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Useful Vitamins and Supplements for Low Testosterone Levels

Testosterone (T) is a hormone that plays an important role in the body. It is predominantly involved in sexual development and reproductive function in men and also affects bone health including bone density.

The systemic role of testosterone in pain, well-being, and cardiovascular function in both women and men is interesting. Experts believe that testosterone plays an important role in mental health, mood, cognition, bone density, and pain control.1 Vitamins and supplements for low testosterone levels can help in regularizing the body functions.

Useful Vitamins and Supplements for Low Testosterone Levels

In males, testosterone (T) stimulates sexual development, its levels peak during early adulthood and it continues to maintain health. It is responsible for sexual health, physical strength, bone and muscle mass, production of red blood cells, and fat storage. Usually, testosterone levels begin to drop as age advances. A progressive decline in testosterone is seen with male aging, estimated at a 0.4% to 2.0% decline per year after age 30. It is estimated that men in their 70s have mean T levels 35% lower than younger men.2

Testosterone is related to maintaining physical strength, energy, and sexual drive in both men and women. Low levels of testosterone can cause several health problems. In such cases, vitamins and supplements for low testosterone levels can help.

Some of the best-known vitamins and supplements for low testosterone include

Vitamin D – The male reproductive system is one of the target tissue for vitamin D and has been associated with a precursor of vitamin D and testosterone levels in men. In a study, healthy overweight men undergoing a weight reduction program were assessed for their testosterone levels. One group was given vitamin D supplementation while the other received a placebo. Compared to the baseline levels, there was a significant increase in total testosterone, bioactive testosterone, and free testosterone levels in the group receiving vitamin D supplementation, while there was no significant change in the placebo group. The study concluded that vitamin D supplementation can increase testosterone levels and further studies must be done.3

Later another study found that men who didn’t have a deficiency of vitamin D did not show an increase in testosterone levels after taking vitamin D.4 This means vitamin D supplementation may help increase testosterone only in men with significant vitamin D deficiency and not in healthy males. An even more recent study concluded that vitamin D treatment did not show any effect on testosterone levels in middle-aged healthy men with normal baseline testosterone.5

This means that vitamin D supplementation may be useful in men having vitamin D deficiency or low testosterone levels, depending on the case. These conditions require medical evaluation and treatment while assessing the need for supplements for low testosterone.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) DHEA is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is popularly used as an anti-aging therapy, to improve physical performance and to improve some neurological functions. With the advancement of age, free testosterone declines more easily than total testosterone. This is possibly linked to the physical and mental weakness occurring with advancing age. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of DHEA supplementation on free testosterone in sedentary middle-aged men during recovery from high-intensity exercises. The results showed that supplementation with acute oral DHEA can elevate free testosterone levels in middle-aged men and prevent it from declining during high-intensity interval training (HIIT).6

Ginseng – Ginseng is a traditional herb and is popularly used in many countries. It is believed to have useful effects on blood circulation, and cognition, with anti-aging, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer effects.7 Some studies have found that ginseng intake increased salivary testosterone levels in the younger women group, as compared to older women, where the androgen levels begin to decline.8 More research in this area is needed to get a clear understanding.

Fenugreek – Fenugreek is a herb commonly used in cooking and is known for its medicinal properties. It is believed to be useful in lowering blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels, lowering inflammation, and enhancing milk production in lactating mothers. Some studies have shown that fenugreek extract can have a significant effect on total testosterone levels in men.9 Yet another study concluded that a fenugreek supplementation showed beneficial effects in male subjects during resistance training without any clinical side effects.10

Ashwagandha – This is a herb commonly used in the traditional Indian medicine system of Ayurveda to improve overall health, promote vigor, and enhance muscle strength and endurance. A 16-week study was conducted to evaluate the effects of ashwagandha on fatigue, vigor, and steroid hormones in aging men. The study included overweight men aged 40-70 years with mild fatigue, who were given an ashwagandha extract or a placebo. The results showed that there was an 18% greater increase in DHEA-S and a 14.7% greater increase in testosterone with ashwagandha intake as compared to the placebo group.11

D-aspartic acid

This is an amino acid that may help boost testosterone. Research on d-aspartic acid (DAA) has shown an increase in total testosterone levels in untrained men, however, research in resistance-trained men demonstrated no changes and reductions in testosterone levels.12 It is present in the pituitary gland and testes and some studies suggest that it has a role in the regulation of the release and synthesis of testosterone.13

These are some of the vitamins and supplements for low testosterone. The doctor is the best person to advise on the need to take these supplements, dosage, and duration.

Although scientific studies have supported the use of some vitamins and nutrients to boost testosterone levels, some T boosting supplements may be overclaiming and may contain higher doses of vitamins and minerals that may pose health risks.2 Also, unlike medicines, dietary supplements are not meant to treat or cure diseases and such false claims must be avoided. Hence, it is advisable to follow medical advice and plan to take supplements for low testosterone, as advised.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 16, 2022

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