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Best Exercises & Activities For Acoustic Neuroma

Acoustic neuroma grows in internal acoustic meatus and cerebellopontine angle which can often lead to compression of other cranial nerve or vascular structures[1]. Although treatment of the condition is absolutely necessary there are few other things that the patients can do to improve their quality of life.

Best Exercises & Activities For Acoustic Neuroma

Morning walk and exercise in the evening can increase the flow of blood in the whole body including the brain. It ensures a better supply of blood to the ongoing ischemic areas. Laughter is also thought to be associated with similar mechanism although it has not been proven in cases of acoustic neuroma.

Acoustic neuroma can also be associated with nausea and vomiting. the plenty amount of fluids to keep the dehydration in check. Oral rehydration salts can also be used for the same purpose. Also, plenty amount of fluids ensures the excretion capacity of the kidney which will prevent the patient from going into renal failure.

The common symptom associated with an acoustic neuroma is unilateral hearing loss which can vary between partial and complete hearing loss. It becomes difficult for a person to listen to a sound from one ear when the direction and intensity of sound are not detected well. So the patient has to practice listening to the sound from one ear and to detect it efficiently enough for leading a normal life. It could be done with the help of a ticking clock in the home itself and concentrating on the sound. It is not a difficult thing to do and the patient can start living a normal life in just a few days.

In cases of bilateral hearing loss due to tumors, the patient needs to develop other sensations more prominently to slightly cope with the disability. Patients are told to stand and walk naked feet in the home and other clean places by which they can practice recognizing the vibrations of sound from the floor. Sign language becomes a must to the patients of bilateral hearing loss with the help of which they can understand other person’s thoughts.

Tinnitus is another commonly encountered symptom among acoustic neuroma patients. It is a ringing or buzzing sound heard continuously in the ear which can be unilateral or bilateral[2]. It can be very annoying and distressing to a patient when something keeps sounding in the ear every time. The patient becomes restless and irritable. It also increases another rage and angry attitude which could be dangerous for other people.

Its management can be done in the home itself by performing simple activities. Meditation and yoga should be practiced in the morning to develop more patience. Also, it helps to develop ignorance to the sound which will help in coping with the symptoms and improves quality of life. It improves blood flow to the brain and reduces the bouts of headache. Continuously engaging yourself in some work will help to reduce the irritability.

Which Activities Are Best To Avoid?

Few activities like swimming, bathing in a tub full of water, washing ears with water, noisy surroundings, working in factories, etc. should be avoided. It is because these activities can lead to an increase in the symptoms of acoustic neuroma as well as may develop perforation of the tympanic membrane in some cases. The chances of spreading the infection from the middle ear to the brain are high because of the presence of only very thin bony plate separation between the cranial fossa and roof of the middle ear.


The beneficial activities for the relief from the symptoms of acoustic neuroma are generally psychological enhancement and behavioral therapies along with meditation. As the famous idiom says it is better to do nothing than to do harm, it is more important to avoid the harmful activities which can lead to an increase in the symptoms and suffering of the patient.

The last but not the least thing to do is to stay happy because this tumor is not so dangerous in most the cases and treatment is possible and also quite effective.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 24, 2019

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