What Not to Eat with GERD?

Whatever we eat it goes from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. However, for people who have GERD things become very painful for them. There are food items that may cause adverse effect on the valve of the esophagus and letting the acid reflux produced in stomach to move in the esophagus region through lower esophagus sphincter. Majorly this problem does not have any permanent treatment like any other disease; the only way to treat this problem is by avoiding the painful symptoms. Intake of right type of food can actually help in treating the GERD symptoms.

What Not to Eat with GERD?

What Not To Eat With GERD?

Let us take a look at some of the food items that we should be avoiding from when suffering from GERD:


Stop eating tomatoes when you have GERD. Tomatoes are packed with citric and malic acid, both these acid trigger secretion of more gastric acid in the stomach. Intake of tomatoes in any form like soup, juice or simply in raw form can trigger GERD. When the amount of gastric acid increases in the stomach, then it starts to move in the esophagus through lower esophagus sphincter. Some people believe that cooking tomatoes reduces the acid content but this is not true. Cooked tomatoes also produces equal amount of gastric acid like the raw one.

Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruit is not good for you when you have GERD. Research has revealed that reducing the intake of dietary acid actually helps in getting rid from the symptoms such as hoarseness and coughing. People who are highly prone to the problem of acid reflux should strictly avoid or limit the intake of citrus fruits. Fruits like lemon with pH value 2 are considered worst for GERD.


Onions are also bad for you when you have GERD. Intake of onions directly affects the opening and closing of lower esophageal sphincter. Doctors say that eating onions slows down the time and the pressure by which the opening of lower esophageal sphincter closes. This ultimately leads to heartburn, cooking onions also does not have any positive effect on reducing its acidic content.

Aerated Drinks

When you have GERD then it is better to stop having aerated drinks. These are one of the chief sources that lead to acid reflux. Gas released from aerated drinks increases the gastric pressure. Bubbles produced in aerated drinks moves to the stomach and starts stretching it, this way pressure is applied on the lower esophageal sphincter and it opens. Other than aerated drinks, caffeinated drinks also produce a lot of acid in the stomach.


Drinking alcohol not only relaxes the mood and body of an individual, instead it also relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. This slows down the process of lower esophageal sphincter valve closing leading to terrible GERD. People who are highly addicted to drinking should at least avoid carbonated drinks like champagne and beer.

Spicy Food Items

This does not have any effect on the opening and closing of the esophagus valve but too much spice in the food irritates the esophagus. This ultimately contributes in triggering GERD.


Experts still have disputed argument on the fact that whether the caffeine content in the chocolate can trigger GERD symptoms or not? Experts say that eating chocolate releases serotonin from the intestine, which relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. Fat content in the chocolate does not play any role in triggering the GERD symptoms.


Although peppermint helps in preventing indigestion but for people who suffer from GERD, this leads to heartburn. Menthol present in peppermint relaxes the LES muscle. Hence, instead of slipping peppermint tea it is always a healthy option to opt for ginger tea.

People suffering from gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) should strictly avoid all the above mentioned food items.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 30, 2017

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