Frequent urination or excessive urination is called Polyuria and it can be defined as the frequent urge to urinate and inability to control the urge to do the same. When the urge to urinate is frequent, within a time period of two hours or less, then patient can be considered suffering from a tendency of excessive urination. Frequent urination in women can occur due to many reasons like an underlying health problem, excessive consumption of fluids or pregnancy. The condition becomes serious when the tendency to urinate sticks around for a while.
Frequent Urination in Women: An Overview
The problem of frequent urination or excessive urination or polyuria is quite common in females. The lack of control over the bladder is a common sign that the organs of the pelvic region are unable to coordinate efficiently and control the process of urination.
The process of urine evacuation involves filtration of blood in the kidneys followed by the accumulation of urine in the bladder. When the bladder becomes full, a signal is sent to the brain for the evacuation. This signal allows the sphincter present within the urethra to go loose and evacuate the urine.
In case of frequent urination or excessive urination, an individual is unable to hold the urine for a long time and has a constant urge to urinate. In most scenarios, the loss of control is due to neurological dysfunction of the pelvis region, diabetes or vaginal atrophy.
Symptoms Associated with Frequent Urination in Women
The possible symptoms for frequent urination in females are:
- Excessive urination.
- Burning sensation while urination.
- Pain while urination.
- Pain in the lower abdominal region.
- Incomplete evacuation of urine.
- Inability to hold the urine for long.
- Presence of blood in urine.
- The urge to urinate increases extensively during night.
- Dribbling of urine even after completion of urination.
- Exertion of strain while urination.
Causes of Frequent Urination in Women
The common causes behind frequent urination in women are:
- Urinary Tract Infections: Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) are the most common cause for frequent urination in women. In case of UTI, the inner lining of urethra gets inflamed and infected, leading to pain and burning sensation while urination along with frequent urination.
- Frequent Urination Caused Due to Medications: Consumption of medications like diuretics or blood pressure medicines cause flushing of excess fluid from the body leading to frequent urination.
- Bladder Cancer: Tumors occupy space within the bladder resulting in quick fill up of the bladder and cause frequent urination. Sometimes, tumor may bleed and also give a sense to urinate.
- Neurological Conditions That Can Cause Frequent Urination: When the nerves associated with the pelvic region or the urinary system gets damaged, then bladder function may get impaired and cause frequent urination.
- Diabetes: Both diabetes, type 1 and 2, are known to cause frequent urination in individuals to flush the excess of blood glucose within the body.
- Overactive Bladder: It is medical condition in which the individual suffers from involuntary contractions within the bladder resulting in recurrent urge to urinate even when the bladder is not full.
- Diet: Excess of fluid consumption, especially alcohol, caffeine, aerated drinks and artificial sweeteners, tend to cause irritation in the bladder, which further leads to frequent urination in women as well as men.
- Pregnancy can Cause Frequent Urination in Women: Changes in the hormone levels as well as the increasing size of the fetus builds up pressure on the uterus, leading to increased frequency of urination.
Risk Factors for Frequent Urination in Women
The common risk factors that pose a threat of frequent urination in women are:
- Menopause.
- Urinary Tract Infections.
- Hormonal Imbalance.
- Interstitial cystitis.
- Hysterectomy or removal of ovaries.
- Emotional anxiety and stress.
Diagnosis of the Cause of Frequent Urination in Women
The diagnostic procedures opted to diagnose the reason behind frequent urination in women are:
- Urine Analysis: The urine analysis is done to check for abnormalities within the urine sample through a series of tests and urine culture.
- Cystoscopy: This test involves the observation and analysis of the urethra and the bladder by running a thin and light cystoscope with camera along the urinary tract.
- Cystometry to Diagnose the Cause of Frequent Urination in Women: This test checks for the pressure within the bladder. In case, abnormalities are observed, neurological dysfunction is considered as a probable cause for excessive urination in women.
- Ultrasound: This imaging technique is done to check for tumors and other structural anomalies within the bladder.
- Neurological Diagnosis: Neurological tests like EEG and EMG are conducted to rule out the possibility of neurological dysfunctions causing excessive urination in women.
Treatment for Frequent Urination in Women
The treatment for frequent urination in women is based on the underlying cause of the condition. The general treatment methods followed are:
- Medications: When the cause behind frequent urination is urinary tract infection or diabetes, then it can be controlled only via medication. For urinary tract infection, painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed; whereas in case of diabetes, medications are prescribed to control blood sugar levels.
- Acupuncture to Treat Frequent Urination in Women: The acupuncture therapy helps greatly in increasing the blood flow and vitality of the bladder, thus helping in easing the constant and frequent urge to urinate.
- Pelvic Therapy for Treating Frequent Urination in Women: Pelvic therapy is another way to treat the problem of excessive urination. It follows massaging of internal as well as external pelvic floor and relaxing the pelvis to ensure increased blood flow and better control over urination.
- Pessaries: Pessaries are support rings that provide support to the pelvic organs, thereby relieving the bladder off the stress and ease on the frequent urge of urination.
- Bladder Laparoscopy: It is a surgical procedure that involves stabilizing and securing the bladder as well as the urethra, to provide better control over holding the urine and its evacuation.
- Emotion and Stress Management: When the underlying cause for excessive urination is emotional stress and anxiety, then therapy is required to help for mental as well as physical healing by overcoming the emotional blockages.
When to Seek Medical Help?
Medical aid should be contacted when any of the below signs or symptoms appear:
- Fever.
- Back pain.
- Pain the abdomen.
- Excess of thirst.
- Vomiting.
- Cloudy urine with blood.
- Severe Fatigue.
- Chills.
- Vaginal discharge.
How to Prevent Frequent Urination in Women?
The preventive measures that can be considered for frequent urination are:
- Following a diet which involves less consumption of alcohol, caffeine, citrus and tomato based products.
- Abstinence from a sedentary lifestyle.
- Performing Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic region.
- Maintenance of a healthy body weight.
Frequent urination or excessive urination or polyuria is a common condition in females, which makes them feel a continuous urge to urinate. There are many factors behind the presence of the condition especially, menopause, hormonal imbalance, urinary tract infection, stress, diabetes and nerve disorder. Though the condition is not quite easy to deal with, but several treatments and therapies are available that greatly help in recovering from the condition.
Excessive Urination In Women and It’s Treatment
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