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Serrapeptase : A Promising Enzyme for Scar Tissue Reduction and Healing


Serrapeptase or serratiopeptidase is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down some proteins (not all) into their simple building block, amino acids. For a clear understanding of serrapeptase, we can imagine that it is work as a machine that breaks down the building bricks into the individual brick so that it can be used in other different building projects.[1] Similarly, serrapeptase also works like a machine that breaks the proteins into amino acids that are further used in another process. It is obtained from the bacteria Serratia marcescens (present in the intestine of silkworms). It was first discovered in Japan in the year 1967 and later on, come under use worldwide due to its important beneficial effects on the human body.

Properties of Serrapeptase:

Serrapeptase is present in the spit of the silkworm and research has shown that it possesses significant anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic (fibrin dissolving), and proteolytic (protein dissolving) properties.[1] It also reduces scar tissue, improves tissue healing, and is also helpful in the respiratory system. The fibrinolytic properties of this serrapeptase enzyme can help in reducing scar tissue build-up and inflammation reduction.

Role of Serrapeptase In Reducing The Formation Of Scar Tissue:

What is Scar Tissue and Why It Is Formed?

Scar tissue formation is the natural part of the healing process, and it is defined as the fibrous tissue that is formed when normal tissue is destroyed by disease or any injury. It may also develop inside the body in conditions such as cirrhosis, causing normal tissue to fibrous or scar tissue. However, it does not have a similar function as normal tissue.

Difference Between Scar Tissue and Normal Tissue:

Scar tissue is found to be less flexible as compared to normal tissue, and it is having a different color and texture and lacks hair follicle sweat glands and other features that are found in normal tissue. Its main composition is collagen which is also arranged in a random manner which is different from the normal organized tissue.

When Does It Become Problematic?

As we all know the formation of scar tissue is part of the natural healing process and it becomes problematic in some cases when excessive and abnormal scar tissue is developed. This will lead to a certain problem and needs special treatment to treat this scar tissue. So, in this condition use of serratiopeptidase is recommended due to its anti-inflammatory property and can be used to treat scar tissue.

Formation and Treatment of Scar Tissue:

Scar tissue formation is a very complex process, and it involves a large variety of factors such as collagen deposition, inflammation and uncontrolled healing process, and some other unknown factors.[3] Serratiopeptidase is having anti-inflammatory property as well as fibrinolytic property which is helpful in metabolizing scar tissue. Some clinical studies have that serratiopeptidase is very effective in reducing swelling, and edema and metabolizing scar tissue as it can digest dead tissue, blood clot, and arterial plaques also.[2]

The Mechanism Behind Its Use:

There are no clinical studies present that confirm its exact mechanism of action in reducing scar tissue formation, however, the following properties such as anti-inflammatory action, and fibrinolytic properties are found to be one of the mechanisms that help in the reduction of scar tissue formation. It is believed that it has anti-inflammatory action, and it interferes with some chemical messengers such as brady kinin which will result in its anti-inflammatory action and thus reduce the formation of scar tissue. Similarly, fibrinolytic property dissolves a protein named fibrin which is responsible for the formation of a clot by dissolving this fibrin protein we can reduce scar tissue formation.

Condition in Which Formation of Scar Tissue is Involved:


Fibrosis is defined as the type of internal scarring over time, resulting in the permanent formation of scar tissue. This scarring or fibrosis plays a key role in developing certain diseases which involve plaque formation in the case of Alzheimer’s and clotting of arteries in atherosclerosis.[2] In all these conditions serratiopeptidase can dissolve the scar tissue and is helpful in the treatment of scar tissue formation and removal of scar tissue.

Wound Healings:

Serrapeptase helps accelerate wound healing by reducing inflammation and removing dead tissue from the affected area, thus allowing more blood to flow through, which results in reducing edema. Additionally, it helps in the breakdown of serotonin and histamine which may have an additional effect on wound healing. However, the exact mechanism is still not known how the reduction of this histamine and serotonin is helpful in reducing scar tissue.

Serratiopeptidase is helpful in post-surgical recovery by reducing inflammation. The wound-healing property of serrapeptase can lead to increased recovery. In some clinical studies, it was found that it has an analgesic action that contributes to a reduction of pain after surgery especially dental surgery such as tooth removal, etc, and also surgery of carpal tunnel (a pain in hand and forearm).


Serratiopeptidase is an enzyme that is used as a dietary supplement and has properties such as fibrinolytic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed that it is helpful in reducing scar tissue formation but there is a lack of scientific evidence which confirm its efficacy in reducing scar tissue. Also, there is no significant scientific evidence that claims or confirms that Serratiopeptidase is used as an analgesic. The data regarding its long-term safety is also lacking which limits its use for chronic inflammation. Before adopting this as a treatment for scar tissue formation reduction it is necessary to visit a healthcare professional and take an opinion from them because they can understand your body condition and suggest treatment according to that, which is helpful in reducing side effects associated with it and achieving maximum therapeutic effect.

However, there is a need for more clinical research on the mechanism behind its action and to establish its therapeutic action in the reduction of scar tissue formation.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 16, 2023

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