10 Ways In Which Turnips or Shalgam is Beneficial for Skin & Hair Health

Coming from the family of root vegetables, turnips are grown and consumed all over the world in moderate, that is, neither hot and neither cold climates. Turnips or Shalgam are available in various sizes and are consumed by humans as well as livestock. There are 2 varieties of turnips namely, green and white turnips out of which the green ones have a higher nutritional value whereas the white ones are available more easily. Turnips can also be consumed in numerous ways; you could choose to make a salad, stew, pickle or even make dips or coleslaw out of them. Turnips are also found to be rich in a number of vitamins and minerals including calcium and iron and hence help in keeping your body healthy. In addition to maintaining your health, turnips also provide a lot of skin and hair benefits that will enhance your beauty. In this article, we bring to you a number of awesome beauty benefits of turnips or shalgam for your skin and hair.

10 Ways In Which Turnips or Shalgam is Beneficial for Skin & Hair Health

Benefits of Turnip or Shalgam for Skin

    1. Turnip Brings A Glow To Your Skin

      Since turnips are a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and manganese, they contribute a lot towards keeping our skin soft and healthy. These antioxidants in turnips prevent the skin from the harmful free radicals in our body which can lead to oxidative damage to the skin cells. Turnips or Shalgam fight with the free radicals to protect the skin cells in our body and in this way, protects the body from any form of cancer as well. Another way in which these antioxidants bring life to our skin and body is by the removal of impurities and toxins which cause harm to the skin in the long run. So get glowing skin with this awesome beauty benefit of turnips.

      Turnips are also a good source of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients etc. which help a lot in maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

    2. Benefits of Turnip or Shalgam in Healing Cracked Heels

      Application of turnip is known to show miraculous results on cracked heels. All you need to do is take a few turnips along with their leaves and boil them in fresh and clean water. Allow it to cool down to bearable temperature and soak your aching and cracked feet in this turnip water for about 10 minutes or so before going to bed. Continue this turnip remedy daily and you will observe awesome results in 3-4 days. Not only will your cracked soles and heels be healed, but regular application will make your feet really soft and smooth. Turnip leaves can also be used to get rid of wrinkles on your feet.

    3. Turnip Prevents Premature Aging

      Signs of aging are something we all try to avoid and hide as soon as they pop up in our lives. Well, the good news is that regular consumption and application of turnips or Shalgam can keep away all the signs of aging from wrinkles to fine lines and from blemishes to dark spots very easily. This is achieved because of the antioxidants present in this root vegetable, which fight off the free radicals in our body which otherwise are capable of causing damage to our skin.

      In addition to this, antioxidants present in turnips also increase the production of collagen in the body, which is a protein found in bones, teeth, and cartilage etc. Collagen is known to improve and maintain the elasticity of the skin and hence prevents the occurrence of wrinkles and fine lines. Turnips are also rich in vitamins and minerals which also aid in improving the quality of your skin. So fighting premature aging is another awesome beauty benefit of turnips for your skin.

    4. Turnip or Shalgam Nourishes The Skin

      Even though free radicals might seem like a small problem, its effects may cause a lot of health and skin related ailments which we must stay away from. We are aware of the fact that antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals present in turnips are found to fight off these damage-causing free radicals and also hinder their formation. Thus, regular consumption of turnips is essential for the health and growth of our skin and provides the required care and nourishment to the skin.

    5. Turnip Helps In Treating Acne

      Getting rid of acne is yet another awesome beauty benefit of turnips or shalgam for your skin. Acne becomes the prime reason for our problems as soon as we hit puberty. Acne is caused because the pores in our skin get clogged with dirt, impurities, and toxins. Excessive body oils secreted through our oil glands also add to the problem of acne which is faced by millions of people across the globe. The antioxidants present in turnips effectively help in getting rid of these impurities and toxins from the body. Thus, if you consume turnips regularly, it will surely help you in preventing acne and even in getting rid of it completely.

      Elimination of toxins from the body not only prevents acne, but also maintains the overall health of your body which is reflected on your skin. Since the antioxidants present in turnips destroy all the damage causing free radicals from the body, your skin automatically becomes soft and radiant.

    6. Benefits of Turnip or Shalgam in Detoxifying the Skin

      Adding to the list of awesome beauty benefits of turnips for your skin is its ability to detoxify your skin. Toxins and impurities in our body hinder the functioning of the vital organs of our body including our liver and kidneys because they have to put extra effort to fight them off and destroy them. In this way, these harmful toxins tend to cause various health and skin related ailments. To prevent these problems, regular detoxification of the skin and body is of utmost importance and turnips are our best choice for the same. Turnips have an abundance of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds like polyphenols and photo nutrients in them which help in skin detoxification and in the process also fight of other skin problems like acne, rashes, eczema etc. Thus regular consumption of turnips or turnip juice keeps all these skin problems at bay, making the skin healthy and toxin-free.

    7. Turnip Moisturizes The Skin And Prevents Dryness

      As already mentioned, turnips are a rich source of a variety of vitamins and minerals, some of which include antioxidants, calcium, and magnesium. Another useful fact is that turnips or Shalgam have water content as high as 94%. Thus daily consumption of turnips can moisturize your skin very well. A well-moisturized skin keeps other problems like dryness; rashes etc. at bay leaving you with soft and younger looking skin forever.

Benefits of Turnip or Shalgam for Hair

  1. Turnip or Shalgam Promotes Hair Growth

    Encouraging hair growth is an awesome beauty benefit of turnips or Shalgam for your hair. As previously mentioned, turnips are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They are found to be rich in copper which is highly responsible for the production of a compound called melanin. Melanin is the compound which is responsible for giving colour to your hair. The presence of other vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene also helps in protecting the growth and shine of your hair. In addition to this, turnips contain iron which improves blood circulation in the scalp and hence promoted hair growth. Thus, regular consumption or application of turnips can maintain and increase the growth of your hair effectively.

  2. Benefits of Turnip in Treating Scalp Acne And Oily Hair

    The presence of various nutrients like vitamins and minerals like zinc, iron, copper etc. in turnips ensures that the scalp remains nourished and healthy. Turnips provide proper care to the hair follicles and keep them free from excessive oil which might further lead to various hair problems. The anti-oxidants present in turnips also keep the hair follicles clean and healthy by destroying damage causing free radicals. They aid in the removal of impurities and toxins that tend to get clogged in the pores of the scalp and pose a possibility of the occurrence of scalp acne. All you need to do is make a paste of turnips and apply to your hair regularly. You can also apply turnip juice to your hair to get rid of oily hair or scalp acne and keep your hair healthy and oil-free.

  3. Turnip is Beneficial In Preventing Hair Loss

    The abundance of vitamins and minerals found in turnips aids in maintaining the quality of your hair and prevents hair loss to a great extent. Turnips or Shalgam provide deep nourishment to the hair follicles and keep the scalp healthy and moisturized at all times, thus keeping all problems like dry and itchy scalp, hair fall, dandruff etc. at bay.

    Regular consumption and usage of turnips makes the hair immune to damage by fighting off all the free radicals and thus maintains hair growth and also increases the circulation of blood in our scalp and the body making them strong and lustrous. So prevent hair loss with these awesome beauty benefits of turnips for your hair.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 14, 2019

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