Milia are small bumps in the skin that are filled with keratin and other dead cells. Their formations are linked with high cholesterol and vitamin A deficiency. The diet must comprise of fruits, vegetables, whole grain food and rich amount of vitamin A and vitamin D if you have milia.
What To Eat When You Have Milia?
The foods that should be eaten when you have milia are-
Fruits And Vegetables. Minerals and vitamins are found in a surplus amount of fruits and vegetables. Deficiency of vitamins especially Vitamin A is linked with the development of Milia. Carrots, sweet potatoes, dark leafy green vegetables, etc. are rich in vitamin A and vitamin D and are good for milia.
Whole Grain Food. Whole grain food supply essential vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. They help in reduction of cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels are linked with the formation of milia in the skin.
High cholesterol and vitamin A deficiency is associated with the formation of milia. Lifestyle should be modified in such a manner to manage cholesterol levels. This can be done by following ways-
- Avoid fatty food high in cholesterol
- Avoid exposure to sun, use sunscreen
- Regular exercises
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
- Avoid too much application of oily creams and cosmetics
- Avoid creams rich in steroids.
Milia are tiny white cysts filled with keratinized dead cells that appear in the face, nose, and cheeks. These cysts comprise of keratin, a protein found in the skin, nails, and hair. These bumps are formed due to plugging of keratin under the surface of the skin. They can appear as a single cyst or in groups. They do not have any opening to expel the dead cells out naturally. They can develop at any age but they are more commonly seen in newborns. They appear in newborns since birth which may resolve in few weeks by themselves without treatment.
Milia symptoms include:
- Milia do not cause itching or pain in most of the cases.
- In some cases, discomfort is experienced.
- They do not cause any swelling or redness.
- On rubbing with rough sheets or clothes on Milia can render irritation or redness.
They typically appear on the face, eyelids, nose, cheeks, and lips. However, they can also develop on other parts of the body as well even on genital parts.
Milia Causes
The exact cause of the appearance of Milia is not known. They are often confused with baby acne. They are supposed to be caused by hormones of the mother. They are present in infants from birth, but baby acne develops after two or four weeks of birth.
In old children and adults, Milia are formed due to damages or injury to the skin. Aging may also cause the skin to lose its ability to exfoliate. The injuries to the skin can be resulted from-
- Burns
- Sun burn
- Injuries leading to the formation of blisters such as poison ivy
- Blistering due to ailments of skin such as porphyria, epidermolysis bullosa, etc.
- Frequent use of oil-based creams
- Smoking
- Modern lifestyle- lack of sleep, bad eating habits, etc
- Vitamin A deficiency
- High cholesterol
- Overuse of steroid creams
- Laser resurfacing or dermabrasion
Milia are small bumps that develop due to trapping of keratinized dead cells just below the skin. They tend to develop in face, nose, and cheeks. They affect people of all age groups, but they are more common in neonates. They are caused due to injuries, burns, blisters on the skin and many more. They are non-inflammatory tiny growth on the skin. They do not have any symptom except white bumps on the skin. They are harmless growth on the skin which goes on their own without specific treatment. They can be prevented by maintaining self-hygiene, lifestyle and diet modification.
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