Persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) or complicated grief disorder takes over the person’s mind as a form of grief and does not let go.
For some people, the loss of loved one may be debilitating as there are no improvements seen as the days pass by. This is a disorder called persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. In this disorder, the painful feelings are severe and enduring that the person experiencing as such will have difficulty tolerating the loss and cannot visualize his or her life without the deceased ones.
In this article we will look into the different modalities of treatment, how to cope, recovery time and the yoga poses for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder
Treatment for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
Your psychological health provider will figure out what type of treatment works best for you for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder as soon as they find out your particular circumstances, signs and symptoms.
Psychotherapy for Treating Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
Persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder therapy is a kind of psychological counseling. It has similar to psychotherapy methods used for the (PSTD) post-traumatic stress disorder. There are also other counseling methods also, which might be effective.
You may explore the following during the talk therapy or psychotherapy for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder:
- Explore the mechanism of persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder symptoms, grief reactions, and adjustments to your loss.
- Redefining the purpose and goals of your life.
- Can control the imagined conversations with the deceased person.
- Retell the death circumstances to help you moved on from the anxious feelings through thoughts and images.
- Psychotherapy will help in improving your skills for coping.
- The psychotherapy counselor will help you in the process of eliminating the guilt feelings.
Medications for Treating Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
Very little research is going on in order to treat persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder with medications. But, antidepressant medicines are useful in people who experience persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder and clinical depression.
Coping Tips for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
Even though it is important to retain the services of a professional treatment designed for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder, you may use these below steps to cope with persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder:
- Exercise regularly to cope with persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. Physical exercise relieves depression, anxiety, and stress can redirect your thoughts at hand.
- Follow your treatment plans. Attend appointments as scheduled. If required, take medicines as prescribed.
- Take care of yourself. Have a better and healthy diet, get enough rest, and spare your time for more relaxation. Do not turn to illegal drugs or alcohol for relief because they will not help in long term.
- Seek help to faith community. Moral matters a lot. If you follow your religious traditions or good practices, you will be able to gain guidance and comfort from rituals.
- Socialize. Speak and stay connected to the people you enjoy talking to. They are the best persons since they can offer you great support.
- Follow stress management techniques to cope with persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. Unmanaged stress may lead to overeating, depression, or other unhealthy behaviors and thoughts. By making use of simple stress management techniques you can cope with persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder.
- Advance planning for anniversaries or special dates. Anniversaries, special occasions and holidays can aggravate painful reminders to the person who passed away.
- Search for the new ways to acknowledge or celebrate your dear one that gave you hope and comfort. For example, donating money on the occasion, spending time with people in orphanages, volunteering can provide a lot of comfort you will be able to cope properly with persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder.
- Join support groups to cope with persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. After the loss, you are probably not willing to join an assisting group, but you may find good experiences over time to comfort you. People in the support groups will help you find the meaning of life as they themselves have gone through similar experiences.
- Learn new set of skills in order to cope with persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. This happens only when you were very much dependent on your dear one. Try to master the skills for yourself. Such as cooking and managing finances. Ask your family, relatives, friends or the proper professionals for guidance. Search for community resources and classes.
Recovery Period/Healing Time for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
There is no exact recovery period or healing time for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. For individuals experiencing persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder with preexisting vulnerabilities, like the distress and intense pain can go and the feeling of loss may provoke any psychiatric complications, like the major depression.
Healing time or recovery period from persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder differs in all people. When you follow the prescription made by the doctors, as well as maintaining a diet and healthy lifestyle, the remedial time can be reduced.
Yoga Poses/Asanas for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
Yoga can be very helpful for the patients who are suffering of persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. These are simple poses and solely focusing on restoring your overwhelming emotions for the deceased.
Start your poses/ asanas by quietly sitting for a couple of minutes. You also need to set a dedication and purpose for your practice. It is the best way of giving purposes to your yoga asanas. Conceivably you can dedicate or devote it to the person who passed away, or a person who have been struggling.
For about 30 seconds to 1 minute or for five breathes, remain in each pose. As you go, slowly changing to the asanas will modify your intentions. Upon finishing the last position, shavasana or the corpse pose spare a little time to notice any changes or shifts in your energy or mood.
Balasana or the Child’s Pose for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
As you perform in the balasana or the child’s pose for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder, try setting your forehead on the floor and stay for five breaths. Observe your lungs to quietly contract and expand. Each yoga pose changes the way you think and feel and make you come out of different mental disorders.
Sphinx Pose for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
Under the shoulders, bring your elbows and press them into the mat as you do sphinx pose for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. You have to think that you can push your heart by forwarding it towards your hands as shown in the image. Towards your heels, press your tailbone and tighten your leg.
Matsyasana or The Fish Pose for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
Under your buttocks, tuck your hands and press your elbows toward the floor till your neck, head, and shoulders lift upwards as you do matsyasana or the fish pose for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder. Allow your head to dangle back, and try to open the heart and the throat. Trigger your leg muscles by pressing the ball of the foot forward.
Savasana or The Corpse Pose for Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder or Complicated Grief Disorder
Savasana or the corpse pose for persistent complex bereavement disorder or complicated grief disorder is a traditional pose to close to most all the yoga practices. By moving your arms to the sides, relax all throughout. For more relaxation, do not forget to extend your legs. Close your eyes throughout the procedure, relax your jaw, neck, and throat.
Note: While yoga is extremely helpful, you do it only when you are recovered. The most recommended activity is to pay for a yoga class by a qualified person and practice them at home. For your mind and body to relax, take a twenty-minute break prior to starting yoga.
Before starting yoga classes contact your doctor and ask for his or her thoughts regarding your sessions.
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