What to Have in Summer to Keep Body Cool?

With the month of April and May, summer starts sending heat waves all across the nation. Beneath the scorching heat, our body tends to get dehydrated. To keep our body hydrated and to keep our system working effectively, we need to customize our regular diet and include few items for better bodily function. With heavy sweat and occasional indigestion, we become vulnerable and fall victim to deadly summer ailments. So it is better to have sound knowledge about what to eat and what not to eat, in order to remain safe all throughout the summer season and to keep our body cool in the frenzied heat. Foods, which heat your body up, should be avoided; and foods, which cool your body down, should be favored. However, ice cream and cold drinks are not emphasized here, as these items dehydrate body as well and do not come under the category of foods items, which keep the body cool. Whereas, various vegetables and fruits will not only keep your body temperature normal, but also make sure that you do not lose nutrients and stay fresh all day long in the scorching summer. Working out in hot humid weather, consuming junk food every now and then, drinking less water tend to dehydrate the body thus affecting internal organs. Along with consuming healthy juice, there are many other foods and beverages to flush out toxins thus providing great cooling effect to fight off summer discomforts.

What to Have in Summer to Keep Body Cool?

What to Have in Summer to Keep Body Cool?


Consuming pomegranate juice is very effective to keep body cool during summer. Pomegranate is known to lower the body temperature naturally. It is recommended for summer season primarily due to its wonderful astringent healing properties. Summer is a season when people mostly suffer from indigestion problems, such as diarrhea and dysentery. To treat the intestinal inflammation and frequent indigestion and varying other problems Pomegranate is the best fruit to depend on during the summer.

Coconut Water

Certainly drinking coconut water every now and then is one of the best ways to reduce the body heat. You do not have to be worried about your digestive system as coconut water is easily digestible. Drinking coconut water helps in lowering your body heat, replenishing lost body fluids, boosting energy and fighting off problems like dehydration and probable summer infections, regulating cholesterol level and managing your blood pressure. All in all coconut water takes care of your body completely, especially during the summer month.


One of the recognized water rich fruit is Watermelon. This fruit is effective in reducing the body heat significantly. Watermelon helps in keeping the body hydrated. So having watermelon is a must in summer. Watermelon is has ample measure of antioxidants. To keep body cool, prevent inflammation and fight off free radicals, you should eat watermelon in summer. This fruit contains highest amount of lycopene that no other fruit contains. Watermelon is a wonderful disease fighter and is a must have fruit to eat during summer.

Honeydew Melon

You may also think about having Honeydew melon, which can effectively reduce the body heat. Honeydew melon is best to have during summer as this food item meets the water requirement quite effectively during the summer month. Honeydew melon also is a wonderful source of vitamin A, C and Potassium, niacin pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, and manganese making it an essential fruit for summer.


This herb is best in offering lot of cooling effect on the body and thus maintaining water balance in body. You can have mint juice, which is a perfect ingredient to keep the body heat low. Summer is a season when indigestion tends to become a common occurrence and the anti-oxidants and phytonutrients existing in Mint helps in relieving indigestion problems and soothes the stomach instantly along with resolving any tummy trouble. For its therapeutic values, Mint is deemed today one of the best, must have ingredients, that helps in dealing with gas formation and indigestion, bloating, nausea, terrible abdomen pain, or vomiting. Excessive sweat gives rise to varying summer ailments, so mint is one of the best herbs to rely upon to keep the body cool when the mercury level is high.


It is proven that acids produce heat in the body system. Berries are full of alkaline properties thus are effective in neutralising the acidic particles in the body and cooling it down. Besides, presence of alkaline also helps to generate cold energy in the body and cool down the inner heat in our body during the summer. This beautiful and tasty fruit contains high level of water, which helps in replenishing lost water in the summer month. Consumption of Berries also help to thin the blood and release the heat from the body. So, include this fruit into your daily snacks and keep the body cool naturally.

Fennel Seeds

Many of us are not aware that Fennel seeds are wonderful alternative in keeping body heat low. All you need to do is soak some fennel seeds in water overnight. Next morning, strain the seeds and drink the water to reduce the atmospheric heat effect in body due to summer season.

Sesame Seeds

When you are seeking to reduce body heat and you are getting nothing worthwhile to treat your dehydration and varying related problems, you should try out sesame, which is recognized worldwide as one of the best remedies to reduce body heat. All you need to do is soak some sesame seeds in water overnight and drink its water the next morning.

Poppy Seeds

While talking about seeds, poppy seeds are highly effective in reducing heat in body and balancing water quotient. Majority of people are seen to be having sleeping trouble due to the sultry weather condition in summer. You can actually get rid of this problem by consuming poppy seeds, these help in regulating body temperature along with inducing sleep.

Cold Milk

Certainly, a cold beverage plays wonderful role in keeping the body heat in proper balance. You need to mix honey with cold milk and consume the mixture in the morning to keep your body cool throughout the day in summer.


Keep yourself cool in this summer by eating more avocados. These fruits contain high level of mono-saturated fatty acids, which helps to remove toxins from the blood stream and in consequence reduce the heat in our body. Avocados dissolve easily into the digestive system. Our body does not have to render any extra energy to digest these fruits and therefore there would be no production of extra heat during digestion of Avocados. So, avail this offer of the nature to keep your body cool during summer by consuming more of these perfectly ripe avocados.


This red coloured vegetable has an anti-histamine effect. In summer, the scorching rays of the sun boost the allergic tendencies, which irritates and causes itching. Histamines also cause rashes in the heat and encourage excessive sweating. The anti-histamine properties of onions are most helpful to reduce the risk of allergy and can prevent you from the sunstroke as well. Consumption of raw onions is very effective in keeping your body cool this summer.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits like Lemons, Pomelos and Citrons etc. are super cooling agents to keep your body cool in summers. Foods contain complex fats and need more heat to digest the same and therefore increase the body heat inside. The genre of citrus fruits has the ability to boost and break down digestion of fatty foods and encourage easy digestion while consuming other hard foods that contain oils or fats. The amount of high fluids in citrus fruits help you to keep the balance of fluids inside your body while there is excessive sweating in summer. Presence of many minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals in these fruits like potassium, folate, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6 and Vit C etc. provide help to balance the body heat by maintaining essential minerals and vitamins level inside the body. All kinds of Citrus Fruits contain minerals like magnesium, calcium and vitamins. They keep blood pressure low and help you stay cool.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 22, 2018

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