Glaucoma is one of the most common types of blindness stands next to cataract characterized by nerve damage in the optic resulting in irreversible blindness. The first and most usual form of glaucoma is known as open-angle glaucoma with less incidence rate characterized by slow development overtimes and no pain associated. The loss vision begins at the edges of the eyes and progress to central vision. Treatment is possible if it is diagnosed earlier. The second form of glaucoma is known as closed-angle characterized by sudden loss of vision. Severe pain, dizziness, nausea, fuzzy images, irritation, changes in color i.e., reddishness, and dilated pupil are some of the threatening symptoms of closed-angle glaucoma. If the disorder occurs in individuals, typically treatment is required for the rest of your life.
How Can You Avoid Getting Glaucoma?
Scientific experiments have shown that a drop in the pressure of intraocular pressure would ultimately result in favor of glaucoma patients. In several studies, a hypothesis is made as glaucoma is 24-hour disease and the deleterious impact of intraocular pressure continues sustains in high-level. The study is reasonable if control of the intraocular pressure through the 24-hour period, the rate of loss of vision can be decreased. This may possibly minimize the current management system which involves surgery and laser treatment.
On the other hand, it is impossible to avoid or prevent glaucoma. The risk factors include age, race, genes and family history of the condition, certain medication i.e., prolong use of eye drops, deficiency in hormones, certain disease conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and anemia. Only self-care and management can help to reduce the disease if diagnosed at the early stage.
Regular eye examination annually can help to diagnose the early symptoms of glaucoma. Every four years if the age is below 40 and once in a couple of year for people who above 60 years. The risk of glaucoma is higher in people above 60 years and hence care is necessary to limit the vision loss.
Studies have shown that regular exercise, yoga and meditation are effective in reducing the high intraocular pressure and slow the progress of vision loss. Frequent screening is essential in high-risk condition i.e. individuals with family history. Ophthalmologist expert advice is must for taking medicine eye drops, which can significantly decrease the intraocular pressure. The care is must and regularly followed even if no signs or symptoms in the individuals with hereditary glitches. Occupation and sports also can lead to glaucoma and precautions are necessary.
Glaucoma can also affect the infants and children by damaging the optic nerves. It may progress in the infants during the first year or may be present right from birth.
Accumulation of pigment in the iris may also block the vision. This condition is known as pigmented glaucoma and the cause is unknown. Pigment clog in the trabecular meshwork cause high level of intraocular pressure. It is common in both the gender appear at the age of 20s or 30s. Atherosclerosis can also cause normal tension glaucoma as it causes low blood supply.
Eating healthy organic food can stop the disease from deleterious effect. Vitamins and minerals in the diet, green leaves, and fish oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids are important for eye function. Literature proved open-angled glaucoma can be preventable if appropriate exercise is followed regularly. Caffeine and certain alcoholic beverages increase the blood and eye pressure. Moderate intake at regular time period may also elevate the pressure at a high level. Sleep with no deficiency is the healthy habit for eyes can heal the problems associated with eyes pressure. Sleep with head elevated position (20 degrees) may prevent the intraocular pressure.
Treatment for Glaucoma
Beta-blockers, prostaglandins, alpha-adrenergic agonists, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, and miotic or cholinergic agents are some of the effective drugs for glaucoma available in the form of eye drops and oral drugs. Other treatment options include laser therapy (trabeculoplasty) and various surgical procedures like electrocautery may reduce intraocular pressure.
- American Academy of Ophthalmology: “What Is Glaucoma?” Source: Comprehensive information on glaucoma, its types, risk factors, and treatment, provided by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
- Glaucoma Research Foundation: “Can Glaucoma Be Prevented?” Source: A reliable source discussing glaucoma prevention strategies, regular eye exams, and risk factors from the Glaucoma Research Foundation.
- National Eye Institute: “Facts About Glaucoma.” Source: Information from the National Eye Institute covering facts about glaucoma, its risk factors, and available treatments.
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