because of excess pressure on the blood vessel. This may affect the growing embryo in the womb.
You Can Eat Ripe Papaya During Pregnancy With Exceptional Care:
You can eat ripe papaya during pregnancy. It can help you in overcoming various illnesses and conditions which may encounter you any time. In fact some women prepare a tonic by mixing portions of ripe papaya with honey and milk. This is considered a rich source of nutrients for pregnant mothers as well as for the nursing mothers. Below are some of the reasons why you can consider including ripe papaya to your diet during pregnancy. However, take in less or moderate amount and also consult with your doctor before eating it.
- A ripe papaya contains reduced latex concentration that does not cause any harm in pregnancy. In fact papaya aid you overcoming morning sickness
- Papaya enhances cardiovascular health and protects from colon cancer.
- Papayas are also loaded with Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Potassium and Beta- carotene which are essential to the body. Vitamin A and Vitamin C aids in boosting body’s immunity and Vitamin B is known for foetal development.
- Papaya are also a good source of folic acid and also are rich in fiber
- Ripe papaya aids in controlling and preventing constipation and heartburn. The papain content in ripe yellow papaya is known to help in proper digestion.
Though papaya may be beneficial because of its health benefits, it is good to avoid eating them during pregnancy. If you are selecting the ripe papayas, then do go for the ones which are dark yellow or red in color and also avoid the ones which have black spots. You can also press the fruit to check if it is soft and know it is ripe.
In case you want to take ripe papayas, then do consult with your doctor prior to eating them during pregnancy.
Keep safe and enjoy your pregnancy!