Prognosis of Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder & its Prevention

Compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder is every so often called nymphomania, hyper sexuality or sexual addiction. It is an obsession and compulsion with sexual feelings, behaviors or urges that possibly will lead the patient to sorrow or harmfully influences your relationships, health, job or other aspects of their life.

Prognosis of Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder & its Prevention

With medication and self-assistance, you can control compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder and understand to manage your impulsive behavior.

In this article you will learn about the prognosis and prevention of compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder and the uses of yoga (poses/ asanas and pranayamas) for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder.

Prognosis for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

Individuals who experience compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder be likely to be more victorious in healing when they are extremely motivated to be in behavior, dynamically occupied in their own recovery, and receive thorough medication services. Prospect for substance misuse recovery is further enhanced by being in a supportive environment.

Other investigations tells that the prognosis for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder depends on multiple factors which combine kind of compulsion, whether it involves paraphilic conduct or, sexually aggressive behavior, or if the individual with the compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder who holds in sexually aggressive behaviors experiences from another mental-health issues.

For sexual criminals, factors that point out a poor treatment outlook include a higher quantity and above one type of sexual offenders, having a preceding criminal record, low compassion for their sufferer, and enhanced anger at the point of the offense, cruel sexual fantasies, plus approaches that their victims take pleasure on it. Choosing a profession that places the criminal closer to possible victims plus the use of pedophilic pornography or sadomasochistic are also connected with a worse outlook for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder.

Prevention of Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

Because the reason of compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder cannot be pin pointed, it is not obvious how it could be prevented, but a small number of things may assist keep this kind of behavior in inspection:

  • Getting early assistance for troubles with sexual conduct will prevent compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder. Identifying and healing early signs may assist stop compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder from becoming worse eventually or increasing into a descending spiral of disgrace, self-confidence problems and damaging acts.
  • Seeking medication early for other mental health disorders can prevent compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder. Compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder possibly will be worsened with anxiety, depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Recognizing and seeking assistance for drug and alcohol abuse troubles can prevent compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder. Substance misuse can trigger a deficiency of control and sadness that can escort to poor decision and may urge you toward harmful sexual behaviors.
  • Avoiding dangerous situations in your personal relationships can prevent compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder. Do not endanger your health by placing yourself into circumstances where you will be excited to engage in dangerous sexual practices.

Yoga for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

Stress can be one of the major causes of compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder. Meditation and yoga helps in eliminating of anxiety and intensifying the mind and body. A weak mind and a weak body are the causes for recurrence of compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder. By making your mind and body strong, you can entirely get back from sex compulsion. Below we will describe a few yoga pranayamas and postures that can assist you on the mode to quit compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder:

  1. Kapal Bhati pranayama or The Skull Shining Breathing Practice for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

    Kapal bhati pranayama or the skull shining breathing practice for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder energizes your nervous system, improve blood circulation, refresh brain cells and tranquil your mind through the Skull Shining and breathing technique. This practice also vindicates the naiads (delicate energy paths) and assists avoid the sexuality.

  2. Nadi Shodhan pranayama or The Alternate Nostril Breathing Practice For Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

    Nadi shodhan pranayama or the alternate nostril breathing practice for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder releases build up pressure, tranquils your mind, cleanse and keep upright your naiads (delicate energy paths) by this pranayama. This alternate nostril breathing practice also performs medicinally for lots of sex issues and assists in reducing compulsive behavior.

  3. Bhujanagasana or The Cobra Pose for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

    Bhujanagasana or the cobra pose for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder spreads out your chest and makes blood circulation better. It reduces tiredness and is very good for individuals with sex problems. This yoga pose helps ease stress and reduces sexual desires by helping a person change the way they think and approach life.

  4. Setu Bandhasana or The Bridge Pose for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

    Setu bandhasana or the bridge pose for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder releases up the lungs, therefore improving the stream of oxygen into the body. It in addition stretches several portions of the body, reduces anxiety, stress and depression, calms the mind and assists keep you absent from sex.
    Setu Bandhasana or The Bridge Pose for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

  5. Shishuasana or The Child Pose for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

    Shishuasana or the child pose for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder loosens up the body, cools down the nervous arrangement and assists relieve stress from the body.

    Shishuasana or The Child Pose for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

  6. Trikonasana or The Triangle Pose for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

    Trikonasana or the triangle pose for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder strengthens and stretches various sections of the body and assists strike a very efficient mental and physical equilibrium steadiness in one’s body. It as well decreases stress and anxiety, and assists you combat better the desire to sex.

  7. Sarvangasana or the Shoulder Stand for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

    Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder helps nurture the brain with extra blood and it successfully calms it. It moreover helps relieve depression and stress, thus reducing the desire of sex.

  8. Shavasana or The Corpse Pose for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

    Shavasana or the corpse pose for compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexual disorder should be trained at the last as it permits the body move out to a deep, meditative position of relax and eases stress. This yoga pose refreshes the body plus reduces anxiety and blood pressure (BP).
    Shavasana or The Corpse Pose for Compulsive Sexual Behavior or Hypersexual Disorder

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 12, 2019

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