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6 Useful Supplements to Ease Neuropathy

Neuropathy affects the nerves, causing pain, discomfort, or tingling sensation. It can have various causes, and the treatment varies according to the cause. However, nutrition is considered one of the most important factors in the management of neuropathies. Several studies have shown that nutritional supplements to ease neuropathy can be beneficial.

Peripheral neuropathy is a spectrum of disorders seen in various medical conditions. The commonest causes are diabetes, overuse of alcohol, chemotherapies, immune-mediated conditions, and gene mutations.1 Most peripheral neuropathies take months or years to develop but some may progress rapidly. Some may have mild, unilateral, slow-progressing tingling in fingers while some can have more severe symptoms affecting major functions. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common mononeuropathy with a prevalence of 5%.2

6 Useful Supplements to Ease Neuropathy

Supplements to ease neuropathy can prove to be a boon for people suffering from such nerve complaints. Neuropathy is seen in diabetes, cancer treatment, trauma, and joint and muscle problems are particularly more common, and nutritional supplements can help ease the symptoms to a great extent.

A 2015 pilot study suggested the potential dietary approach for treating diabetic neuropathy. In this 20-week diet intervention, body weight and body mass index decreased more in the intervention group while HbA1c was reduced only in the intervention group, in addition to improvement in pain and neuropathic symptoms.3

A 2019 study reported a significant reduction in the occurrence of peroneal neuropathy in cancer patients. It concluded that nutritional intervention in cancer patients can be effective in preventing neuropathy.4

Although studies have their limitations, they pave the way for future studies and further research continues to add to the existing knowledge. Let us look at some of the most important supplements to ease neuropathy.

  1. Vitamin B Complex

    B vitamins are known to offer several health benefits and are particularly more important in nerve health, sensory perception, and metabolism. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), vitamin B3(niacin), B6(pyridoxine), and vitamin B12 (pyridoxine) are particularly more essential nutrients and supplements to ease neuropathy.

    Factors like certain medicines – antacids, proton pump inhibitors, drugs used to treat diabetes, and overuse of alcohol can rob away the B vitamins from the body and their deficiency can lead to neuropathy.

    Vitamin B12 deficiency is considered one of the most important causes of neuropathy and supplements can help to ease the symptoms. Studies have shown that the progression of neuropathy has been arrested by vitamin B12 treatment. A 2020 study concluded that it can alleviate pain promote myelination, increase nerve regeneration, and decreases ectopic nerve firing. Vitamin B12 therapy helped in the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia and painful peripheral neuropathy.5

    A 2008 study showed that higher doses of vitamin B complex result in reduced pain and improvement in paresthesia.6

    A 2021 study reported that peripheral neuropathy is common in diabetes and is associated with a deficiency of B – vitamins and studies have shown that B-vitamins supplements could improve symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.7 But some studies have shown mixed results and hence, more research is needed.

    Studies have also shown that folic acid can help in the significant reduction of neuropathic pain and can be one of the best supplements to ease neuropathy.

  2. Vitamin D

    Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in type 2 diabetes mellitus and is also seen in patients with neuropathic pain, hence related. As vitamin D is involved in regulating inflammation, it may be one of the useful supplements to ease neuropathy.

    A study was conducted on 51 vitamin D deficient patients with diabetes mellitus having neuropathic pain. When they were supplemented with vitamin D3 tablets, which resulted in a significant reduction in neuropathic pain.8

    In another study on 143 diabetes mellitus patients with painful diabetic neuropathy were treated with a single dose intramuscular high dose of vitamin D, which showed reduced pain.8

  3. Alpha-lipoic Acid

    This is an antioxidant that can help to prevent or manage tissue damage due to oxidative stress. Some studies have shown that there was a reduction in pain, improved nerve function performance, and symptom improvement seen in people having diabetic neuropathy.9

    A 2014 study concluded that alpha-lipoic acid is better tolerated, has a rapid onset of action, reduces neuropathic pain, and improves sensory deficits, paresthesia, numbness, and muscle strength.10

  4. Acetyl – L- Carnitine

    This antioxidant too is one of the best supplements to ease neuropathy. It reduces oxidative stress and can show improvement in sensory problems and nerve function tests.9

    A 2019 study has shown that acetyl – L- carnitine has a neuroprotective effect in patients with neuropathies. It also showed beneficial effects on nerve conduction, and nerve fiber regeneration and that it can offer a safe and effective treatment in patients with painful peripheral neuropathy.11

  5. Curcumin

    A strong anti-inflammatory, with analgesic properties, is known for its healing benefits. Some studies have reported that curcumin can help mitigate or prevent neuropathic and postoperative pain conditions.12

    In a study, when curcumin was added to dexibuprofen and lipoic acid regimen, it significantly reduced neuropathic pain scores in both carpal tunnel and lumbar sciatica patients at 8 weeks post-intervention.13

    However, more research is required in this respect.

  6. Fish Oil

    Fish oil can be one of the important supplements to ease neuropathic pain, owing to its anti-inflammatory and nerve healing properties.

    While there are many studies supporting the role of fish in cardiovascular health, some are suggesting the use of fish oil supplements to ease neuropathic complaints.

    A 2017 study reports that fish oil, which is the main source of omega-3-fatty acid has regenerative and protective properties after peripheral nerve injury and anti-neuroinflammatory activity.14

    A 2018 study suggests that dietary enhancement with omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil may be a beneficial treatment for diabetic neuropathy.15

    The benefits of micronutrients and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and calcium are also well-known. These are considered some of the best supplements to ease neuropathy. Experts also believe that St John’s Wort can be useful in the treatment of neuropathic pain.8

    These are some of the best and the most important supplements to ease neuropathy. The need for each one of them may vary based on the individual case. Also, some may have side effects, hence the dose and duration of supplements must be properly discussed with an expert.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 31, 2022

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