How Effective is Furosemide & What are its Side Effects?

Keep your doctor informed about medical conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, lupus, urination problems, enlarged prostate, kidney disease, liver disease, gout, allergy to sulfa drugs, cirrhosis and electrolytic imbalance to make sure that furosemide is safe for you.

How Furosemide Works?

Furosemide leads to increased urination as it prevents the absorption of salt into the body. It works as a diuretic.

How Effective is Furosemide?

How Effective is Furosemide?

Furosemide is a water pill that makes sure that your body does not absorb excess salt from the blood. Thus, the excess salt is passed safely out of the body through urine. Furosemide is particularly helpful and effective in people who have certain medical conditions like kidney disorders, liver disease, congestive heart failure etc. Furosemide is also an effective medication for hypertension or high blood pressure.

When you are taking furosemide, it is important that you are able to urinate properly to allow the salts to pass out from your body. If you are not able to urinate normally, you must not take furosemide. You must take the dosage strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Overdose can lead to irreversible hearing loss.

If you have recently undergone any type of scanning such as MRI where it is required to inject radioactive dye in the veins, you must ensure that your doctor knows about it.

Sometimes, people discontinue the dose if they feel that their high blood pressure is under control. It can be a big mistake as the symptoms of blood pressure can come and go. Thus, you must persist with the medication as long as recommended by the doctor.

Furosemide is an effective medication for treating medical conditions like liver disorders, heart failure, kidney disorders, cirrhosis etc.

Furosemide can be safely used along with the other medications for treating high blood pressure.

The ideal dosage can be different in the case of different individuals. Thus, the doctor needs to monitor the response to adjust the dosage and get to the right dosage. In some individuals, the dosage may need to be given only 2-4 times a week.

The use of furosemide makes your skin highly sensitive to sunrays. Thus, it is recommended that you use an SPF 30-50+ sunscreens while you are under the sun.
Inform your doctor if you feel like vomiting or experience diarrhea like symptoms.

The response and effectiveness of furosemide is excellent. You can experience the effect of drug in about an hour. However, it may take up to 6-8 hours for the medicine to take full effect.

What are the Possible Side Effects of Furosemide?

The side effects of furosemide are as follows:

  • Unable to hear properly due to ringing in ears.
  • Unable to remember things
  • Jaundice like symptoms including eyes and nails turning yellow
  • Abdominal pain reach down to the back
  • Dull skin, unusual bleeding or bruises
  • Imbalance of electrolytes in the body leading to mood changes, increased thrust, faster heartbeats, dry mouth etc.
  • Kidney disorders such as reduced urination, feeling of pain while urinating, lacking strength, swelling in feet and ankles etc.
  • Skin problems leading to rashes, burning in your eyes, fever, sore throat etc.
  • In case you notice any signs of allergy or reactions, it is recommended that you seek medical advice or care immediately. Common signs of allergic reactions include swelling in tongue, lips, throat and face, difficulty in breathing and hives.

Some of the common side effects of furosemide that can occur in people in the age group of 18-60 years and are taking no other medications are as follows:

As it causes increased urination, there is a high risk of depletion of electrolytes from the body. This can lead to medical problems such irregular heart beat and muscle cramps.

  • Furosemide can lead to changes in the blood count and the cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Some people may also experience gastrointestinal disorders, liver disorders, dizziness while standing etc.
  • Higher than the recommended dosage of Furosemide can lead to irreversible hearing impairment.
  • Furosemide can also influence the blood sugar count and reflect the same in laboratory tests.


Furosemide is an effective medication for getting rid of excess fluids but it can also reduce the levels of certain electrolytes such as potassium from the body.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 3, 2017

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