How Effective is Halaven ER & What are its Side Effects?

Before using halaven or eribulin, notify your physician if you have congestive heart failure, kidney or liver problem, heart rhythm complications, past record of Long QT syndrome or lack of electrolyte balance like low amounts of magnesium and potassium in the blood.

Contact your doctor immediately in case of severe side effects while using halaven or eribulin, like chills, body pain, fever, sore mouth, serious tingling and numbness of your feet and hands, thrilling thirst, weak muscles, leg discomfort, limp feeling and escalated urination.

How Effective is Halaven?

How Effective is Halaven?

Halaven or eribulin is a cancer medication that affects the spreading and development of cancer cells in your body. Halaven is effectively utilized to inhibit the spreading of breast cancer to other locations of the body. Halaven is normally used where 2 or more joined chemotherapy drugs have been tried to alleviate the symptoms with no success.

Halaven is also effectively utilized in treating a class of soft tissue sarcoma known as liposarcoma that has scattered to other locations of the body or may not be eliminated through surgery.

  • Pregnant women should not use Halaven because it can hurt unborn child.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are infected or those who are sick. Notify your doctor immediately if you have symptoms of infections.
  • Halaven or eribulin can reduce blood cells that assist the body combat infections and promote blood clotting. You may bleed or contract infections easily while using Halaven. Notify your doctor in case of unfamiliar bleeding or bruising or symptoms of infections like chills, fever, pain, cough or burning sensation when urinating.

Before Using Halaven

Do not take Halaven if you experience allergic reactions to Eribulin. To be safe while using halaven or eribulin, inform your physician if you have:

Heart, kidney, or liver diseases

  • Mairginal vascular illness like Raynaud’s syndrome.
  • Family or personal record of long QT syndrome,
  • Lack of electrolyte balance like low amounts of magnesium and potassium in the blood.

Halaven or eribulin can hurt unborn child, thus pregnant women should not use it. Utilize effective birth control methods to avoid pregnancy while taking Halaven for not less than 14 days after your last dose.

A baby fathered by a man who is taking halaven or eribulin may have birth defects. Make use of condoms to avoid pregnancy while using halaven or eribulin for not less than 14 weeks after your final dose.

It is not yet proven if halaven or eribulin mixes with mothers’ milk or whether it can hurt a nursing child. Stop breast feeding if you are on Halaven or eribulin treatment.

What is the Recommended Dosage of Halaven?

General Adult Dose of Halaven or Eribulin for treating Breast Cancer:

Administer 1.4 mg/m2 IV more than 2 to 5 minutes between days 1 and 8 of a 21-day cycle.

  • Halaven medicine should be taken under the watch of a certified medical practitioner in the correct usage of cytotoxic medicinal substances or products.
  • People using Halaven may vomit or experience nausea. Antiemetic prophylaxis which includes corticosteroids must be put in consideration.
  • Minor neuropathy must be monitored and whole blood cell counts must be taken before every single dose.

Halaven or eribulin is effectively used for treating people with metastatic breast cancer who got more than 2 chemotherapeutic regimens for treating metastatic illness. The treatment that was done before must have included a taxane and an anthracycline in either the metastatic or adjuvant setting.

What are the Side Effects of Halaven?

Seek immediate medical assistance if you suffer symptoms of allergic reactions to halaven or eribulin like hives, breathing difficulty such as swelling of your throat, lips, tongue and face. Notify your doctor immediately if you have the below severe side effects of halaven or eribulin:

  • Rapid and throbbing heartbeats, chest pain, serious dizziness,
  • Burning sensation or pain when urinating,
  • Burning pain, numbness or tingling in the feet or hands,
  • Signs of low potassium levels such as thrilling thirst, unstable heartbeat, confusion, limp feeling, leg discomfort, muscle weakness or escalated urination.
  • Severe halaven or eribulin symptoms of infections like chills, fever, painful swallowing, sore mouth, pale skin, breathing problem, unfamiliar bruising.
  • Signs of skin reactions like sore throat, fever, swelling tongue or face, scorching eyes, painful skin leading to purple or red rashes that scatters particularly on the upper body causing peeling and blisters.

Common side effects of halaven or eribulin include:

  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Loss of hair
  • Feeling weak and fatigued are all side effects of halaven or eribulin.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 3, 2017

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