There are many benefits of fruits when it comes to skin and hair. Guava is one such tropical fruit that tastes yum and possesses many benefits for your skin and hair. Guava is one of the most delicious fruits, which is not only admired for the taste, but it also has many health benefits because of the nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals present in it. Guava benefits are not restricted to just health, but it also offers several beauty advantages. You will come to know about many benefits and uses of guava for skin and hair health in this article.
10 Wonderful Skin & Hair Health Benefits of Guava
Guava Helps Cure Dark Spots and Acne:
Dark spots and acne are very common skin issues that affect countless people around the world. Dark spots and acne are considered bad because they hide the actual beauty of the skin and harm it at the same time. You can easily get rid of dark spots and acne with the help of using an unbelievable beauty trick and it is none other than guava. This wonder fruit offers several skin advantages to your skin and one of the most wonderful benefits of guava to maintain skin health is its effective ability to offer relief from dark spots and acne. You need to add a little water to the guava leaves to make a fine paste in order to cure dark spots and acne on the skin. Once or twice in a week apply this smooth guava leaves paste on your face where there are dark spots and acne. Rinse with cold water after a few minutes once it gets dry with soft cloth. For better results repeat this guava remedy for several days to get healthy skin.
Guava Helps To Remove Blackheads:
Getting rid of stubborn blackheads is a wonderful benefit of guava for skin. The problem of blackheads arises because hair follicles get clogged in the skin cells and hence develops the dead skin. The main reason behind hair follicles clogging on the skin cells is due to the extreme skin oil that blends with the dead skin cell and obstructs follicles.
There are many factors that add to blackheads on the skin is excessive skin oil, a build-up of propionibacterium acne bacteria and hair follicles irritation if the dead cells are not removed on the usual basis. Guava leaves are considered as the most effective agent in eradicating blackheads, which get clogged near the chin, cheekbones, nose and other parts of the face. You can grind some guava leaves and add some water to it to make a scrub and rub it on the affected areas to remove the blackheads. This is the most effective trick to get rid of those blackheads on your face.
Guava Prevents Premature-Ageing:
Guava is considered as an excellent way to cure premature ageing, as it consists of vitamin C that works as a great antioxidant, which offers many skin advantages. One of the most commendable benefits of this antioxidant is that it provides relief from the premature ageing. These antioxidants that are present in guava combat with free radicals in your body and stabilize them. Hence, prevents them from damaging your body. These wonderful anti-ageing advantages of guava make it quite effective in offering relief from wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots on the skin.
Guava tastes yum and has many hidden benefits for the skin. You can take water in a pan and boil few guava leaves to prepare a decoction. Once it is cool down, apply to the affected area or on the whole face. This guava leaves remedy will not only help you in curing premature ageing issues, but will also help you in getting a toned and firm skin. Apart from this the vitamin A, potassium along with vitamin B in guava contributes to anti-ageing agents and offers numerous benefits to maintain skin health.
Guavas Provide Relief in Skin Itching and Allergies:
Guava has many benefits when it comes to skin allergies and itching. Guava has an anti-allergic antioxidant that is very beneficial in offering relief from different sorts of pain and allergies. Guava helps in reducing various different sorts of allergies and reduces itching to a great level. Allergies give birth to itching, which makes the skin full of rashes and peeling. Guava provides relief in itching and helps in curing allergies. So providing relief from skin itching and allergies is one of the wonderful benefits of guava to maintain skin health.
Guavas Help To Enhance Skin Complexion:
Yes, guava helps in enhancing skin complexion and makes the skin more radiant and beautiful. Guava possesses many benefits that make your skin glow and improves the complexion. You can easily make a guava and egg scrub at home by mashing an egg yolk with some fresh guava flesh and apply on your face. Leave the guava face pack for 20 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. By using this guava scrub twice a week you will be able to remove those dead skin cells on your face and get a glowing complexion. When these dead skin cells are removed from the face then it lightens your skin complexion. Guava scrub is capable of eradicating impurities from your skin and makes it energetic and refreshed.
Guavas Provide Protection From Environmental Damages And UV Rays:
Guava is very effective when it comes to protection from harmful UV sun radiations that damage the skin pores and healthy skin cells. Guava also helps your skin from the environment’s polluted air. There is lycopene in guava that helps in protecting your skin against the pollution and the harsh UV rays of the Sun. Lycopene is nothing but an antioxidant, which safeguards your skin cells from the sun damage via fighting with free radicals in your body. It also stabilizes it and makes it ineffective for cell damages.
Apart from lycopene, there are various other antioxidants such as vitamin C that plays a vital role in creating a protective shield to fight with the sun rays. You should try pink guava, which is considered extremely beneficial for skin protection when it comes to UV rays. Protecting the skin from pollution and harmful sun rays is a wonderful benefit of guava to maintain skin health.
Guava Is A Natural Toner For Your Skin:
Guava works as a natural skin toning source. Guava is an excellent source of several nutrients such as minerals and vitamins that assist in enhancing the skin complexion and body tone that makes it all the more wrinkle-free and fresh. Guava improves the skin tightness and texture as well. Guava helps in acquiring the lost skin elasticity. You can wash your face with immature guava fruit decoction and make a scrub out of the guava leaves. This guava remedy helps in making your face look prettier and removes scars, blemishes, wrinkles, acne and blackheads from the skin with the help of astringent elements present in guava.
Guava Helps To Keep Your Skin Hydrated:
Guava is quite beneficial for skin and it keeps the skin texture hydrated due to the high-level of water content present in it. Guava is about 82% of the water that helps in keeping you hydrated all day long, which is very important for your skin and assists in keeping your skin refreshed, moisturized and healthy. Guava helps you in removing impurities from the skin as well as promotes new skin cell growth. The body needs 75% of water for every function of the body. When you eat guava then you offer hydration to your body as well as skin as a whole. Keeping your skin hydrated is yet another wonderful benefit of guava to maintain skin health.
Guava Helps To Treat Different Skin Problems:
Guava is very advantageous for skin problems and the associated irritation or skin redness. Guava has nutrients such as vitamin k and vitamin C in it that helps in curing different types of skin issues. Eating 1 guava a day keeps you hydrated and fulfils the deficiency of vitamins in your body that are required for healthy skin and curing various skin problems. Vitamin C present in guava is known as an excellent source that offers several benefits to your skin in different ways. Guava offers treatment to your premature ageing issues, wrinkles, skin loosening and skin diseases. Guava enhances the collagen production in the body that cures all these issues. Apart from this, guava is known as the best compound of vitamin K that enhances the blood coagulation and helps in the treatment of spider veins, acne irritation, rosacea, dark circles and much more.
Guava Helps in Hair Loss Treatment:
Most of the people are not aware of the wonderful benefits of guava in curing hair fall. There is no doubt about the fact that hair plays the most significant role on your face and it determines the look of any person. When it comes to girls then things get more serious because they are mentally and emotionally attached to their hair.
Women and men equally take huge care about their hair and apply different packs on hair to cure problems like split ends, dandruff, scalp infections, and other hair related diseases. Hair fall is a very common issue that affects men and women both and affects their self esteem.
Here guava comes to the rescue as it is a source of vitamin C that helps in curing hair fall problem. You can use guava as a cure for your hair loss issue. Boil guava leaves in water for almost 20 minutes and keeps it for some time to cool. Strain it and let it come down to room temperature. Now, apply guava concoction to your hair roots and scalp and see how useful it is in curing your hair fall issues. Resolving the problem of hair fall in both men and women is one of the wonderful benefits of guava to maintain hair health.
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