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Pregnant With Allergies? Top Treatment Tips

While the end result of pregnancy is most often a fulfillment of the human need to procreate; pregnancy can be a hard time for women. The 9 months of gestation brings about a multitude of reasons for discomfort and when all of those are combined with an allergy; pregnancy can take on nightmarish proportions. Dealing with allergies during pregnancy doesn’t call for the same measures as during the normal time as one would normally take medications for allergy, which in pregnancy could be detrimental for the unborn fetus. Dealing with pregnancy allergies requires caution and special measures. A few top tips to keep in mind while combating an allergy during pregnancy are as detailed below. Read further to know more.

Pregnant With Allergies? Top Treatment Tips

What Causes Allergy When Pregnant?

Being prepared is always good and one way to be prepared is to be aware that allergies are quite commonplace during pregnancy. Hormone fluctuations during pregnancy are likely to result in nasal and sinus inflammation and this is most severe during the last trimester of pregnancy. This is primarily because of the rising levels of blood estrogen over the course of a 9 month pregnancy. All of this results in a very common allergy known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. While this is one predominant example of allergy during pregnancy; other factors can also lead to an allergic reaction and the best course to take is both remedies and precautions so that once you get relief from an allergy attack during pregnancy; it doesn’t come back any time soon.

Treatment Tips on How to Deal Being Pregnant with Allergies

Allergies are mostly caused by external factors and simple precautionary measures could keep away allergies during pregnancy or at least prevent them from coming back or being further aggravated. Some of the top treatment tips to deal with allergies in pregnancy are listed below:

  • If you are aware of any allergens or triggers that you are susceptible to; avoid them at all costs during your pregnancy. Precaution is the topmost treatment tip for allergies in pregnancy.
  • Avoid feather quilts and pillows that may set off an allergic reaction during your pregnancy or might have brought on an allergic reaction in the first place.
  • Another useful tip is avoiding the use of dairy, sugar and foods with yeast during pregnancy to ward off any allergies or allergic reaction.
  • Vacuum, dust and clean your home well to avoid accumulation of dust and other irritants to avoid aggravating an allergic reaction or cause one in the first place.

Allergy Shots & Allergy Medications That Are Safe in Pregnancy

Consult your doctor before taking any kind of allergy medications including allergy shots when being pregnant. Pregnancy is rarely a good time to take up allergy shots for the first time; however, if you have been regular with your allergy shots long before pregnancy; there is a good chance you could continue with your doctor’s consent during your pregnancy also. There are a few allergy medicines that are best avoided during pregnancy and a few that are safe. One way or the other its best to talk to your doctor to know what is the best treatment option for you. Some of the medications which are considered safe during pregnancy are:

Listed above are a few allergy medications that are said to be safe during pregnancy; however, one must consider consulting with a doctor before opting for any over-the-counter medications allergy medications in pregnancy.

Allergy Medications That Are Contraindicated in Pregnancy

Listed below are few medications that are best avoided when pregnant:

Pseudoephedrine is best avoided during pregnancy because of conflicting reports on its potential to harm the unborn fetus. Reports suggest that Pseudoephedrine can have a weakening effect on the abdominal wall of babies whose mothers were on this medication during pregnancy.

Phenylephrine and phenylpropanolamine are two allergy medications that you should avoid when pregnant with allergies.

Top Natural Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Allergies in Pregnancy

When you would rather avoid strong medications to deal with allergies during pregnancy; you can avail of relief with natural remedies and homeopathy treatments. All of the suggestions detailed here are safe for pregnant women and help in relieving the symptoms of allergy when pregnant.

Colloidal silver in small amounts can be ingested in liquid or gel form to fortify the immune system against allergens when pregnant. Using a nasal spray to get a combination of colloidal silver and water to rinse out your sinuses is also a good tip for allergies in pregnancy.

Using air purifiers in your home to eliminate irritants, dander, dust and pollen could effectively help combat your allergies in pregnancy.

Tissue salts or what are also known as essential minerals in all 12 variations can help combat and relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction in pregnancy.

Homeopathy is widely accepted to safely deal with allergies during a pregnancy and you might like to explore this option.


Allergies are quite common during pregnancy and often involve an itchy and runny nose. Avoiding irritants like dust, dander and pollen are the best tips to help prevent allergies and even relieve the symptoms of an allergy when pregnant. Any kind of allergy medications and remedies are best opted for with the consent and knowledge of your doctor/obstetrician. Even though the allergy is not harmful for your baby, steps need to be taken to get relief for a peaceful pregnancy.


  1. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI): https://www.aaaai.org/
  2. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG): https://www.acog.org/
  3. Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/
  4. WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/
  5. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH): https://www.nccih.nih.gov/

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 2, 2023

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