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Cognitive Health Benefits of Wordle Game Obsession

“Wordle” is a new viral word game that has been attracting everyone towards it. It is a word game where you get six chances to try and guess a five-letter word, and believe it, the game is amazingly interesting. Yes, it’s for real. There are even many people who are obsessed with the game. Are you one amongst them who cannot think of a day without solving this amazing word puzzle game? If yes, then it is something good to know that you are having a healthy habit. Yes, the Wordle game comes with some health benefits for the human mind. Do you want to know more about it? If yes, then read below and discover by yourself, “how is your wordle obsession a healthy benefit for you?”

The “Wordle” Word Game: An Overview

Wordle is a vocabulary-expanding free online word game that has six empty rows of five blocks. You need to guess the hidden five-letter word in six turns. For each turn, you should guess what could be the five-letter word that would fill the blocks. If you guessed the correct letter and its placement, then the letter turns green, and if the letter turns yellow, it means the letter is correct but the placement is wrong. The gray color tells about the incorrect letters. This game provides you with one new word every single day.

How Is Your Wordle Obsession A Healthy Benefit For You?

Wordle Is Great For Your Cognitive Health

Wordle game when played regularly gives the brain a regular workout. It works like a wonder for your cognitive health. A study has found that adults above 50 years of age who played word puzzles, at least once every day did better on tasks that involved reasoning, memory, and attention, than those who didn’t.(1)

There is one more study from the University of Exeter Medical School, conducted by Helen Brooker, a senior research fellow. It included data from more than 19,000 mentally healthy people in the age group between 50 to 93 years old who enrolled in an online study. The study participants took cognitive tests that assessed several factors, such as information processing, and focused attention. Working memory, and episodic memory. But before that, the participants were asked to inform how often they solved word puzzles. It was found that those who were engaged with word puzzles regularly or more often once a day, performed great in the cognitive test.

However, those who never played word puzzles performed the worst.(2)

So, Wordle being a promising word puzzle game trending in the year 2022, can help you boost your cognitive health.

“Wordle” Boosts Your Mental Health Too!

Wordle can also enhance your mental health. It can help people who are feeling down. It can also help in reducing the risk of anxiety, loneliness, and also depression by reducing stress and improving mood.

Final Words:

It can be said that it is good to make a daily habit of playing the Wordle game, as the more often you play, the better it is for your mental health. Howeever, to get better results the puzzle should be challenging. Thus, keep increasing the difficulty level as you progress with the game.

If you haven’t tried playing Wordle game yet, you should try it once. Not just because it is interesting, but also because it has some great health benefits. If you are already obsessed with it, then it is for your betterment. Keep going!


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 5, 2022

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