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How Can You Prevent Metabolic Acidosis?

What is Metabolic Acidosis?

Metabolic Acidosis is a condition that develops when the body has excessive acidic content; meaning that the body is not able to balance the pH scale(1). There are many chemical reactions and processes taking place simultaneously in the body. Some of these reactions and processes produce acids as a byproduct. Generally this acid is neutralized by an equal amount of base present in the body. However, in some cases the base content in the body is not sufficient to neutralize all the acid that is produced.This leads to accumulation of acidic content ultimately causing acidosis.

Metabolic Acidosis develops from the kidneys(1, 2). This happens when the kidneys are not able to filter out all the acidic content from the blood or excessive base is filtered out by the kidneys(2).

Metabolic Acidosis is basically of four types, namely diabetic acidosis, which is seen in diabetics; hyperchloremic acidosis that results due to elimination of excessive sodium bicarbonate; lactic acidosis that occurs when there is excessive buildup of lactic acid in the body; and renal tubular acidosis, which occurs when the kidneys are not able to get rid of excess acids from the body(1, 2).

It is crucial for an individual to be mindful of developing metabolic acidosis; especially if the individual is at risk for this condition. This article gives an overview of some of the ways that Metabolic Acidosis can be prevented.

How Can You Prevent Metabolic Acidosis?

Metabolic Acidosis is a preventable medical condition(1). While there are many ways to prevent this disease Metabolic Acidosis, below highlighted are the most preferred ways:

Hydration to Prevent Metabolic Acidosis(4). Staying hydrated is the best way to maintain a balanced pH scale and prevent Metabolic Acidosis(3, 4). An individual who drinks plenty of water and other fluids like fresh fruit juices has a lesser chance of an increase in the acidic content within the body thus preventing metabolic acidosis(3).

Tight Blood Sugar Control helps Prevent Metabolic Acidosis(4). If an individual is at risk for diabetes or is already a diabetic, then tight control of blood sugars and avoiding sweet is the best way to prevent build-up of acids in the body and preventing metabolic acidosis.

Alcohol Abstinence Beneficial for Preventing Metabolic Acidosis(4). People who abuse alcohol, tend to have increased acid content in the body leading to metabolic acidosis. Thus, it is imperative to either completely abstain from drinking alcohol or doing it in moderation is the key to preventing metabolic acidosis.

What Happens If Metabolic Acidosis Is Not Treated?

If metabolic acidosis is left untreated or the guidelines as directed by the treating physician are not followed, then it may lead to organ dysfunction, breathing difficulties and even kidney failure.

Is There A Cure For Metabolic Acidosis?

Metabolic Acidosis is a treatable disease and most people are completely cured from it provided that they follow strict diet, hydration, alcohol abstinence; and in cases of diabetics, strict control of blood sugar(5).

Getting rid of metabolic acidosis completely also depends on the underlying cause and treatment, although quick identification of the cause and prompt treatment increases the chance of complete cure in most of the cases (5).


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 28, 2019

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