Nephrotic syndrome in adults includes a collection of various symptoms, which indicate damage in kidneys. These syndromes include the following-
- A huge amount of protein substance in the urine referred to as albuminuria
- The higher amount of fat as well as cholesterol levels in the blood i.e. hyperlipidemia
- Swelling in different body parts, like ankles, feet, and legs known as edema
- Low albumin levels in the blood referred to as hypoalbuminemia
Albumin is a sponge type of protein, which draws an extra amount of fluid from the body within the bloodstreams, where it stays until and unless kidneys remove it. However, when the leakage of albumin takes place into the human urine, his/her blood loses the ability to absorb the additional fluid from the body and thereby, causes edema.
The nephrotic syndrome often takes place because of a problem related to glomeruli or kidney filters. These are tiny blood vessels present in the kidneys responsible for removing the excess amount of fluids and waste materials from one’s blood and later on, for sending them to the urinary bladder in the form of urine. (1)
Can Nephrotic Syndrome Be Cured In Adults?
The treatment of nephrotic syndrome in adults consists of addressing its underlying cause combined with taking the necessary steps related to reducing the high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, edema problems and preventing the risk related to causing infection. Treatment thus includes medications and certain changes in the diet plan.
ACE Inhibitors And ARBs: Medications to reduce blood pressure slow the progression of kidney problems significantly caused due to nephrotic syndrome. For this, doctors recommend for two different types of blood pressure controlling medicines i.e. Angiotensin receptor blockers abbreviated as ARBs and angiotensin-converting enzymes abbreviated as ACE inhibitors, both of which reduce the pressure in glomeruli and albuminuria.
Diuretics And Beta-blockers: Along with an ARB or an ACE inhibitor, doctors recommend for special medications called diuretics to remove the extra fluid from one’s blood from kidneys. Diuretics are not only helped in curing both high blood pressure and edema. In addition, in some cases, a patient may require calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers and other similar types of hypertension control medications depending on his/her condition. (1)
Statin Medications: Doctors may recommend statin medications to reduce cholesterol levels in patients.
Flu Shots and Pneumococcal Vaccinations: Adults with nephrotic syndrome should essentially take the pneumococcal vaccinations to protect them against a specific type of pneumonic bacterium, which causes infection and other essential flu shots on a yearly basis.
Blood Thinning Medications: If any patient with nephrotic syndrome develops the problem of a blood clot, doctors recommend blood-thinning medications as an effective preventive measure. (1)
To conclude we should say that nephrotic syndrome is curable among patients if they undergo proper treatment of the underlying cause in a timely manner.
Also Read:
- Is Nephrotic Syndrome Fatal & Can A Child Die From It?
- Home Remedies For Nephrotic Syndrome
- What Is The Prognosis For Nephrotic Syndrome?
- What To Eat & Avoid When You Have Nephrotic Syndrome?
- Lifestyle Changes For Nephrotic Syndrome
- Who Is At Risk Of Nephrotic Syndrome & Is There A Blood Test For It?
- Coping Methods For Nephrotic Syndrome