What Helps Relieve Mosquito Bites?

Mosquitoes can be found across the globe and they are fierce during the summer season. Mosquito bites leave you itchy with swollen bumps on open skin areas. Mosquito while biting releases proteins, which has anticoagulant effect allowing free flow of blood. The body releases histamine as a response to it by the immune system which causes itching and swelling. There are a number of remedies available to control the itch. Here we advise you a few easily available and effective remedies.

What Helps Relieve Mosquito Bites?

What Helps Relieve Mosquito Bites?

Application Of Ice. In response to mosquito bites body releases histamines which causes dilation of blood vessels. There will be an increased flow of blood in the affected area resulting in bumps on the skin. Application of ice causes constriction of capillaries and reduction of flow of blood and hence swelling. A cold compress or ice pack can be very helpful.

Topical Creams. Apply corticosteroid creams such as hydrocortisone to relieve swelling. These classes of creams counteract the action of histamines which are released due to the mosquito bite. Calamine lotions are not found to be effective but still, they are widely used as it gives a soothing effect to the irritated skin. It is better to be patient rather than applying creams. Caladryl lotion is composed of both calamine and an analgesic. This can help you relieve itching and pain associated with a mosquito bite. Anti-inflammatory creams containing ibuprofen are also useful.

Avoid Scratch. This can result in an increased flow of blood in the bite area and more histamine is released increasing the itch. It can also result in infection Try to wash the affected area with soap and water. Avoid using harsh soaps which are not good for the skin.

Itchy Bites. If the bites are very itchy then apply lemon juice or mashed garlic to relieve itching. White vinegar is also an effective insect bite remedy.

Baking Soda. a mixture of baking soda and water can be applied on the affected area.

Oatmeal. It has been widely used to get relief from bug bites, and only a few people know its effectiveness in mosquito bites as well.

Vitamin Supplements. Few people find consumption of vitamin B1 (100 milligrams) thrice a day can be a helpful remedy.

Antihistamines. The whole mosquito bite process occurs because of the release of histamine; use of antihistamines may not be immediately effective in controlling pain and itch. It can be used as a preventive measure when going out on a sunny day. The allergic reaction to the mosquito bite will be less severe.

Heating Technique. Heat a stainless steel spoon and apply it on the bite. This prevents the chain of protein reactions which result in itch.

Some homeopathic remedies for treating symptoms of mosquito bites are:

  • Inside of the banana peel can be rubbed
  • Can be covered with toothpaste
  • Applying mud

Natural anti-inflammatory products are also found to be effective in relieving itch and swelling because of a mosquito bite. Evening primrose oil is commonly available in the houses and can be used for this purpose

Mosquitoes are the carriers for various diseases. If you feel fever, headache, nausea and other symptoms try to consult a doctor immediately for the identification and treatment of the disease. Take all the preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites and the prevention of epidemics. If the mosquito bites are very itchy and uncontrollable better to consult a physician to get proper attention.


The symptoms of mosquito bites fade—off on their own without any treatment. Patience is the key to overcome the situation. Applying heat and the cold press can be helpful. Natural anti-inflammatory compounds can be applied. Simple home remedies such as toothpaste or baking soda dab will be quite helpful in reducing itch and swelling associated with a mosquito bite. Try to not scratch the affected area as it worsens the situation and can even result in infection.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 27, 2019

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