Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney condition represented by leaking of protein particles through the kidney in the blood. It is usually caused by other diseases like FSGS, minimal change disease, diabetes, lupus, etc. it can affect any person at any age. It is common in the children of age 2-6 years. Its symptoms involve swelling in lower extremities and face, fatigue, loss of appetite, and many more. It can be managed with steroids and other medications. Diet management, vaccinations, and daily urine dipstick tests help in coping with this condition.
Coping Methods For Nephrotic Syndrome
The methods that can help to cope up with nephrotic syndrome are-
The management of diet helps to cope up with nephrotic syndrome. It can help in dealing with its complications. The management of diet includes-
Protein- the health of the kidney depends on the intake of protein in your diet.(2) The dieticians recommend lean sources of protein for nephrotic syndrome.(3) In this condition, protein is lost through urine. High protein diet adversely affects this syndrome.(4) In some patients, low to moderate quantity of protein is considered best for this condition.(2)
Salt- in nephrotic syndrome, swelling in the lower extremities and face is a common symptom. It can be prevented by limiting the amount of salt (sodium) in the diet. It also helps to maintain blood pressure at a healthy level.(2)
Fat- in nephrotic syndrome, cholesterol levels increase in the blood. Cholesterol levels can be regulated by adopting a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.(2)
Sugar- dieticians recommend a diet low in sugar for patients taking steroids in nephrotic syndrome. It is because steroids and other medicines for nephrotic syndrome can cause weight gain. Low sugar diet will reduce blood sugar levels regulating excess weight gain in this condition.(3)
Zinc Supplements- according to recent studies, zinc supplements improve the nephrotic syndrome in most children who are below the age of 18 years.(3)
Vaccinations– children with nephrotic syndrome are recommended to have vaccines of chicken pox and pneumonia between the relapses. Live vaccinations are not recommended for the children who are on medicines of this condition.(1)
Regular Urine Tests At Home- If the patient diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome is a child, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the patient daily for evaluation of any sign of relapse. Urine dipsticks are used for this purpose. The urine of the child is tested daily in the morning with the first urination.(1)
Nephrotic syndrome is a condition characterized by leakage of large amounts of protein through urine. It develops due to damage to the kidneys. It leads to swelling in the body tissues and greater susceptibility to catching infections. It can develop at any age. It is first seen in young children in the age of 2-5 years. It develops more in boys than girls. It is more commonly seen in families who have a history of allergies or who belong to the Asian race.(1)
Nephrotic syndrome cannot be cured completely but it can be managed efficiently with steroids and other medication. The treatment of underlying cause improves the condition. If the kidneys do not work properly and damage in it remains progressive, then dialysis or kidney transplantation is recommended.
Your physician will prescribe medications for lowering blood cholesterol, blood pressure, for excretion of much fluid from the blood and for prevention of formation of blood clots to avoid heart attack or stroke.(2)
Nephrotic syndrome is a condition of kidney marked by the presence of protein in the urine. Introduction of low protein, low cholesterol, low fat, zinc supplements, and low sugar may help in improving this syndrome. Pneumococcal and chickenpox vaccination is also recommended between the relapses to deal with the condition.
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- Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome: Causes, Systemic Effects, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
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- Home Remedies For Nephrotic Syndrome
- How To Diagnose Nephrotic Syndrome & What Is the Best Medicine For It?
- What Is The Prognosis For Nephrotic Syndrome?
- Is Nephrotic Syndrome A Serious Condition & Can It Be Reversed?