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What is Acute Periorbital Edema, Know its Causes & Treatment

What is Acute Periorbital Edema?

Acute periorbital edema is a condition in which fluid accumulates around areas of eye tissue but in this condition edema can develop anywhere in the body. Many factors have been associated with acute periorbital edema. It is important to know the causes of periorbital edema and the treatment for acute periorbital edema.

What is Acute Periorbital Edema?

What are the Causes of Acute Periorbital Edema?

There can be many causes of acute periorbital edema and it is necessary to understand them properly. One of the main reason why people seek treatment for periorbital edema is that it affects their cosmetic value. When swelling associated with Acute periorbital edema reaches a threshold limit, it is often seen as a sign of problem brewing up.

Probable Causes of Acute Periorbital Edema Include:

  • Allergy from some drugs and chemicals can cause acute periorbital edema
  • Eye infection due to boil or insect bite
  • Excessive intake of alcohol is also known to cause acute periorbital edema
  • Dehydration and low water intake
  • Problem with the kidney, which makes the body retain the water thus causing swelling, in such cases, the swelling may get prominent in other parts of the body as well.
  • Causes of acute periorbital edema also include the problems of style on eyelids and numerous other factors which aggravate this condition of injuries and conjunctivitis.
  • If a person has already suffered from heart disease it too can be one of the causes of swelling associated with acute periorbital edema.
  • Major reason attributed to this problem is retention of fluid around the eye which is also termed as extracellular fluid which is also known as Chagas disease.
  • An overactive or underactive thyroid is also one of the causes of periorbital edema and swelling. Managing your weight and maintaining thyroid hormone levels with proper medical advice helps.
  • Other common causes of periorbital edema include lack of proper sleep. Insomnia leads to swelling along with dark circles which can be quite tough to cure unless treated in due time.
  • This swelling is generally recognized as eye bag which is the case of minor periorbital puffiness which is detected below eyes only.
  • Problematic lymph nodes also indicate swelling around the eyes which can be a sign of infection in the eye. It may also be accompanied with fever.

Swelling can be a problem which at times may be caused due to drug reaction. In this case, the swelling is painful, which occurs due to rapid heart rates in which the patient experiences difficulty in breathing. Drug reaction allergy will also lead to itching and burning sensation and systemic symptoms include fever and vomiting.

  • Acute periorbital edema is caused by diet high in salt that makes the body hold more fluid. Besides that, a change in diet also leads to swelling which needs to be eliminated from the body to recover it properly.
  • Skin disorder also makes way for water retention that can be a cause of dermatitis, this happens in case of female patients mostly
  • Common causes of periorbital edema are also influenced by aging, which reduces the anti-oxidants thus making your skin more prone to infection and thinning. In case of aging, the person mostly experiences a mild form of periorbital edema which is treatable with few medications and care.

Treatment for Acute Periorbital Edema

Treatment for Acute Periorbital Edema

Treatment for acute periorbital edema include the following methods.

  • To treat the emergency conditions, adrenaline is considered to be quite effective which allows the patient breathe with ease
  • To cut down the allergic reaction caused due to drugs, anti-histamines are recommended
  • Reducing salt intake, when a diet high in sodium is the cause of periorbital edema. When it is changed to a low-salt form this problem can be controlled effectively
  • Other treatment for acute periorbital edema include cold compressions, which are also one of the popular effective home remedies.
  • Acute periorbital edema can be problematic when treatments are improper or delayed but with the use of topical or oral administration of corticosteroids, pain in swelling can be reduced significantly.

Treatment for acute periorbital edema surgically is imminent in case of some serious infections which requires flushing out fluids from the body. But proper care needs to be taken to administer antibiotics so that secondary bacterial infections can be reduced. Acute periorbital edema treatment also includes some home remedies like using cucumber which pacifies the area round the eye thus causing the swelling to be reduced.

Intake of foods which reduce inflammation and swelling is also recommended by doctors but that purely depends upon the suitability of food. Swelling around eye can also be lifestyle-style related disease which can be dealt with easily by adopting healthy habits that has long-lasting effects in improving overall health of the person as well. This includes reducing excessive strain from eyes by cutting down on time spent on watching movies, reading and falling asleep during odd hours. Treatment of acute periorbital edema also includes following a healthy lifestyle and having a nutritious diet.

Nutritious food rich in fiber and vitamin C is essential to keep your digestive tract in good health that makes your body healthier by improving immunity as well. Various diuretics are also used as treatment for acute periorbital edema, which helps in managing periorbital edema. But these medications should be taken only after consultation with your doctors so that no side effects are experienced.

Surgical options as treatment for acute periorbital edema may also be considered, if appropriate. These include brain surgery, testicular transposition, Charles procedure and Thompson’s procedure which is considered to be quite effective in correcting the lymph system of the body.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 24, 2023

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