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Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD: Treatment, Surgery, Recovery Period, CAM Therapy

The treatment for patients with inflammatory bowel disease or IBD uses medicines or surgery or both in some cases. The treatment depends on the type of inflammatory bowel disease or IBD the patient has, whether it is crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. In this section of the article you will read about the treatment for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD, surgery, Complementary and Alternative Medicines or CAM therapies, recovery period/healing time for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD.

What is the Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD?

What is the Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD?

There is no treatment for curing inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. Under the inflammatory bowel disease or IBD treatment, the doctor focuses on decreasing the symptoms and signs of inflammatory bowel disease or IBD such as diarrhea and acute pain caused to the abdomen etc…. If the inflammation is reduced, it can have a direct impact on the symptoms and patient would get long term relief. One of the benefits of the treatment is that the disease may go under remission. Drug therapy and associated surgeries would go a long way in delivering sterling results to the individuals with inflammatory bowel disease or IBD.

Medical consultants initially start with a mild dose but, later on, it is increased to provide relief to the patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. Some doctors may use the reverse approach. They would initiate treatment with stronger drugs but, later on, reduce the dosage as the symptoms subside. It would help the patients to return to the mainstream. Still, specialists are searching for new ways to treat inflammatory bowel disease or IBD in an effective manner.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Drugs to Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD

    Following Anti-Inflammatory Drugs are used to provide relief to the patients of inflammatory bowel disease or IBD:

    • Aminosalicylates for treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are quite useful in treating the perforations of the intestine during ulcerative colitis. The medicine is a boon for the patients suffering from localized crohn’s disease. One of the side effects of the medicine is a headache accompanied by the instances of headaches, digestive stress. There are different types of aminosalicylates that could be taken various forms ranging from oral to suppository. Patients can select any mode depending on the affected portion of the colon.
    • Corticosteroids for treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are administered to the patient during the instances of ulcerative colitis. It is prescribed only for a short time because long-term consumptions can cause various side effects to the users. The medicine is given orally or it is injected into the veins in the form of fluid. It helps to eliminate the infection of the digestive tracts including the bowels. If consumed for a longer duration, the medicine may cause night sweat accompanied by osteoporosis and fracture in the bones. Sometimes it may also cause high B.P (blood pressure) accompanied by diabetes.
  2. Immune System Suppressors for Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD

    Immune system suppressors can help in short term relief from inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. The drugs belong to the immune suppressants category plays an important role in reducing inflammation but it also degrades the immune response to a great extent. As a result, it might create lots of problems in the long run. When the immune system is weak, it generates harmful reactions in the stomach to enhance inflammation of the intestines. Some of the drugs are as follows:

    • Purinethol or purixan and azasan or Imuran for treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are some of the most prominent drugs that are consumed to counter the symptoms of the crohn’s disease, however, it is important to ensure that it does not cause side effect on pancreas and the liver. The patients need to undergo regular checkup under the supervision of the doctor. Some other complications like lymphoma along with skin cancer could arise due to long term consumption. Prior to administering the drug, a blood exam is carried out to check whether the body can synthesize the medication in a proper manner. It could also help to ward off the instances of blood cancer.
    • Gengraf, sandimmune and neoral for treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are generally used in case of ulcerative colitis if all other types of medications are not having the desired effect. The medicine is not preferred by the doctors because it can quickly cause damages to the kidney along with liver and even pancreas. According to the experts, the probability of cancer is also quite high if the drug is consumed for a longer period of time.
    • Simponi, remicade and humira for treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are also called as the TNF alpha inhibitors and the medicines focuses on inhibiting the production of the protein that helps to boost the immune system. Patients who are in the initial or advanced stages of crohn’s disease are advised to consume the medications. The medicine is generally administered in the fluid form to the body. It delivers sterling results but is riddled with side effects. Another mode to administer the dose to the patient is the form of subcutaneous injection. It is given in combination with other types of immunosuppressant drugs. Note: Patients who suffered from Tuberculosis and hepatitis in the past should not be given the medication because it can prove fatal for them from a long term perspective. Once the therapy is initiated the diseases can return back to haunt the person. Regular testing for fungal infection is advised by the doctor. It is also known to cause lymphoma along with skin cancer.
    • Methotrexate, rheumatrex for treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD is used for the patients suffering from crohn’s disease and not responding to conventional medication. The drug is primarily used to treat life-threatening diseases such as cancer or the extremely painful arthritis. Generally intravenous injection is the best way to provide medication in an impeccable manner. Some of the negative effects comprise of pneumonia along with acute diarrhea. Long term usage could snowball into the enlargement of the patients’ liver accompanied by cancer.
    • Natalizumab, vedolizumab drugs does not allow specific molecules of the immune system to bind with the walls of the intestine. It is primarily used for diseases such as ulcerative colitis and crohn’s syndrome. Patients can consume the medicine if they are suffering from inflammation in the intestine and are not able to get relief from conventional medications. Note: According to the researchers, long-term usage of the medicine can cause leukoencephalopathy that can progress into a fatal brain disease over a period of time. It should be administered only under the tight supervision of the specialists. There are special programs for the patients who are undertaking the medicines. Vedolizumab is now considered a valid replacement for natalizumab because it doesn’t cause side effects to the brain.
    • Ustekinumab or stelara is a medication which is made use of to cure psoriasis is also pretty useful to treat the symptoms of crohn’s disease.
  3. Antibiotic Medicines for Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD

    Anti-biotic medicines can help in treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. People suffering from the disease of ulcerative colitis are administered antibiotics because they help to block the spread of infection in a quick and effective manner. In patients, it can go a long way in reducing the instances of fistula and abscess arising from crohn’s syndrome.

    Antibiotics also play an important role in removing the intestinal infection and suppressing the immunity system of the intestine. They are used in combination with other medications but may not be very effective in crohn’s disease.

    Some of the antibiotics used for treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are as follows:

    • Metronidazole or flagyl medicines for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD were used frequently during crohn’s disease in the past however it is not being used now because of the numerous side effects. It might cause numbness in the limbs and a weird tingling sensation. If you are experiencing the symptoms, it is important to call the doctor. Make sure not to drink alcohol because combined with medicine, it would cause havoc in the form of nausea and vomiting.
    • Ciprofloxacin or cipro medicines for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are quite popular nowadays however long term side effects include tendon rapture.
  4. Other Treatments for Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD

    Apart from reducing inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease or IBD, few medications also helps in the elimination of other symptoms that can cause a problem to the patients.

    • Anti-diarrheal medicines for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are the medicines in the form of finer supplements that can go a long way in delivering impeccable results to the users. For instance, Metamucil plays a very important role in enhancing the stool bulk by many notches. If the diarrhea is acute, lmodium could be a boon for the patients. Medicine should be consumed only under the strict supervision of the physician.
    • Pain relievers for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are helpful in managing pain temporarily but it is suggested to avoid pain relievers because they do more harm than good to the intestine. Ibuprofen along with diclofenac sodium could increase the perforations in the intestine and cause loss of damages in the long run.
    • Iron supplements for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD is helpful. Intestinal bleeding is known to cause anemia and other types of iron deficiency disease.
    • Vitamin B 12 injections can help in inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. In cases of anemia, Vitamin B12 injections are given to the patients to increase the hemoglobin level. It plays an important role in the development and also optimizing the nerve functions.
    • Supplements of Calcium & vitamin D. Steroids are known to cause osteoporosis; therefore, it is important to increase the intake of Vitamin D supplements for bone strengthening.
    • Nutrition is crucial in treating inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. Food is given via the feeding tube or essential nutrients are administered through intravenous injections. They help to boost the immune system of the body and also prevent complications. The presence of the dreaded stenosis in the large intestine might compel you to adhere to the diet with low residue. It will go a long way in preventing the blockage of the digestive tract.

Surgery for Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD

There are many instances when drugs and different types of therapies fail to have the effect on the well-being of the IBD patients. In such cases, surgery should be conducted for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD.

Surgical Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD

Surgical treatment is one of the best possible ways to treat the disease of ulcerative colitis in inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. In such cases, the whole colon is removed from the body along with the rectum. Ileoanal anastomosis process is implemented to ensure that the patient does not have to adorn the bag for the collection of the stool. A pouch is attached to the small intestine right through the anus to discharge human waste.

Some surgeons carve an opening in the abdominal area to which a bag is attached for passing off the stool.

Surgical Treatment for Crohn’s Disease in Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD

In crohn’s disease, surgery is performed but it is not a permanent solution because the eliminated infection can recur after some time. Doctors cut the infected portion of the digestive tract & later attach the healthy portion in an impeccable manner. It plays a very important role in removing the fistulas and provides relief to the patients. One of the most important parts of the surgery is strictureplasty that broadens the intestinal walls for the passing of the digested food particles.

The drawback of the surgery for cron’s disease in inflammatory bowel disease or IBD is that the infection manifests itself close to the tissues which are re-connected. Therefore, a regular colonoscopy would go a long way in delivering impeccable results to the patients. They can follow the suggestions of the doctor to improve the condition by many notches.

What are the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD?

Complementary and alternative medicines or CAM therapies will help immensely while you are coping with inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. These CAM therapies go along with the main stream medications and are not an alternative treatment for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. It is a well-known fact that lifestyle changes accompanied by the consumption of alternative medications will go a long way in providing relief to the patients in an impeccable manner. The medicines do not cause side effective on the patients.

Herbal supplements to treat the digestive disorders are not approved by FDA; therefore, it is not possible to prove that they are safe or either effective. The patient should undertake the advice of the doctors before the consumption of the herbal medications.

Some commonly used complementary and alternative medicines or CAM therapies for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD include:

  • Probiotics is a good CAM therapy for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. It provides useful bacteria that can go a long way in enhancing the digestion of the food by many notches. Many researchers have come up with the findings that probiotics have the desired effect on the perforations of the intestine but it has still not been confirmed.
  • Fish oil for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD plays a very important role in the reduction of inflammation; however, it is known to cause frequent instances of diarrhea. Excessive usage is not recommended by the doctor.
  • Aloe vera as a CAM therapy for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD is quite useful in healing the intestine but like fish oil may cause occasional diarrhea.
  • Turmeric can be used as a great CAM therapy for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. Turmeric is found to be useful in ulcerative colitis because of the presence of a compound called Curcumin. It could go a long way in providing relief to the patients.
  • Acupuncture might help in inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. Piercing of the needle into the fine contours of the skin would help to get relief from the pain as it releases suitable chemicals in an impeccable manner.
  • The prebiotics for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD plays a crucial role in stimulating the production of beneficial bacteria in the intestine to improve digestion by many notches. Researchers have still not found whether the medications have a positive effect on the patients suffering from crohn’s disease.

What is the Recovery Period/Healing Time for Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD?

The recovery period/healing time for inflammatory bowel disease or IBD is good. If the inflammatory bowel disease or IBD case is not complicated, the patient can recover fairly quickly without any hassles. During complications, surgical interventions are often used to provide relief to the patients. Proper supervision of the doctor along with modifications in the lifestyle would go a long way in making the recovery process faster.


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 22, 2023

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