Improve Skin, Hair & Nail Health With These Diet and Lifestyle Changes

How an individual nourishes themselves plays a pivotal role in their skin, hair and nail health. The everyday factors which affect your hair, skin and nail health include the foods you eat and the products you use in the shower. You do not need to visit an expensive salon to get radiant skin, shiny hair and strong nails. You can improve the condition of your hair, skin, nail and overall health simply by making a few easy changes in your diet and lifestyle. Healthy eating and lifestyle habits can make one beautiful and radiant from the inside and out. Some effective ways to improve skin, hair and nail health are:

Improve Your Diet to Improve Skin, Hair & Nail Health

Improve Your Diet to Improve Skin, Hair & Nail Health

#1. The consumption of fats from animal sources like dairy and red meat should be limited as saturated fats can cause skin inflammation. Instead, healthy fats from fish and pumpkin seeds should be added to the diet as it can help to moisturize the skin, hair, and nails and prevent dermal flakiness and dryness.

#2. Refined sugar should be removed from the diet to prevent yeast infections on the skin and nails. To improve skin health, whole grains, like oats and brown rice, should be chosen over processed white flour.

#3. Include fiber in your diet to improve skin, hair and nail health. Proper intake of fiber helps to promote intestinal health, and result in the formation of healthy, glowing skin. Beans are enriched with fiber and lean proteins. So by adding beans to the daily diet, one can keep their skin and body, healthy. Other good sources of lean protein are fish and white-meat poultry.

#4. Another great way to improve skin, hair and nail health is to drink plenty of water. To have a healthy body, it is extremely important to drink plenty of water every day. Doctors recommend drinking 8 cups of plain water per day to stay healthy. Consuming optimal amount of water daily helps to flush out toxins from the body, and promote kidney health, and thereby ensuring healthy skin, hair and nails.

Make Way for Lifestyle Changes to Improve Skin, Hair & Nail Health

#1. To improve the hair, skin and nail health, it is very important to minimize stress and relieve anxiety. Decreasing stress in life can help the skin appear more radiant and healthier. Practising yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises regularly can also prove useful in promoting good and healthy skin.

#2. Engaging in moderate exercises can also help to boost the overall health. Aerobic exercises increase blood flow throughout the body, and thus improve circulation in the scalp, skin and fingers and give you improved skin, hair and nail health.

#3. Exposure to toxins should be avoided whenever possible. Consuming oily, unhealthy and junk food should be limited. One should live a healthy lifestyle and choose to eat organic foods to improve their overall health.

#4. Quitting smoking is vital to not only improve skin, hair and nail health, but also your overall health. For ones who wish to live a healthy, illness-free life, it is very essential to quit smoking. Since exposure to smoke causes premature skin aging, makes the hair dull and destroys the fingernails, quitting smoking is vital for significantly improving the hair, skin and nail health.

#5. To keep the skin, nail and hair healthy, it is very important to keep them well protected against harmful environmental factors. Moisturizer should be applied regularly on the skin to prevent dermal dryness. When going outside, it is recommended to use sun block for preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Harsh cleansers should not be used on the hair, hands and skin. Also, strong soaps should not be used as they can strip natural oils from the body and cause dryness. In case the hair, skin and nails consistently appear unhealthy, a dermatologist should be consulted without any delay. This is important since excessively dry hair and skin, and brittle nails can be a sign of underlying illness.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 20, 2021

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