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Importance of Maintaining Healthy Weight for Artificial Knee & Ways to Achieve it?

While knee replacement is commonly opted by knee patients, weight gain is a common problem faced by many. However, weight plays an important role in improving healing and performance of the artificial knee. It is important to know why maintaining healthy weight is important for artificial knee and ways to do so.

Importance of Maintaining Healthy Weight for Artificial Knee

Importance of Maintaining Healthy Weight for Artificial Knee

For individuals who have undergone artificial knee replacement, it is essential to maintain healthy weight. Too much of weight can affect the results of surgery and might also be harmful for the artificial knee.

Artificial knee is basically preferred by those who have suffered from arthritis or similar problem in the knee joint. In such cases, the previous joint is damaged, which is replaced by the artificial knee. Knee joint, being a weight bearing joint has to sustain great pressure during various activities. If healthy weight is not maintained, it can put more pressure on the artificial knee and can cause early damage to it. As the artificial knee is a prosthesis, it can withstand only certain amount of pressure, so lesser the body weight, better is the performance of the artificial knee. Hence, maintaining healthy weight is important for artificial knee

It has been found that patients maintaining appropriate weight after surgery, often have positive outcome as compared to those who are overweight. They are able to lead a better and active life, and are able to achieve maximum benefits from the surgery.

Gaining weight is quite common in people who have just undergone surgery, more so, as the activity levels are less during the recovery period. During this period, there are greater chances of gaining weight, which is again harmful for the artificial knee. Maintaining healthy weight is important for artificial knee, not only for its function but also to promote better healing. Hence, it is advisable to be proactive and take necessary steps for maintaining healthy weight for artificial knee.

Ways to Achieve Healthy Weight for Artificial Knee

While weight gain after surgery is common, various tips or measures can be taken for maintaining healthy weight for artificial knee. Here are some measures that can be adopted for a healthy weight after surgery of artificial knee.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is important for maintaining healthy weight for artificial knee. Doctors often advise physical therapy and movement exercises early after the surgery for various benefits. Even after the recovery period, it is important that people with artificial knee continue performing regular exercises for maintaining healthy weight.

Depending on the health condition, one can choose walking, cycling, swimming, etc. Water exercises or aqua aerobics can be of great help in maintaining healthy weight for artificial knee as it causes no pain and reduces risk of injury. Apart from burning calories, regular exercises and physical activities can help elevate mood and keep stress at bay.

Eat Right

Along with exercise, it is necessary to follow a healthy eating plan. A healthy diet should include all nutrients that promote healing, build strong muscles and provide energy. As maintaining healthy weight is important for artificial knee, it is necessary to choose healthy foods that provide nutrition but do not increase weight. Keeping calorie intake under control is essential for maintaining healthy weight. Fad diets do not help much and can cause more harm, hence are best avoided.

Opt for healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean meat, fatty fish and low fat dairy. Avoiding junk, processed, refined and sweetened food can help in maintaining healthy weight for artificial knee. Avoid alcohol as it contains lot of calories and can add to the bodyweight. Plenty of water is one of the most essential things which should be included for digestion benefits and for maintaining healthy weight.

It is a good idea to get in touch with dietician or nutritionist and seek their help for planning a diet plan.

Check Weight

Gaining weight is quite an easy thing; however shedding off some weight can take weeks, months and even years. For maintaining healthy weight it is important to keep a check on the weight, once in a week and make necessary changes, if required.


Problems of the knee and weight gain often go hand in hand as knee problems cause difficulty in exercise or physical activity, which is necessary to have an ideal weight. Maintaining healthy weight is important for artificial knee, so as to improve its healing and function. It can also help to reduce pressure on the artificial knee and allow it to perform well for a longer period. Following a healthy diet plan, choosing right foods and exercising regularly can help in maintaining healthy weight for artificial knee.


  1. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: “Total Knee Replacement”: https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/treatment/total-knee-replacement
  2. Mayo Clinic: “Artificial knee joint”: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/knee-replacement/about/pac-20385276

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 24, 2023

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