Can MRSA Go Away On Its Own?

MRSA is an acronym used for methyl resistant staphylococcus bacteria. The staphylococcus bacteria are commonly known by the name staph bacteria. There are many varieties of staph bacteria. The one that has become resistant to methicillin antibiotics is known as MRSA. It has also become resistant to many other common antibiotics. This makes it very difficult to treat the infection. Such infections can spread deep into the body sometimes creating serious, life threatening conditions.

Can MRSA Go Away On Its Own?

Can MRSA Go Away On Its Own?

MRSA may go away on its own in some cases. However, most times, antibiotics are required to treat the infection. MRSA has become resistant to many types of antibiotics. But there are some antibiotics that still work on this infection. The only precaution to be taken is to complete the dose of the antibiotics as per instructions given by your doctor, it is important not to miss even a single dose, as a missed dose would mean that the bacteria that are remaining may get resistant to that particular antibiotic. If you miss even a single dose, it is essential to inform your doctor about the same.

Complications Of MRSA

MRSA has become resistant to methicillin antibiotics, and to many other common antibiotics. Hence, they are very difficult to treat. This gives a scope to the infection to spread deep in the body. Such infections can sometimes become quite serious and life threatening. MRSA infection can affect your heart, lungs, bones, joints and infect your blood circulation.

Signs And Symptoms Of MRSA

  • Most of the infections caused by the staphylococcus bacteria usually begin with red bumps on the skin, that look like pimples
  • These bumps may be swollen and extremely painful
  • The affected area may feel warm to touch
  • The affected region may also be filled with pus or other such fluid
  • There may also be fever along with these signs and symptoms
  • These small skin infections can very rapidly convert into major skin conditions like abscesses
  • These abscesses can be very deep and extremely painful. These may also be needed to drain surgically
  • The bacteria may stay restricted up to the skin. However, many times these may go deep down in the body and cause more life threatening infections in other parts of the body like blood circulation, wounds, joints, bones and organs like heart and lungs
  • It is important to keep a watch on small skin infections, cuts, scrapes or wounds
  • If you feel that the wound is not healing properly, or there is a development of pus or other fluid in the wound, or if there is fever present as well, it is important to seek medical help immediately
  • This is to be observed particularly in small children, as they come more into contact with their friends and other people at school, playgrounds etc.

Causes Of MRSA

  • There is a wide variety of staphylococcus bacteria. These bacteria is very commonly known as staph bacteria
  • An unwise use of antibiotics for years and years has led to the development of MRSA
  • Doctors prescribed unnecessary antibiotics for various viral diseases like flu, colds etc. which don’t even respond to these drugs
  • Such an unobservant, unnecessary and random use of antibiotics has led to a development of many drug-resistant strains of bacteria
  • Even if these antibiotics are used wisely or appropriately, these drugs cannot kill each bacterium causing the infection. Some of them remain unaffected.

Bacteria are evolving very rapidly and constantly. Those who do not get affected by these drugs or survive, very quickly learn and understand how to resist other antibiotics

This leads to a development of antibiotics-resistant strains of bacteria

MRSA may go away on its own. Many times, people may be carriers of MRSA, but they do not exhibit symptoms. However, most times antibiotics are needed to manage MRSA. MRSA may stay inactive for many years and then suddenly activate later.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 2, 2019

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