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Can Low Testosterone Be Treated?

Low testosterone indicates towards a condition known as hypogonadism in males which is represented by the insufficient production of testosterone and sperm. The levels of testosterone drop down due to underactive testes and underactive pituitary gland or hypothalamus. Pituitary gland or hypothalamus is the main secretary organs that control the secretion of testosterone by testes by their sex hormone stimulating hormones. When testosterone levels drop under normal levels in males, the masculine characteristics are interrupted which cause symptoms such as delayed puberty, loss of muscle mass, diminished sex drive, infertility, and erectile dysfunction. It is treated by testosterone replacement therapy.

Can Low Testosterone Be Treated?

Low testosterone can be treated by testosterone hormone replacement therapy. Testosterone is given in medication in the form of –

Gels- gels are applied externally on the skin over shoulders, thighs or both upper arms and kept covered for some time.

Skin Patch- it is applied on the skin to release hormone onto the skin in the interval of every 24 hours in the evening.

Pellets- physician implant pellets under the skin around hips and buttocks to treat low testosterone and replace them in every three to six weeks to have beneficial eradication of the symptoms.

Mouth Tablet- physician also recommend mouth tablets to be attached in the gum or inner cheek two times a day for absorption of testosterone in the blood

Injections- formulated injections are given in 7 to 14 days to raise its levels.

Testosterone hormone replacement therapy is avoided in the form of pills as the pills can cause side effects like stomach upset.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone present in both man and woman in a specific quantity. The levels of testosterone are higher in males than in females. It is produced mainly in testes (male sex organ), a small amount in adrenal gland and ovaries. It influences the masculine characteristics of an individual under the stimulation by the hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Testosterone determines masculine features like muscle mass, bone mass, the growth of hair, and physical strength. It also stimulates sexual functions such as sex drive, fertility, and production of healthy semen.

The normal level of testosterone in our body is 300-1000 nanograms per deciliter. Its levels keep on varying according to body requirements. It is highest during puberty and adulthood. Its levels lower down with the increase in age usually after the age of 30 years. In some men, its levels reduce so much that it causes unwanted effects in the body. The condition in which the levels of testosterone are insufficient for production of sperm and other masculine features is called as hypogonadism.

Hypogonadism shows the following symptoms-

  • The young male adolescent has delayed puberty due to low testosterone.
  • Adults with hypogonadism may have a lack of sexual desire or libido.
  • Adults with low testosterone have erectile problems. He may have problems achieving an erection or maintaining it arises.
  • Hormone deficiency may interfere with the production of hair in body and face as the mustache, and beard. Low testosterone may induce loss of hair from the body or face.
  • Reducing testosterone may cause a gradual decrease in the muscle mass.
  • The individual with low testosterone may feel tired even after sufficient sleep and he cannot be encouraged to exercise.
  • With the reduction of testosterone, bone volume and its density reduce which may lead to frequent fractures in the bones especially in old age.
  • Low testosterone may also cause depression, sadness, irritability, poor memory and loss of focus.


Low Testosterone or male hypogonadism represents the reduced functioning of male sex organs. Testosterone levels can be brought to normal healthy levels by testosterone hormone replacement therapy in the form of patches, gels or injections occasionally by pills. Diet modification, exercises, and lifestyle modification also assist in the restoration of testosterone levels.


  1. Mayo Clinic – Testosterone therapy: Potential benefits and risks as you age.
  2. Harvard Health Publishing – Testosterone: What It Does And Doesn’t Do. Link
  3. Endocrine Society – Testosterone Therapy in Men with Hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. Link
  4. Cleveland Clinic – Hypogonadism. Link
  5. MedlinePlus – Testosterone.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 25, 2023

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