Oil pulling or oil swishing is an ancient method of detoxification and a wonderful healing therapy working great in eradicating various health issues including dental problems, throat infections, hair problems, skin related issues and many more on a list. In this current article we will talk about various health benefits of the traditional process of detoxification and healing called Oil pulling. So, go through an eye read on the following arrays of the article and look upon the miracles of this wonderful therapy of oil pulling or oil swishing.
Various Health Benefits Of Oil Pulling or Oil Swishing:
Oil pulling or Oil Swishing is at present a growing trend among many people who have seen the benefits of natural healing science before. However, this is not a new process and has been practiced by the traditional folks, especially the Indians who follow Ayurveda greatly. In this section we will talk about some of the most crucial health benefits of this Ayurvedic treatment. Here below is the list we come up with while looking for the various health benefits of oil pulling.
- Oil Pulling And Its Benefits To Oral Health: The prime most causative agent for tooth decay, Streptococcus mutans are killed by the process of traditional detoxification and healing known as Oil pulling. This is also known that oil pulling helps in keeping away from the bacteria and microbes causing other oral infections including gingivitis, tooth plaque etc. apart from this, Oil pulling also assist in getting the teeth shine brighter and makes them look clean white when done regularly at least for about 45-60 days.
- Oil Pulling And Weight Loss: Though there are no clinical studies explaining about this benefit of Oil pulling for weigh loss; yet it is thought that oil pulling has its link with weight loss. The process of detoxification helps in keeping the body healthy, fit and free from toxins and parasites and helps the body and body parts function optimally and also shed excess of pounds from it. It is documented that a liver containing excess of parasites and toxins cannot function in the absolute way and cannot burn fats from the body properly. Oil pulling as known can detoxify the toxins and parasites; thus help in shedding of body weight in an indirect way.
- Oil Pulling And Benefits To Skin Health: It is known that rashes, spots and marks from skin usually vanish away remarkably by oil pulling. As the process involves detoxification, it means removing the toxins and harmful bacteria or parasites out of body which would else enter the bloodstream and causes various skin issues; helps in keeping the skin clear and shine with oil pulling.
- Oil Pulling Healthy Benefits During Hormonal Changes: While there goes hormonal changes in body, especially during like the menstruation etc; and when there is no requirement of the hormones fighting against the toxins in the body, the body is able to function in a better way, for hormones simply have to behave in their natural way as they should without having to fight against the foreign particles or the toxins.
- Oil Pulling and Its Benefits To Immune System: Oil pulling is also known to provide energy to the body by strengthening the immune system, making it more functional to fight against diseases and keeping the body fit, healthy and energetic.
- Oil Pulling As A Home Remedy For Asthma: Many people claim that oil pulling or oil swishing has actually helped them reduce the symptoms of asthma by a greater extent. Conditions like asthma or bronchitis, sinus etc are primarily caused due to infections in mouth and oil pulling helps removing these toxins. So there are possibilities this traditional method of detoxification and healing can help reduce asthma.
- Oil Pulling Aids Healthier Sleep: It is explained that oil pulling also has its amazing benefits in healthier sleep. By practicing oil pulling or oil swishing on a regular basis for at least 20 minutes a day can help you have a sound and better sleep.
- Oil Pulling And Health Benefits In Treating Migraines And Headaches: When it comes to headaches it can be said, “Medicines are taken for human amusement. It is the nature which cures the condition”. Headaches and migraines are thought to be responsible with the causative agents like bacteria in tooth. So such conditions can also be caused through the mouth. So, by removing these bacteria and other toxins from body by the method of oil pulling or oil swishing we can avoid headaches and migraines to some extent.
Some FAQS On Oil Pulling Or Oil Swishing:
What Is Oil Pulling Or Oil Swishing?
It is a folk medicine, originated from Ayurveda or the natural healing science and claims for treating many diseases and conditions like tooth decay, plaques, asthma, skin problems, headaches, etc. Here two tablespoon of oil is taken in the mouth and pulled all over in the mouth for at least 5 minutes to 20 minutes and then the oil is spit. Then after mouth wash is done properly. Continuing this for at least 45 days gets good results to the teeth and body.
Where To Spit The Oil After Oil Pulling Or Oil Swishing?
Make sure you are not spitting it in the sink and not clogging the pipes. Do it in the thrash.
What Are The Best Oils For Oil Pulling Or Oil Swishing?
You can use vegetable oils, the edible oils like Sunflower oil, Sesame oil, Coconut oil etc, essential oils are also used for oil pulling.
Is It Necessary To Continue The Regular Brushing If You Are Doing Oil Pulling Or Oil Swishing?
Yes! Make sure you are not ignoring the regular process of oral hygiene. Continue brushing, tongue cleaning, and mouth washing as usual they should be.
So if you are satisfied with the health benefits and are aware of the process of oil pulling; do start with this wonderful alternative therapy and experience the miracles on self. Please note to consult a healthcare professional or a doctor before oil pulling. There are some conditions where oil pulling must be restricted.
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