Vaccines play a crucial role in our lives when it comes to protecting us from some of the deadliest illnesses and infections and that is why it has been made mandatory for everyone to be vaccinated against common type of infections and illnesses which if ignored may be extremely harmful for the overall health of people and may even lead to permanent disability.
As is the case with any medications, vaccinations also have a side effect profile, although the risk for some serious allergic reaction to a vaccine is extremely rare. When weighing the risk benefit ratio, the benefits of having a side effect to a vaccination far outweigh the risks of having a disabling disease by not having a vaccination.
Every vaccination before it is given to an individual or a child passes through vigorous tests for safety before it is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and hence the side effect from vaccinations is very mild and lasts only for a few days.
Some of the side effects of the vaccinations given for various diseases include:
Side Effects from Vaccination for Adenovirus:
Some of the side effects of vaccination for Adenovirus are:
- Headaches and an upper respiratory infection seen in about 10% of people when given this vaccine
- 0.5% of people who have had vaccine for adenovirus may complain of stuffy nose, sore throat, and joint pain
- 0.5% of people may complain of abdominal pain, cough along with nausea at times
- Diarrhea and fever occurs in about 0.1% of people who have been given vaccination for adenovirus
The above mentioned symptoms are quite mild and go away within a couple of days; however, there are some serious side effects which may occur in a few people who have vaccination for adenovirus, although it is not clear whether they occur because of the vaccines or due to other reasons. These side effects are:
- Hematuria
- Development of pneumonia post vaccination
- Gastritis in some people
It is important to note here that Adenovirus vaccination is approved only for people in the military in the United States
Side Effects from Vaccination for Anthrax
Anthrax is an extremely serious and life threatening medical condition. This condition came in prevalence during the Gulf War in the 1990s. The vaccination made for Anthrax not only prevents an individual with this condition but also has very few and rare side effects. Some of the side effects of vaccination for Anthrax are:
- Tenderness to the area where the vaccination shot was given
- Redness is noted around the injection site after vaccination in about 0.1% of people
- About 0.5% of people complain about itching at the injection site post vaccination for Anthrax
- Approximately 0.1% of people complain of a small lump at the area of the injection post vaccination while another 0.1% of people complain about bruising at the injection site
- About 0.1% of people complain of muscle aches and pain around the injection site with temporary restriction of range of motion of the arm where the injection was given
- Headaches along with fatigue is noted in about 0.5% of people after vaccination for Anthrax
Side Effects from Vaccination for DTaP or Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Acellular Pertussis:
This collection of diseases is extremely serious and life threatening but is preventable with a simple vaccination. The side effects of this vaccination far outweigh the risk of having these diseases and hence vaccination for DTaP is extremely vital for everyone.
Some of the side effects of vaccination for DTaP are:
- Fever in about 30% of children
- Redness and swelling at the injection site in about 10% of children
- About 1% of children complain about soreness and tenderness at the injection site post vaccination.
- As the vaccination for DTaP is given in five to six doses, about 10% of children may complain of swelling of the entire area where the injection was given after the fifth or the sixth dose of vaccination for DTaP which tends to go away within a week.
- About 1% of children may act fussy after the vaccination while another 1% of children may complain of poor appetite and fatigue
- There may be vomiting in about 0.5% of children post vaccination for DTaP
Side Effects from Vaccination for Hepatitis A:
Some of the common side effects following a vaccination for hepatitis A are:
- Soreness or redness at the area of the injection
- Slight fever
- Headaches post vaccination
- Tiredness and fatigue
- Shoulder pain in some people which may be quite severe and last for a longer period of time, although it is very rare
Side Effects from Vaccination for Hepatitis B:
Majority of the people who get vaccinated for Hepatitis B do not have any problems but in some cases there may be some side effects which include
- Soreness at the injection site
- Low grade fever
- Shoulder pain in some rare cases which may last for quite some time and is quite severe
Side Effects from Vaccination for Influenza or a Flu Shot:
Majority of people who get a flu shot do not have problems with it but in some cases symptoms may present itself following a flu shot. These symptoms are
- Redness, soreness, or swelling at the injection site
- Hoarseness of voice
- Red or itchy eyes
- Cough
- Low grade fever
- Aches and pains in the area around the injection site
- Headache
- Itching around the injection site
- Fatigue in some cases
Side Effects from Vaccination for Japanese Encephalitis:
In most cases, there are no problems following a vaccination for Japanese Encephalitis but in some cases symptoms may be experienced and include:
- Pain, tenderness, redness, and swelling at the injection site
- Low grade fever, mostly in children
- Headaches and muscle aches mostly in adults
Side Effects from Vaccination for MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella):
MMR is a collection of diseases which are extremely harmful for a child and may lead to permanent damage and hence vaccination is an absolute must for prevention of MMR. Majority of children getting vaccination for MMR do not face any problems but in some cases they may experience a few symptoms which include:
- Low grade fever in about 0.5% of children
- Mild rash in about 1% of children
- Swelling of glands in the cheeks or neck in about 0.5% of children
- In some rare cases a child may experience
- Seizure as a result of fever
- Temporary pain and stiffness in the joints, especially in teenagers who get the shot much later than normal
- 0.01% cases of a bleeding disorder due to low platelets after an MMR vaccine
Side Effects from Vaccination for Polio
Polio which was considered at one time one of the most disabling diseases of all times until a vaccination was made to prevent this disease. This vaccination is given by the time a child enters the second year of life. In most cases, children do not have any problems with the vaccination but in some cases certain symptoms tend to occur. These symptoms are:
- Sore spot at the site of the injection
- Pain in the shoulder for a few days post vaccination
Side Effects from Vaccination for Rabies:
Rabies is generally caused by a dog bite and can become serious. Hence it is important for everyone to be protected from Rabies by way of vaccination. Vaccination for Rabies generally does not cause any side effects but some children may experience:
- Soreness, redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site
- Headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, and dizziness in about 5% of cases
- Hives and pain in the joints along with low grade fever
Side Effects from Vaccination for Rotavirus:
Vaccination for rotavirus usually does not result in any problems but in some cases there may be symptoms experienced which include:
- Irritability in babies
- Diarrhea or vomiting post vaccination
An extremely rare side effect of intussusception usually within a week after the second dose of the vaccination but this condition is extremely rare and occurs in 1 out of 100,000 children vaccinated for rotavirus
Side Effects from Vaccination for Shingles:
No serious side effects have been reported due to a shingles vaccine but some people may experience:
- Redness, soreness, swelling, and itching at the injection site in about 0.25% of cases
- Headaches in about 1% of cases
Side Effects from Vaccination for Typhoid:
Typhoid is also quite a serious disease and needs protection in the form of vaccines, especially in children. There have been no real side effects reported from the vaccine for typhoid but a few symptoms may develop in some cases which include:
- Low grade Fever
- Headaches in about 0.5 cases
- Redness or swelling at the injection site
- Stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting in extremely rare conditions
Side Effects from Vaccination for Chickenpox:
Chickenpox is an extremely disabling condition causing red rashes all over the body which are quite itchy. These rashes typically stay for around a couple of weeks before they fade away but while they are there an individual is virtually bedridden and hence vaccination for chickenpox is mandatory. Vaccination for chickenpox causes no disabling side effects apart from
- Soreness or swelling at the injection site
- Low grade Fever
- Mild rash which may stay for close to a month post vaccination
- In extremely rare cases seizures as a result of fever.
- Pneumonia in extremely rare cases
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