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What Is The Prognosis For Osteoarthritis & Lifestyle Changes For It?

Osteoarthritis of the joints is a disease in which the cartilage in the different joints of the body wears down and the bones collide with each other and is a common disease in the elderly. Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes joint pain and swelling due to various causes and then causes joint deformity. Symptoms such as pain and swelling can be seen in joints such as the knees and base of the feet, elbows, and shoulders. Osteoarthritis is more common in women than in men as age increases.(1)

What Is The Prognosis For Osteoarthritis?

Patients with arthritis will surely feel the urge to recognize their arthritis prognosis after the diagnosis. It’s just logical that you’d like to understand what’s going to transpire and what may happen in the future. Osteoarthritis patients, in particular, suffer from certain negativity that it will become more severe with age.

Osteoarthritis, however, may affect anyone suffering from joint damage. The disease has slow progression and may affect young people as well.(2)

The Prognosis Factors

Many people perceive osteoarthritis as gradual joint wear and tear that may have slow progression. However, present studies show that osteoarthritis does not always progress to deterioration. In osteoarthritis, rapid joint degradation is not common. For many individuals, osteoarthritis might not proceed to deterioration.

Patient prognosis with osteoarthritis depends on the type of joints affected, as well as whether it triggers the symptoms and compromise joint function.  Many patients remain unaffected while others may suffer from serious impairment. The most effective long-term outcome for the majority of the patients is joint replacement surgery.

In osteoarthritis, the severity of symptoms is not always correlated with the degree of severity of the radiological lesions. The latter therefore do not necessarily constitute a criterion for the course of the disease. Currently, specialists recommend looking for other prognostic factors to be able to treat each patient in a more targeted way and to prevent the worsening of the disease.

Clinical factors of poor prognosis have been identified in osteoarthritis, in particular depending on the location of the disease. Thus in osteoarthritis of the knee, are considered as poor prognosis factors overweight and obesity, a history of trauma or knee surgery, or malformations.(3)

Lifestyle Changes For Osteoarthritis

Physicians are proposing improvements to the lifestyle for treating osteoarthritis. Among the most efficient ways of treating your knee pain could be to incorporate workout. Bolstering the muscles by exercise will relieve pain and rigidity, and significantly increase the range of mobility. Often, it will decelerate joint damages.

Eating a balanced diet is just another life-changing practice worth exploring with the doctor. Many reports attribute body weight to knee osteoarthritis. Researchers found that even losing some weight would dramatically reduce the damage to the cartilage. Often, having an anti-inflammatory diet will ease symptoms of osteoarthritis. Tell your physicians for weight loss therapy depending on your conditions.

In certain cases, an individual’s behaviors and work patterns may lead to their symptoms and the development of osteoarthritis. A doctor will evaluate your habits and show you how to avoid injury and discomfort in your joints.(4)(5)

The Diet For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis needs a healthy eating regime for a good prognosis. To minimize undue strain on the joints, it is essential to maintain a normal weight range. Evidence also indicates that certain forms of osteoarthritis, including knee arthritis, respond favorably to flavonoid-rich diets. You will get plenty of flavonoids in natural fruits and veggies. Additionally, the antioxidants present in several fruits and veggies may also support to control of inflammation-produced free radicals (molecules responsible for cell damage).

A healthy eating habit can help in relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis through inflammation reduction and controlling the swelling. Foods high on vitamins (particularly C and D vitamins), omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin A or beta carotene help control osteoarthritis.

Although the cause of osteoarthritis is not clear yet, it is thought that the following factors are involved in the onset of primary arthritis.

Heredity: There is a research report that if a family member has osteoarthritis, there is a high probability that osteoarthritis will occur, and it is thought that some kind of inheritance is involved.

Age And Gender: The number of symptoms increases as the age increases, but this is related to the fact that muscle strength weakens and the burden on joints increases with age, and that the cartilage of the joints has worn down due to continued use of the joints for many years. It is thought that However, it can occur even at a young age, such as when athletes and typists continue to use specific joints.


  1. Driban JB, Harkey MS, Liu S-H, Salzler M, McAlindon TE. Osteoarthritis and Aging: Young Adults with Osteoarthritis. Current Epidemiology Reports. 2020;7(1):9-15.
  2. Clarson L, Nicholl B, Bishop A, Daniel R, Mallen C. Discussing prognosis with patients with osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional survey in general practice. Clinical rheumatology. 2016;35(4):1011-1017.
  3. van Middelkoop M, Bennell KL, Callaghan MJ, et al. International patellofemoral osteoarthritis consortium: consensus statement on the diagnosis, burden, outcome measures, prognosis, risk factors and treatment. Paper presented at: Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism2018.
  4. Loiskandl M, Ritschl H, Stamm T, Steiner G, Smolen J, Aletaha D. AB1245-HPR New health technologies and lifestyle management for patients with osteoarthritis. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd; 2017.
  5. Roos EM, Arden NK. Strategies for the prevention of knee osteoarthritis. Nature Reviews Rheumatology. 2016;12(2):92.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 12, 2020

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