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Can You Walk After Morton’s Neuroma Surgery?

Morton’s Neuroma Surgery aims to treat the problem of Morton’s Neuroma. Accordingly, doctors cut or remove the nerve that traps or squashes between the two ends of metatarsal bones in one’s foot leading to its enlargement gradually.

If we talk about the surgical procedure, Morton’s Neuroma Surgery is a one-day procedure carried out by the doctor under general anesthesia in the respective foot to numb it before surgery. Later on, your surgeon makes a small incision on your pain area i.e. top of your foot between your affected toes. In this way, surgeons identify the problematic Neuroma and remove it in a careful manner.

Can You Walk After Morton’s Neuroma Surgery?

When To Start Normal Walk?

Your podiatric surgeon may recommend you start normal walk based on the type of shoe or footwear you use and your speed of recovery from the surgery. Accordingly-

For 0 week to 6 weeks, you have to bear your bodyweight completely or walk in the recommended hospital shoe.

Six weeks later, you may bear your completely bodyweight in the regular or normal shoes. However, you should make sure selecting footwear options, which have wide space at the toes to avoid reversing your problems further. In addition, you should avoid wearing high heels as much as you can.

Efficiency To Walk And/Or Participate In Any Physical Activity

Efficiency of your regular walk and your participating in any other physical activity after your Morton’s Neuroma Surgery depends on your recovery phases, your level of caring the wound, and your stages related to physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Recovery Phases In Detail

  • Recovery Phase 1- Immediately After Your Surgery
  • Doctors will bandage your foot, while it remains free from pain and in numb condition.
  • A physiotherapist will advise and guide you on personalized rehabilitation sessions and help you to walk in padded stiffs.
  • Your doctor will discharge you from the hospital after you become comfortable and provide you a follow-up appointment. Even your doctor may prescribe you the essential painkiller medicines in case of requirement.

Recovery Phase 2- Initial Few Weeks after the Surgery

  • Elevate the foot i.e. above the heart level as much as you can to reduce the swelling.
  • You should move or walk only when you require doing so, while you should strictly avoid putting any weight on your operated foot.
  • You may find blood ooze in small amounts in your bandage. However, in case of excessive ooze, you should consult with your doctor immediately.
  • You should make sure intake painkiller medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

Recovery Phase 3- Follow-up Appointment after Your Surgery

The condition of every individual is different, because of which post-operative and healing programs vary among individuals. However, you have to follow the mentioned schedule related to your follow-up appointments-

  • Two weeks later, your podiatric surgeon and other doctors will examine your foot after removing your bandages.
  • After six weeks, doctors recommend you removing your hospital shoes and perform re-examination of your foot.
  • After 12 weeks, you will have your last appointment after surgery followed by your discharge from the hospital.

Caring The Wound After Surgery

Once your doctor removes the bandage, you should never pull the scabs. Instead, you should allow them falling away naturally. In case you experience sore, swelling or redness in or near the wound, you should immediate consult your surgeon to check that you do not have any infection at the incised place.


You have to follow the instructions given by your physiotherapist about your different stages related to the rehabilitation process. These include your swelling reduction techniques, exercises related to moving your toes and reduction of muscular tightness.


Therefore, almost every individual may return to walking and other physical activities easily after the Morton’s Neuroma surgery. However, patients need to follow strict instructions from the doctor at each of the recovery phases, while simultaneously should take proper care of the wound and undergo rehabilitation procedure.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 16, 2023

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