The diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome basically requires a biopsy along with a serious of other tests. Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease where the body discards excess protein into the urine accompanied by complications like edema and blood protein falling really low.
Diet has a significant impact in treating the nephrotic syndrome to an assured level. Patients who are suffering from this condition is often suggested for low sodium intake in their diet. A patient should take an average of about 2000mg of Na (sodium) per day diet.
What To Eat When You Have Nephrotic Syndrome?
How diet impacts nephrotic syndrome? A healthy and balanced diet for nephrotic syndrome comprises of low salt, low fat, and low cholesterol foods. Making lifestyle changes often plays a vital role in avoiding kidney related disorders. Nephrotic syndrome apparently results in the decreased rates of protein levels, so individuals often try to make up the protein loss by consuming food that is high in proteins. However, high-energy proteins aren’t recommended for nephrotic syndrome. In fact, it can be dangerous and have the potential to damage the nephrons in the kidney creating other complications.
Your health care provider usually recommends for low-sodium diet and a low-fat diet. But higher levels of salt can cause noticeable swellings causing great discomfort and high blood pressure. Similarly keeping the fat levels in control help you to prevent life-threatening cardiovascular diseases.
Recommended diet to eat on a nephrotic syndrome:
- Lean meats (poultry, fish, pork, lamb, veal, shellfish, egg)
- Dried Beans(Chickpeas, lentils, kidney bean, black bean, peas)
- Peanut butter
- Soya beans
- Fresh fruits and vegetable
- Carbohydrates(rice and potatoes)
- Whole grains 1.
Many people who follow a vegetarian meal plan often wonder if they could recover from this syndrome provided they follow a plant-based or vegetarian diet. However, when you do it wisely, it can lower the chances of getting kidney diseases. But what is a plant-based diet?
The plant-based diet basically includes whole grains, fresh or frozen fruits such as apples, bear, bananas, and oranges, vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce, green beans, healthy oils which has the potential to compensate animal foods such as dairy, eggs, fish, poultry, and meat. It has become popular in recent years because a plant-based diet is found to be rich in protein, vitamin, and minerals. Some of the common plant-based diets are
DASH Diet– Today leading health organizations are endorsing DASH diet because it follows a great approach to stop hypertension which is a ruling factor for many health disorders. DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, seeds and nuts.
Mediterranean diet- This type of diet focusses more on whole foods and plenty of fruits & vegetables. Studies suggest that these diets can help your kidney disease from getting worse.
What To Avoid When You Have Nephrotic Syndrome?
Excess Of Proteins – Foods that are high in protein should be avoided. High protein foods often cause tubular damage to the kidneys. Milk products such as cheese and yogurt contain high protein, therefore it is suggested to avoid or limit the intake of these products
High Fatty Foods- Fatty foods should be avoided since the cholesterol and triglycerides levels are generally higher in nephrotic syndrome. Foods that contain more fat and oil such as ghee, margarine should be avoided
Frozen foods, canned foods, fried foods and foods that contain excess salts such as salted potato chips, popcorn, salted bread, and salted nuts should be avoided.
Some seasonings and condiments also contain excessive amounts of salt, so when you suffering from this condition ensure that you stay away from these foods.2. 3.
Although plant-based diet can slow down the progression of both heart and kidney related disorders yet when you have chronic kidney disease, you should seek the approval of your doctor or dietician before beginning with your new diets.
Also Read:
- Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome: Causes, Systemic Effects, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
- Is Nephrotic Syndrome Fatal & Can A Child Die From It?
- Can You Outgrow Nephrotic Syndrome & How Do You Reduce Swelling In It?
- Home Remedies For Nephrotic Syndrome
- How To Diagnose Nephrotic Syndrome & What Is the Best Medicine For It?
- What Is The Prognosis For Nephrotic Syndrome?
- Is Nephrotic Syndrome A Serious Condition & Can It Be Reversed?