Normally, urine is formed in kidneys and excreted from the body. Urine contains water, waste material and minerals. An imbalance in the presence of minerals and the water content, for example, dehydration or less intake of water, can lead to formation of concentrated urine. This can cause the mineral crystals to gather together and form stones.
Renal stones (renal calculi) are a mass of small crystals formed in the kidneys or urinary tract. Homeopathic approach to management of renal stone takes into consideration the tendency of stone formation and imbalance of mineral salts. Kidney stones can cause pain in belly area, which may even radiate to the sides or the groin region. There can be associated complaints depending on the cause and severity of the condition.
There are homeopathic remedies acting on urinary complaints including renal stones and twelve tissue remedies that can also aid in management of imbalance of inorganic salts. Treatment modality may depend on the severity of the condition, while preventive measures are always useful and can be adopted.
What Causes Renal Stones?
Renal stones are usually formed of calcium, oxalate, uric acid, cystine, struvite and other minerals. Some people are more prone to forming renal stones and some may be influenced by a positive familial tendency. Generally, increased intake of these minerals but insufficient intake of fluids (which help to flush these minerals out through urine) can lead to increased chances of formation of mineral crystals. Usually, concentrated urine, urinary infection or obstruction often supports the formation of mineral crystals or stones.
As these minerals are naturally found in many foods that you commonly consume, the intake of mineral always continues. Certain foods like spinach, tomatoes, berries, tea, cocoa, colas, etc contain large amounts of calcium, phosphates and other mineral. Other causes include reduced water intake and recurrent urinary infections and related complaints.
Homeopathic system of medicine aims at understanding these situations and finding the root cause and your tendency. Every person reacts differently to different situations and finding your constitution is very important to find a perfect homeopathic remedy.
What Are The Symptoms Of Renal Stones?
Many renal stones may remain silent and not cause any trouble. However, in some people there may be pain in the lower region of abdomen and towards the sides or the groin. Renal stones may cause pain in the back (loin) radiating to the groin. This may be associated with nausea, vomiting and urinary symptoms like burning urination, pain before, during or after urinating, passage of blood in urine, fever and chills. These symptoms are more common when there is urinary infection along with renal stones.
What Is The Treatment For Renal Stones?
Investigations like blood levels of minerals and electrolytes, renal function tests and urine examination are done. X-rays, ultrasound, CT scan, intravenous pyelogram (IVP) and other studies may be performed to confirm the diagnosis of renal stone and identify other related conditions.
Medical management depends on the type, size and number of renal stones. For small stones, in general, hydration is given to enable flushing out of urine. Pain and other symptoms are treated appropriately with pain medications and rest may be advised.
Surgery may be considered for large stones, when not responding to initial treatment or causing obstruction and kidney damage. Sophisticated treatment methods like lithotripsy, endoscopy and ureteroscopy are available.
Homeopathic Approach To Treat Renal Stones
According to homeopathic principle, formation of renal stones is a tendency, which needs to be treated. As a treatment modality, homeopathy takes into account your complete personal history, family history, physical and emotional complaints, personal likes, dislikes and other factors. The trigger factors that increase your pain or other complaints and factors that provide relief to you are also considered.
Homeopathic remedies can help in relieving pain, urinary symptoms and associated complaints. In case of small urinary stones, these remedies can be helpful in dissolving or crushing them, so that they can easily pass away through the urinary tract. It can thus help in clearing off the urinary tract; protect it from damage and prevent formation of urinary stones again. It can be given when other treatment modalities may not be advisable.
In case of large stones, multiple stones or for stones causing obstruction, surgical treatment may be considered. For urinary stones treated with conservative medicine or with surgical intervention, chances of recurrence of stones are high and prevention becomes important. Homeopathic treatment can help in preventing urinary stones from occurring again by treating your tendency of stone formation, controlling urinary complaints and aiding in regular flushing out of urinary tract along with prescribed diet and regimen.
Prevention Of Renal Stones
As minerals and waste material need to be flushed out, concentration of urine should be prevented by taking plenty of fluids. Around 6 to 8 glasses of water should be consumed daily. Appropriate changes in diet may be helpful like reducing meat consumption if you have uric acid stones. Consume a balanced meal, fresh foods and avoid refined or processed foods.
Maintaining a healthy routine and healthy weight is beneficial. Personal hygiene to prevent urinary tract infections is equally important. Avoid unnecessary medications or nutritional supplements and follow-up with your physician to monitor your progress about any health condition or ongoing treatment.
Homeopathic medicines are usually safe and effective when given appropriately. It is advisable to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for proper treatment.