Does Inositol Help With Hair Loss & How Can You Increase the Level of Inositol?

Inositol is a kind of vitamin B8 which is very effective to treat hair loss. Inositol is a very essential nutrient that helps our brain to do its function in a good manner and as such promotes healthy hair. Inositol is generally found in phytate which is a kind of salt that is generally taken in along with our diet. In many research studies, it was found that inositol does help with hair loss. Let us understand this in detail.

Does Inositol Help with Hair Loss?

Does Inositol Help with Hair Loss?

Inositol is very essential for preventing hair loss as well as for promoting hair growth. That is the reason why inositol is important for everyone and particularly for those experiencing hair loss. So how does inositol help with hair loss? Here, we try to understand the various types of inositol and the mechanism of hair loss.

There are various forms of inositol and these are Myo-inositol, Muco-inositol, Scyllo-inositol, D-Chiro inositol (DCI), Neo-inositol, L-Chiro inositol (LCI), Allo-inositol, Cis-inositol, Epi-inositol, etc. All these forms of inositol have many benefits and one of the most important benefits is preventing hair loss and promotion of hair growth. One of the main reasons of hair fall is due to dryness of hair. Due to excessive dryness, the hair becomes hard and as the hair losses the capacity of being moisturized, the hair can break and fall down.

However, inositol has the ability to moisturize the hair and nourish it with the essential vitamin. It can also strengthen each follicle of the hair. This helps in preventing the hair from breakage of hair. This is the main way in which inositol helps with hair loss. Thus, if you want to prevent hair loss and save yourself from baldness, it is must to increase the level of inositol in your body.

How Can You Increase the Level of Inositol?

Inositol does help with hair loss but the supplementation must be done wisely. There are two ways by which you can take inositol – by consuming inositol rich foods and by taking inositol supplement. There are many foods that are rich in inositol, for example, beans, citrus fruits, cantaloupe, whole grain bread, beef, pork, fish, poultry, brown rice, whole grain bread, nuts, green leafy vegetables, beans, etc. Apart from this, there are some other products that can boost your inositol level such as vitamins, shampoos, conditioner, dry sprays, hair oils, shea butter formulas, scalp elixirs, etc.

However, it is better to use the natural inositol instead of going for the artificial inositol products. In case you want to take inositol as a supplement there are various forms of inositol available in the form of powder, capsules, tablets, etc. Some of the common supplements of inositol that are available in the market are inositol powder, solgar choline, natural inositol tablets, etc. You can discuss the best suited inositol supplement and your requirement with your physician.

Generally, inositol supplements are taken in the morning or night mainly on an empty stomach. However, some type of inositol supplements can also be taken after having your meals. In case you are using powder form of inositol supplement, you can mix it in the morning smoothie. It is noted that the powder supplement of inositol has a huge benefit for hair growth. If you are having huge hair loss, it is recommended to take 400 mg to 2000 mg of inositol daily.


Thus, it is observed that inositol is very beneficial for preventing hair loss. That is the reason why it is very important to enhance the level of inositol in your body. In order to boost the intake of inositol, you also increase the intake of the foods rich in inositol. However, there are some side effects of taking inositol supplement such as having stomach upset, headache, dizziness, etc. There is no recommended daily intake of inositol but it is mostly seen that doctors usually prescribe 2 g to 4 g of inositol intake to prevent hair loss. It is true that inositol helps with hair loss. So, to be on safer side, if you have hair loss and wish to take inositol supplements for hair growth, you can consult your physician and find the best suited dose.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 9, 2020

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