HomeGERD & Heartburn Health Center

GERD & Heartburn Health Center

Can Almonds Give You Heartburn?

The occurrence of acid reflux is due to improper functioning of lower esophagus sphincter. Located at the opening of the stomach, the sphincter acts...

Is Chocolate Good for Acid Reflux?

Researchers are unable to find the correct connection between certain foods, such as a bar of chocolate, and its effect on acid reflux. However,...

What Tests are Used to Diagnose GERD?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD as commonly known is a condition that occurs in the stomach. The occurrence is because the acids produced during...

Can Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD be Cured?

GERD is the acronym for a chronic Gastroesophageal reflux disease that takes place whenever the stomach contents (acids) flows in the backward direction to...

Do Cooked Onions Cause Acid Reflux?

The uncomfortable nature that you feel in the chest or the sensation of heartburn is due to acid reflux. The reason for this could...

Can Nuts Give You Acid Reflux?

Nuts are technically fruits but unlike other fruits they are not sweet and are high in fat. They have a satisfying taste and are...

Can Spinach Give You Acid Reflux?

Green vegetables have always been a great addition to a diet plan. Spinach is a very prominent example of such a leafy green vegetable....

Can You Get Diarrhea From Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is an illness where the acids produced in the stomach come back into the esophagus. Ordinary people know it as heartburn. However,...

What Can Ease Severe Heartburn

Heartburn could be the result of acid reflux or any other prevailing stomach condition. Regardless of the nature of the occurrence, curing it is...

What Foods Should You Avoid If You Have GERD?

GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease is an illness that occurs to everyone at any time. The reason is due to the fluctuating acids...
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