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What Helps Neck Pain From Stress & How Should I Sleep With Neck Pain?

Most of the people experience minor or chronic neck pain because of anxiety or stress. The reason for this is that approximately every human head has 15 pounds weight, because of which muscles present in one’s neck experience a huge level of strain regularly. In this situation, if the same individual experiences emotional or physical stress to some extent, he or she would likely suffer from unceasing yet chronic neck pain. Positively, you will find a few of the simple and easy ways to prevent your neck pain from stress and sleep properly by managing your neck pain.

What Helps Neck Pain From Stress?

What Helps Neck Pain From Stress?

Stretch The Affected Muscles

If you experience neck pain due to stress or anxiety levels, it may go away in no time if you stretch the affected muscles i.e. the muscles running towards the top of the neck from the lower back region. Positively, you may perform the respective stretch related workouts comfortably from your home and without any requirement of a special device.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy of a few of the irritable muscles is an effective way to reduce the extent or amount of pain you experience in the neck. In this case, you should allow professional massage therapists to apply massage across your neck muscles and in turn, to reduce the level of strain you experience. Other than this, you should ask your therapist to add cold or hot compresses to give you quick relief during any tender rubbing down procedure.(2)

Dedicate Time for Mild To Moderate Exercises

Mild to moderate exercises give tons of health benefits. Even it reduces your neck pain if you perform appropriate physical exercises to relieve the muscular strain in your head and neck areas. Moreover, physical exercise increases the cortisol levels and reduces oxidative stress, both of which relieves not only your neck pain but also relieves the pain in your shoulders and back portion even in a single exercise session.

Do Yoga Poses

Whether you join a regular Yoga class or simply opt to do Yoga poses from the comfort of your home, you will find yoga helps in relieving your tension, eases your muscle pain and reduces the amount of stress. Even if you have limited time in your hand, you should do yoga for a few minutes to achieve drastic improvement in your overall health and develop your competency to handle varying levels of stress.(2)

Strictly Avoid Caffeine Intake before Sleeping

We all are well aware of the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes. However, caffeine intake before sleeping or going to bed may result in few of the underlying effects. This is because; pre-sleep stimulants are responsible to create undue pressure and tension in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, leading to stress-related chronic neck pain even when you always stay happy or in a good mood.(2)

How Should I Sleep With Neck Pain?

long with the aforementioned techniques to manage your stress and relieve neck pain, you should know specific sleeping positions if you often suffer from neck pain.

According to experts, you should go with anyone from the two sleeping positions, i.e. on your back or on your side. Both of them require a round shape pillow to provide support to the natural curve of the neck in combination with a flat pillow cushion for the head. For this, you should tuck a small neck roll with the soft and flatter pillow’s pillowcase. Alternatively, you may use a special pillow equipped with in-built neck support with the head indentation for your rest.(1)


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 22, 2019

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