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Can Nephrotic Syndrome Go Away On Its Own & What Are It’s Natural Remedies?

Various causes are elucidated for nephrotic syndrome. Some are chronic such as diabetes while others are acute such as infection. If the underlying disease is poorly managed, the nephrotic syndrome will progress and do not go away of its own. Various natural remedies and lifestyle modifications help to manage the nephrotic syndrome.

Can Nephrotic Syndrome Go Away On Its Own?

Can Nephrotic Syndrome Go Away On Its Own?

Nephrotic syndrome is a progressive disease and generally do not go away of its own. In some cases, when the underlying disease gets treated, the nephrotic syndrome also improves. Because of nephrotic syndrome, kidney fails to filter the waste from the blood. The albumin and protein level cannot maintain in the body, and this causes swelling of hand and legs. Patients with nephrotic syndrome require medications to treat the condition. Nephrologist implements various treatment strategies for patients with nephrotic syndrome.

What Are Its Natural Remedies?

Nephrotic syndrome can be managed through various natural remedies and changes in lifestyle.

Healthy Diet For Nephrotic Syndrome

A healthy diet for nephrotic syndrome consists of low salt, low fat and cholesterol, and green vegetables or fresh fruits.

The protein level in a diet depends on the stage and condition, age and weight of the patient with nephrotic syndrome. Low sodium and salt helps to treat inflammation in the hands, legs, and face. Fresh fruits and green vegetables reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The patient is advised to use low-fat dairy products and more chicken and fish1.

Yoga For Nephrotic Syndrome

Yoga helps to improve kidney health in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Yoga decreases stress and improves breathing and strength. There are three yoga poses that can improve the health of the kidney.

Cobra Pose: Cobra pose to stretch the stomach muscles and hold the back muscles. Cobra pose promotes blood flow.

Boat Pose: boat pose is opposite from cobra pose. This yoga practice holds the abdominal muscles and stretches the back muscles.

Seated Twist Post: Twisting pose is commonly a wringing technique. In this technique, the newly oxygenated blood replaces old blood2.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Nephrotic Syndrome

Ayurvedic treatment also provides ways to treat nephrotic syndrome. Ayurvedic treatment of renal syndrome involves using herbs for kidney disease that improve the function and prevent from damages. There are some herbs that include in the treatments of nephrotic syndrome.

Shatavari: Shatavari can restore the natural functions of this organ with its regenerative and restorative properties. Shatavari can reduce the risk of kidney failure.

Small Gokshuru: Small gokshuru prevent infection and inflammation in the kidney and give protection for a kidney from other harmful bacteria and other decline functions.

Trikatu: Trikatu can be used for the treatment of kidney disease.

Punarnava: Punarnava can treat proteinuria by stimulating the function of the kidney and reduce the chances of dialysis and kidney biopsy3.

Exercises For Nephrotic Syndrome

Extensive and strenuous exercise should be avoided for patients with nephrotic syndrome. People with swelling due to nephrotic syndrome should refrain from doing high impact exercise. Exercise should only be done by the patient of nephrotic syndrome after taking consultation with the doctor or under the guidance of an expert.

Avoid Smoking: Smoke is a risk factor for nephrotic syndrome. Patients with nephrotic syndrome should avoid smoking. Smoking can affect patients with high blood pressure and also may cause kidney cancer.

Limit Intake Of Alcohol: Drinking alcohol affects the body parts including kidney. Normally 1 to 2 does not affect the body but a high dose of alcohol should be harmful to the kidney. The kidney damage from alcohol occurs slowly. High quantity of alcohol may also cause chronic kidney disease.


In some cases, nephrotic syndrome is treated of its own, when the underlying condition is properly managed. Untreated nephrotic syndrome may lead to various complications. Natural remedies include exercise, yoga, avoiding smoking and limiting the quantity of alcohol.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 12, 2024

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