Including fruits to your daily diet is one of the natural ways to keep heart healthy and strengthen your immune system to fight against germs and infections. This article discusses about the fruits that help keep your heart healthy.
Fruits That Help Keep The Heart Healthy
Fruits helps keep diseases at bay and as the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, turns out to be true in every sense whatsoever. Fruits also help in keeping your bones and muscles stronger. The vitamins, minerals and fibers present in different fruits provide all the essential nutrients that are required by your body for a healthy living.
It keeps your bowel system regular and so you don’t feel full all the time. The fruits keep you hydrated all day long and that in turn makes you feel energetic. Fruits help your skin glow and thus make you more confident.
Here, some of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy are listed along with their respective nutritional values.1 Have a look in this article and try to include the following fruits in your daily heart diet.
Blueberries help to manage hypertension and thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases. It also helps to keep the blood pressure in control. It helps in widening the blood vessels and prevents stiffening of the arteries by increase of nitric oxide in the blood due to consumption of this berry. Hence, berries are one of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy.2
Oranges are packed with vitamin C that helps keep the heart healthy. It is also rich in fiber and the sodium and potassium content in oranges keep your blood pressure in control. These nutritive values make oranges one of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy.3
Avocado contains mono and poly unsaturated fats that keeps the cholesterol levels in check and thereby helps maintain a healthy heart. There is also a lot of fibers and potassium content in avocado that keeps your digestive system in a healthy working condition.4
The anti-oxidants present in pomegranate do all the magic in keeping heart healthy and hence is one of the best fruits that help keep your heart healthy. This red fruit is also rich in potassium that keeps the blood pressure levels in good check.5
The antioxidants compounds present in apples prevent bad LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and thus prevents inflammation. It is one of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy by lowering the cholesterol levels by the fibrous contents in it.
Bananas are low in sodium and rich in potassium and this reduces the heart diseases to a great extent. It also reduces the risk of heart strokes, hence considered among the best fruits that help keep your heart healthy. The presence of vitamin B6 in bananas make it the best foods for heart health as it helps to break homocysteine which if reaches higher levels can cause serious cardiovascular diseases.6
One of the other fruits that help keep your heart healthy include the raspberries. These fruits contain a healthy proportion of manganese and vitamin C that lowers the risk of your heart diseases. It also contains calcium that maintains bone health.
Red Grapes
Red grapes are yet another fruit that help to keep your heart healthy. The phytonutrients in the form of polyphenols and phenolic acid that is present in red grapes widens the arteries thereby preventing any blockage in the heart.7
Papaya whether green or ripe if included in your daily diet can lower the level of LDL or the bad cholesterol thereby maintaining a healthy heart. Thus it’s a must to be included as one of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy.
It is one of the anti inflammatory foods that help maintain a healthy heart. It has a great taste so can be included in your daily diet but the only thing is check the amount of sugar you are taking given its sugar content. The choline, potassium and calcium content in cantaloupes make it a fruit that help keep your heart healthy. Potassium helps in the muscle and heart contractions.8
Drinking lemon juice in lukewarm water every day in an empty stomach helps clearing of the blockages in the heart if any. The potassium content in lemon also helps in easing out the stiffness in the arteries thereby contributing to a healthy blood circulation to and from the heart. This is indeed one of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy.
Water melon
Watermelon is always one of the best and healthy foods for heart. The bioactive compound citrulline present in water melon helps prevent arthrosclerosis which is the stiffening of the arteries. It also helps to keep the blood pressure in check thereby lowering the risk of heart strokes to a great extent. Choose to have watermelon if you are looking for fruits that help keep your heart healthy.
Grape fruits
The powerful combination of nutrients present in grape fruit like choline, potassium, lycopene and vitamin C contribute to a healthy heart. It is one of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy and helps to keep a check on the blood pressure levels.
This colorful fruit is as tasty as it is healthy and it should be included in heart diet. The essential nutrients of vitamin C, folate and potassium help lower bad cholesterol thus making them one of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy.
The anthocyanins present in cherries in large quantities actually contribute to the healthy foods for heart. It protects the blood vessels from oxidative stress and also inhibits inflammation and stiffening of the arteries.
One of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy also includes cranberries. If you can have cranberry juice on a regular basis then it can give you a healthy heart by lowering the bad cholesterol and subsequently raising the good cholesterol (HDL). It also prevents the clogging of the arteries or arthrosclerosis.
This seasonal fruit is a popular favorite of most people and is one of the fruits that help keep your heart healthy. The rich potassium content in mangoes helps to keep a check on the blood pressure levels. The Vitamin C, fiber and pectin help to control the heart rate thereby making it an important component in the list of diet for healthy heart.
Pineapple is also one of the fruits that have healthy antioxidants and it helps to keep a check on the bad cholesterol LDL thereby keeping most of the cardiovascular diseases at bay. The vitamin C also strengthens the bones and the muscles.9
Peaches are one of the important fruits that help keep your heart healthy. Because of its high nutritional content and the phenolic compounds present in peaches prevent the oxidation of the bad LDL cholesterol thus keeping a check on heart problems.
The flavonoids and anthocyanins present in blackberries reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Thus, including blackberries in your daily diet would help keep your heart healthy.10
It is important to have a healthy diet and routine for good health. Including these fruits that help keep your heart healthy can help in the long run. Banning canned and junk foods is very essential. Adhering to a healthy diet packed with fruits is essential from the very beginning because heart diseases do not occur overnight; rather it is the result of a prolonged unhealthy eating and lifestyle issues. So try to comply with a healthy diet and consult your physician for any concerns.
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