About Bee Sting Swelling
Having being bitten by a honeybee is perhaps one of the most painful and annoying experience that anyone can have. This is especially true if you are bitten on the exposed areas of the body like the face, arm, hand, or fingers since the swelling and redness caused by the bee sting and the continuous urge to itch the area will cause embarrassment especially in social and work environment. Normally, the symptoms caused by a bee sting is temporary and goes way in a few days unless you are allergic to bee stings in which case you may require immediate medical attention.
The most annoying symptom of a bee sting is the swelling that is caused by it. While the bee sting swelling may go down in a couple of days on its own but there are a few home remedies which can help calm down the swelling much faster.
What To Do For Bee Sting Swelling?
As stated, if you are not allergic to bee stings then most of the symptoms caused by a bee sting can be treated at home quite easily. The first thing that you need to do is remove the stinger immediately from the site of the bee sting as this will cut down the amount of venom of the bee that goes inside the body and will calm down the symptoms. This can be done by using a fingernail or the edge of a card. This can be followed by washing the area thoroughly with soap and water. Once the area of bee sting is washed then you can apply ice for 15-20 minutes to calm down the symptoms of bee sting swelling and inflammation. Some of the other home remedies to calm down the bee sting swelling are:
Honey: This is a very good Home Remedy to reduce the pain and swelling caused by a bee sting. It not only helps with the itching and pain but also helps with the swelling caused due to a bee sting. All you need to do is apply a small amount of honey to the affected area and leave it there for about an hour and then wash the area with lukewarm water.
Baking Soda: This is yet another effective home remedy for calming down the swelling caused due to bee sting. You need to make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it over the area of the bee sting. This paste neutralizes the venom of the bee sting. You need to cover the area after applying the paste with a bandage. Leave it for about half an hour and then reapply the paste.
Apple Cider Vinegar: One can also try applying apple cider vinegar for reducing bee sting swelling. Apple Cider Vinegar is an excellent neutralizer of the venom of the bee sting. All you need to do is soak a bandage with Apple Cider Vinegar and apply it over the area of the bee sting. Repeat this process till the swelling goes down.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is known to be an excellent home remedy for many skin ailments and can be effective in reducing bee sting swelling. Buy some Aloe vera gel from the store and apply it directly on the site of the bee sting. Continue the process till the swelling comes down.
Lavender Oil: This is a natural antiinflammatory and has the ability to calm down the bee sting swelling. Dilute lavender oil with a mixture of coconut oil and apply a few drops directly on the site of the bee sting. You can continue the process every hour or so till the swelling comes down.
Tea Tree Oil: This is a natural antiseptic which has the ability to calm down the swelling after a bee sting. Mix tea tree oil with coconut oil and apply a few drops of the mixture directly at the site of the bee sting. You can continue this every hour till the swelling comes down.
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