Weight gain in some people is considered as a natural process rather than disease. It is natural and normal to gain body weight during pregnancy in women and during growing years in children. Unfortunately, gaining weight for no reason or unintended weight gain may be a cause of concern. Consuming more calories than your body can use may lead to weight gain for no reason. Moreover, when people reach their older or middle ages, their weight starts increasing naturally and it is a common symptom of slower metabolism. It is necessary to know the causes and symptoms of gaining weight for no reason.
While slow metabolism, diet and lifestyle factors are commonly involved, gaining body weight for no reason can also be a symptom of other underlying medical problems. Causes of weight gain can be related to medical condition of the
- Neurologic system.
- Urinary system.
- Cardiac system.
- Endocrine system.
- Respiratory system.
Gaining weight rapidly with no reason can also be a symptom of dangerous fluid retention by body due to kidney and heart disease. Apart from health ailments, there are certain drugs that are responsible for increasing body weight for no reason like:
- Lithium.
- Corticosteroids.
- Antidepressants.
- Tranquilizers.
- Phenothiazines.
- Medicines that increase fluid retention.
Symptoms of Weight Gain for No Reason
Rapid weight gain for no reason accompanies some of the other symptoms depending on the cause and the underlying conditions. Some of the common symptoms of gaining weight for no reason include
- Constipation.
- Abnormal menstrual cycle.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Malaise or lethargy.
- Fatigue.
- Abnormal hair development or hair loss.
- Swelling in face, extremities or abdomen.
- Shortness of breath.
- Changes in vision.
- Temperature sensitivity.
Red Flag Symptoms of Gaining Weight for No Reason
In some cases, gaining weight for no reason may also be a symptom of some life threatening condition that needs immediate medical attention. You need to seek medical help immediately if you notice abnormal increase in body’s weight as it may be a symptom of life threatening ailment.
Some of the alarming symptoms of gaining weight for no reason include:
- Rapid swelling in arms, legs, face, abdomen, ankles, or feet.
- Diminished or absent pulses.
- Rapid heart rate.
- Seizure.
- Rapid weight gain.
- Shortness of breath.
- Serious headache.
- Changes in vision or sudden loss of vision.
Causes of Gaining Weight for No Reason
Gaining weight for no reason can also be a natural result of irregularity in hormonal process, like pregnancy or menstrual cycle. However, most of the cases of gaining weight for no reason are caused due to excessive intake of calories than your body can use them. There are certain medicines that are also responsible for increasing abnormal weight. Gaining weight for no reason can also be the symptom of several medical conditions.
Digestive Cause of Gaining Weight for No Reason
- Liver disease or liver failure.
- Pancreatic islet cell tumor.
Endocrine or Hormonal Causes of Weight Gain
- Diabetes.
- Excessive hormone growth in adults.
- Excessive cortisol production in body.
- Autoimmune thyroid disease.
- Underactive pituitary gland.
- Underactive thyroid gland.
- Growth hormone deficiency.
- Pituitary tumor.
- Pregnancy.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome.
- Amenorrhea, menstrual cycle effects and premenstrual syndrome.
Medications that Cause Weight Gain for no Reason
- Contraceptive or birth control pills.
- Anti-seizure drugs.
- Corticosteroids.
- Antidepressant.
- Lithium.
- Hypoglycemic agent for type 2 Diabetes.
- Tranquilizers.
Urinary Causes of Gaining Weight for No Reason
- Kidney Diseases.
- Kidney Diseases that result in edema or swelling.
Psychological Causes of Gaining Weight for No Reason
- Eating disorders.
- Extreme psychological stress or anxiety.
- Smoking cessation.
- Overeating.
Life-threatening Causes of Gaining Weight for No Reason
In some cases, gaining weight for no reason can be symptom of some serious life threatening diseases, which need to be attended immediately. Some of these diseases include:
- Heart Failure.
- Kidney Failure.
- Growth Hormone Deficiency.
- Liver Failure.
If your parents are obese, then you are more likely to put on weight too. This is another common cause of gaining weight for no reason.
Irrespective of causes, gaining weight for no reason can be unhealthy and dangerous for people. Since gaining weight for no reason can be due to some serious ailment, it is necessary to seek medical attention to prevent complications. Gaining excessive weight for no reason can increase the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, osteoarthritis and other health problems. It is necessary to seek medical opinion to identify the underlying causes, so that they can advise a treatment plan based on the reports of the tests.
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