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10 Mindfulness Habits For Clearer Skin

Mindfulness is known to be effective in reducing stress and enhancing happiness. In recent years, many people have adopted this practice of mindfulness in their daily life to reduce stress. However, it is not just about stress management, mindfulness is also helpful for our skin health. There are some mindfulness habits for clearer skin. Read further to know about them.

Many research indicates that mindfulness can reduce the effects of stress and the American Psychological Association cites various studies that mention the benefits of mindfulness in reducing the levels of stress and anxiety.(1)

Stress can negatively impact the skin, and create wrinkles and fine lines by speeding up the aging process. Mindfulness can improve skin health and keep you looking young.

According to an article of August 2017 published in Diabetes Spectrum, strategies of mindfulness can help you stick to a healthy and balanced diet, and also as per the research published in April 2015 in JAMA Internal Medicine, it is known that strategies of mindfulness can help you sleep better. This in turn helps in maintaining a healthy and clearer skin complexion.(2, 3)

10 Mindfulness Habits For Clearer Skin

10 Mindfulness Habits For Clearer Skin

  1. Set The Right Intention For A Clear Skin

    You should acknowledge your feelings and set the right intention before beginning your skincare routine. If you are frustrated or unhappy, set an intention to focus on kindness, gratitude, self-love, and self-acceptance. Know that you have the power within you to control your emotion and change how you feel. Once you set the right intention, you will be able to concentrate on a better skincare routine.

  2. Slow It Down, Let Your Skincare Product Do Its Work

    In today’s world, we focus more on making a living than living. We think so much, want so much, but we ignore the pleasure of just being.

    This mindfulness habit of slowing down would help not only in achieving peace but also in improving skin health. Say, for example, many of us wash our faces quickly in 10-15 seconds. However, when we slow it down and spend at least 60 seconds and cleanse our face properly, the skincare product that we use (whatever may it be) would do its work. It would help to make our skin soft and also help in healing your skin tone.

  3. Pay Attention Towards The Effects That Your Skincare Products Have On Your Skin

    When we pay attention and live in the present moment, we can notice the changes that each of our skin products brings to our skin. So, when you are using any skincare product, keep noting down the changes that come out noticeably in your skin and what all needs to be added to make it look clearer.

  4. Don’t Be Judgmental About Your Skincare

    In mindful skincare, there is nothing that you might be doing wrong. No matter what the process of skincare routine you follow, if it is done with mindfulness, then it would work for you. Even a few basic skincare steps and a few skincare products would be helpful. Maybe a gentle cleanser, a pure moisturizer, and a sunscreen lotion would be all that you might require.

  5. Look For Progress, Not Perfection

    “Sometimes we try to jump at the line of perfection. However, it is not always about being perfect, it is more about being progressive.” One of the best mindfulness habits for clearer skin is not to focus on getting the “perfect skin”, but rather strive towards it slowly, no matter how slowly the progress would be. Do not compare your skin with anyone else’s skin. Keep tracking your progress in achieving clearer skin.

  6. Go For Meditation and Stress Management Methods

    As per research conducted by researchers at the University of Sheffield, it has been found that techniques like meditation, relaxation, and cognitive behavior therapy, have provided real benefits for people with skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, acne and vitiligo.(4) When you are stressed, your skin condition worsens.

    So, all that you need is to spend at least 15 minutes doing meditation in a quiet place, and you can see the change not only in your mind but also in your skin. Meditation brings energy into your body and generates a calm and relaxing feeling. It also helps in repairing the tissues and cells of your body, which ultimately gives your skin a clearer, fresh, and youthful glow. You can also see fewer wrinkles since meditation can slow down the aging process.

  7. Pay Attention To Your Breathing Pattern

    One more mindful habit for clearer skin is paying attention to your breathing pattern. Sometimes take a minute and simply breathe. This has a huge benefit, especially when we talk about enhancing relaxation and easing stress.

    According to a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience that looked at how controlling our breath can change our lives, it was found that slow breathing techniques enhanced relaxation, comfort, and alertness, and also reduced symptoms like depression, arousal, confusion, anxiety, and anger.(5)

    Pause from your work and take a deep breath inward. Hold this for a few seconds and then slowly let it out. Repeating this at least ten times would be helpful. When you are relaxed and free from stress, your skin naturally becomes clearer and younger.

  8. Be A Conscious Exerciser

    Exercise is the way to feel and also look good. Whether you walk, run, jog, or lift weights, all such physical activities can be meditative when you remain present while exercising, you can notice how your skin looks clear and fresh after exercising.

  9. Watch What You Eat

    One of the most important things to be noted while practicing mindfulness for clearer skin is being mindful about what you eat. Eat clean, healthy, and nutritious, and your skin will thank you with a clear glow.

  10. Go For A Body Scan At Bedtime

    You can also adopt this mindfulness habit for clearer skin. This technique involves getting your attention to all your body parts, from head to toe. When you do these body scans before bed, you will get better sleep and feel relaxed and that would present you with clearer skin.

Final Words

Getting clearer skin naturally by practicing some mindfulness habits is possible. However, you need to be consistence in it and most importantly, you need to believe that it is possible.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 15, 2022

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