The Stress – Fear Vicious Cycle
Stress often creates an illusion in the minds of those who are stressed. This illusion mostly causes an individual to see the relative reality of life vaguely. Perceiving the relative reality vaguely denotes ignorance of an individual in a relative context. Seeing the relative reality vaguely implies that the individual is not able to clearly connect ideas that relate to each other relevantly, meaningfully & purposefully within their brain in order to achieve a specific goal.
Often than not, those people who are not able to connect with the right ideas are often disconnected in the brain with a lot many things of the world outside them. They cannot comprehend the ideas, people, events & things that take place out of their brain. This incomprehension of ideas usually leads the individual to a lot of anxious moments or rather anxiety which collectively leads to negative thoughts in the form of worry. The effect & impact of worry is tension. As worry increases, tension increases. A tense mind cannot relax at ease with peace without worry. Tension leads to pressure of fulfilling unfulfilled expectations and also impacts health negatively.
This sudden surge of tension in the human brain destroys an individual’s ability to think rationally & logically which increase the pressure of fulfilling unfulfilled expectations. Usually, an individual who has a lot of tension within him tends to believe other people’s expectations as the benchmark for measuring their own performance. This sort of perceiving other people’s expectations critically causes immense pressure of performing according to other people’s expectations. Each & every individual is unique. Every unique individual has unique standards by which they measure their performance. However, most individuals do not realize that they are unique or they just don’t accept that they are unique which is why they do not realize their uniqueness. Absolutely, it is invalid for the individual to perform according to other people’s standards as it creates unnecessary burden on the individual’s mind.
Unnecessarily, burden only creates fear. The nature of fear is to create stress naturally. Thus, therefore stress creates fear & fear further leads to stress thereby creating a vicious never-ending cycle. The effect that this vicious cycle has on the brain is that it creates chemical imbalances within the brain.
The Stress – Fear – Anger Vicious Cycle
Burden only leads to a lot of pent up anger in the form of feelings of resentments, regrets, revenge & rejections in the human mind.
Regrets are usually related to things that an individual didn’t complete, didn’t achieve in life & missed out experiencing them in life.
Resentments are usually those where an individual feel that a certain thing should not take place in a certain manner & the individual questions the existence of that certain idea, person, event or thing.
Revenge is the rejection/unacceptance of a certain event done by another individual to the individual.
Rejections are usually termed as those, in the context of a unique individual, wherein other individuals reject the uniqueness & individuality of an individual. Thereafter, the individual starts to reciprocate by illusorily rejecting other individuals or rejecting themselves or rejecting other individuals & their own self simultaneously. According to scientific studies done by scientist, the human brain treats rejection just like physical pain.
Practically, anger can be a boon or a bane depending on how the individual uses their anger objectively & subjectively. As the human body is built in with energy, it is very natural that the human body emits heat waves. These heat waves are almost alike electricity. All heat waves are energy. The human body has electricity in it. With the sudden surge of either feelings of shock or regret or resentment or revenge, the individual starts to feel the heat waves that start to reach the hypothalamus in the human brain which stops working to its natural rhythm due to the excess heat which it cannot direct for meaningful purposeful objectives with ease. Excess heat to the brain causes it to behave erratically while the brains primary function stops to work which is to ponder over the ideas, people, events & things it sees, hears, smells, listens to & physically touches.
Any pent up anger not released within an adequate frame of time builds up the level of burden on the human brain which further leads to even more fear & therefore excessive amount of stress. Excessive amount of pent up anger often destabilizes the brain & explodes in ways that are not aligned for natural harmony of an individual.
The Effect Of Love On The Human Brain
If & when the human brain releases all the pent up anger, it naturally leads to the release of a specific fear that is suppressed inside it. The release of anger & fear invites the growth of love & love chemicals within the brain. After releasing the anger & fear out of the brain, the brain starts to soothe & relax at ease peacefully. This relaxation process increases the blood flow to the brain’s pleasure center which is called as the ‘nucleus accumbens’. This process of relaxation also leads to a balance in the amount of feel good chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin & oxytocin in the brain which activates the mood fully & completely.
When a person feels high, he/she obviously feel love for one’s own self. This is the time when the brain is more receptive to all the signals it receives from the senses. The pleasure center of the brain lights up as & when a person feels high thereby allowing itself to be at ease & peace with perceiving the reality of the world outside. Thereafter, the human brain is able to process & interpret information & visuals with much speed & accuracy peacefully. It also is able to focus quite steadily with force, stamina & energy.
Oxytocin, the love-hate hormone when present in a balanced measure within the brain, is generally known to be the chemical for creating the feelings of well-being & security while a sudden surge in serotonin leads a person to diseases such as schizophrenia & obsessive compulsive disorders. Dopamine is known to create feelings of euphoria in the human brain which is usually higher prevalent when a person is in love during which other chemicals such as adrenaline make the heart race faster. Chemicals such as norepinephrine make the palms sweat when a person is feeling high or in love.
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