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Risks and Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

  1. Introduction

    1.1 About Teeth Whitening

    Teeth Whitening is a process through which people with stained and discolored teeth can get relief. It consists of in-office treatments, home kits, or even natural alternatives through which people can get whiter teeth. Having white teeth has its own role to play in the social, personal, and professional success of a person.[1]

    This is perhaps the main reason why more and more people are going in for teeth whitening even though their teeth may not be colored or stained to a significant degree. The in-office and home kit teeth whitening methods use chemicals to whiten the teeth, whereas the natural alternatives and dietary modifications use organic ways to whiten the teeth even teeth.[1] Teeth whitening process done by way of chemicals are meant to be quite safe however as is inherent with all chemical they might have some side effects associated with it.[1]

    1.2 Purpose of the Article

    The primary aim of this article is to make the reader aware of the potential side effects that are associated with teeth whitening. It also highlights why these wide effects occur and what are the potential treatment options available for people to manage these side effects so that the reader is able to make a conscious decision as to which method to employ for Teeth Whitening.

  2. The Potential Risks and Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

    2.1 Tooth Sensitivity

    Many people who undergo teeth whitening complain of tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages. This is primarily because of the bleaching agents that are used to whiten the teeth.[2]

    2.2 Gum Irritation and Inflammation

    It has also been observed that teeth whitening at times results in the inflammation and irritation of the gums due to the chemicals that are used to clean and whiten the teeth. The inflammation may at times even cause pain with eating or drinking. The irritation caused by the chemicals in some cases may cause bleeding of the gums as well.[3]

    2.3 Enamel Damage

    The outer layer of the teeth is defined as enamel. If a person goes for teeth whitening procedure multiple times it often leads to damage to this enamel.[4]

    2.4 Uneven Teeth

    It is not always that the teeth whitening process may result in the perfect teeth that the person may long for. It may also result in splotchy teeth which may lead to dissatisfaction among patients.[5]

    2.5 Importance of Consulting a Dentist

    It should be noted here that the chances of a person having side effects increases if he or she indulges in self-treatment or uses over the counter products without the supervision of the dentist.

    2.6 Discussion of Severity and Likelihood of These Risks and Side Effects

    Teeth whitening is considered to be a very safe process and the chances of a person experiencing severe side effects is very low. Even if a person experiences side effects these are temporary and very mild. However, if a person experiences wide effects that are severe and persistent then a dentist should be consulted for appropriate treatment.[1]

  3. What Causes Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

    3.1 Working Mechanism of Teeth Whitening and the Reason for Side Effects

    The primary aim of a teeth whitening procedure is to clean stained and discolored teeth. This is done by using bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide which are considered safe and are quite effective.[6]

    These chemicals break down the stain and remove them from the surface of the teeth and make the teeth whiter and brighter. However as illustrated above any use of chemicals is prone to side effects when it interacts with the teeth.[6]

    3.2 Discussion of Role of Concentration and Duration of Treatment

    The concentration of the chemical used in teeth whitening and the duration of the treatment both have an important role to play when it comes to discussing the side effects of teeth whitening. If the concentration of the chemical used is high or the duration is prolonged that it may lead to the person experiencing discomfort or inflammation due to the treatment.[7]

    3.3 Underlying Dental Issues or Sensitivities

    A person with a history of dental problems or preexisting tooth sensitivity is more prone to experience side effects of teeth whitening. This is seen more in people with gum diseases or cavities.[8]

  4. Prevention and Management of Risks and Side Effects

    The best way to prevent and manage side effects is to go for the procedure under the supervision of the dentist. If doing it at home then it is essential to follow the instructions mentioned on the kit of the product. Below mentioned are some of the other ways to prevent and manage the side effects of teeth whitening.

    4.1 Desensitizing Toothpaste

    It is recommended that during or after aa teeth whitening procedure that the person uses a desensitizing toothpaste to manage the irritation and inflammation caused due to the chemicals. It also helps with tooth sensitivity.[9]

    4.2 Consulting a Dentist

    It is also recommended to consult a dentist before embarking on teeth whitening procedure. This will allow the person to allay any fears and get all the questions answered with regard to the safety and the chances of side effects during or after the procedure. This needs to be especially done in people who have preexisting dental conditions.[9]

    4.3 Managing Gum Irritation and Inflammation

    The first thing to do in case of experiencing a side effect due to teeth whitening is to stop using the product immediately and rinse the mouth thoroughly with warm saltwater. Some people find using aloe vera gel quite effective when used over the affected areas of the mouth and gums.[9]

    4.4 Limiting Exposure to Whitening Products

    Teeth whitening is quite effective and safe for everyone. However, it is important to note here that teeth whitening is not an alternative to good oral hygiene. Overuse of this treatment can cause significant damage to the enamel and other dental complications and then this significantly safe procedure becomes counterproductive. It should be ensured that the product is used as instructed and under the supervision of a dentist for best and safe results.[9]

    4.5 Prefer In-office Treatment

    While it is recommended never to embark on any oral treatment within the comforts of the home this becomes more important for people with underlying dental conditions. This is the reason why in-office treatments should be preferred not only for best results but also to prevent any side effects that may occur during the treatment. This is because during an in-office treatment the person will be closely monitored by dentist and any sign of side effects can be managed promptly and effectively.[9]

  5. Conclusion

    Teeth whitening is considered to be a very safe and effective procedure to get rid of stains and discoloration. This can be done at home or at the dentist’s office. Since teeth whitening involves use of chemicals there are chances that a person may experience some side effects associated with it.[1]

    However, in majority of the cases these side effects are mild and fade away quite quickly. However, in some people especially those who have underlying dental conditions the side effects may become severe or persistent. In such cases stopping the use of the teeth whitening product and going to the dentist is essential.[1]

    Additionally, when doing teeth whitening treatment at home it is important to follow all the instructions mentioned in the product kit for best results and prevent any side effects. It is best recommended to get the teeth whitening procedure done at a dentist office so that in case of any side effects the person can be treated promptly and prevent any unwarranted complications.[1]


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 29, 2023

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