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Amazing Health, Skin and Beauty Benefits of Durian

Durian is a nutritious fruit with delicious taste. The durian fruit looks very spiky and resembles the jackfruit.(1) Durian has a creamy texture that adds to its taste, though it has a pungent smell to it, which is not liked by many.(1) The durian is a seasonal fruit found in many parts of South-East Asia. You can eat durian to enjoy its health benefits or apply it to your skin to enjoy its beauty benefits. Both ways, durian is a great fruit to eat and enjoy its other benefits. Let us look at the health, skin and beauty benefits of durian.

Health Benefits of Durian

Some of the most important health benefits of durian include the following (3):

  • Consume Durian for Energy & Strength (7): Durian gives instant energy, as it is rich in carbohydrates. Durian contains rich nutritious components like vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and iron along with fibre and protein.(2) Durian is rich in vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 too.(2) Durian improves the formation of red blood cells, which is good for anemic patients.(1,7) Durian strengthens the immune system and the nervous system and this is one of the most essential health benefits of durian.
  • Durian for Good Health: Durian improves the muscle system and helps keep blood pressure under check.(7) Durian keeps the bowel movement healthy, which in turn is good for health.(4) Eating durian helps to calm the mind, as it is rich in Tryptophan, which helps improve sleep and is good for insomniacs.(5) Durian increases fertility and is used to treat hormone-related problems. However, Durian also leads to weight gain when consumed in excess.(1,7) These health benefits of durian make it a popular health food.
  • Benefits of Durian for Healthy Teeth: Durian contains vitamin C, which is good for bone formation and for the teeth too.(2) Durian contains phosphorous, which is required for healthy bones and teeth apart from vitamin C.(6)
  • Durian as Dietary Fiber (1): Durian is rich in fiber, which helps to remove body waste from the body easily. It removes toxic elements from the body regularly. Dietary fiber has gained much importance and as it is one of the health benefits of durian, this fruit gets special recognition.
  • Antioxidant Benefits of Durian: Durian is an antioxidant that can easily destroy free radicals in the body. This helps to treat fatal diseases like cancer, as they can destroy cancer-causing cells in the body. Durian contains organosulfur,(8, 9) which helps to detoxify the body.

Skin and Beauty Benefits of Durian:

Durian is good for improving skin health too, even when it is applied externally. Let us look at some of the skin and beauty benefits of durian.

Durian is an antioxidant and contains many hydrating oils that keep the skin moisturized. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes this natural fruit very good for the skin and hair. Due to the skin and beauty benefits of durian, it is used in many natural beauty treatments.

Durian has a flavonoid that helps to keep the skin tight and wrinkle free. Durian is rich in moisture and can help to moisturize the skin. Though Durian helps to beautify the skin, the progress is slow, but sure to give the best effects. Choose durian fruits that are rich yellow in color, as they are the most nutritious and delicious to eat.

Here are the most popular skin and beauty benefits of durian:

Durian has Anti-aging Properties (1): Durian helps to keep the skin young and shiny. It helps to regenerate dead and old skin cells so that the skin can regain fresh new cells. Durian also helps to tighten the skin and maintain its firmness. This is one of the important skin and beauty benefits of durian.

Durian for Skin Lightening: The vitamin C content in durian helps to lighten the skin. Durian removes dark tans from the skin, as the acidity in vitamin C helps to remove deep tans from the body. Just apply the pulp of durian and rub it on the skin by gently massaging it on the face and hands.

Durian to Treat Dark Circles: One of the amazing skin and beauty benefits of durian is that it can be used to treat dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. Even if you have bags surrounding your eyes, you can apply durian to remove such puffiness. Durian also helps to get rid of dark circles occurring due to inadequate sleep. By consuming durian, you can get more relaxed thanks to the amino acid content in durian. This keeps you relaxed and also improves your sleep.

Durian to Treat Skin Blemishes: One of the most loved skin and beauty benefits of durian is that it can heal skin blemishes too. Durian helps in collagen production, which improves the skin to heal easily and can also help to heal wounds easily.

Using Durian as Face Mask

As the skin and beauty benefits of durian are appreciated by all, not many know that Durian can be used to make a natural face mask. Those who do not like to eat durian due to its distinctive odor can use it as a face mask. The flesh of durian contains sulfur in its organic form, which helps to detoxify the skin. The organosulfur present in Durian is rich in enzymes.

Face Mask with Durian Pulp: Remove the pulp from the outer skin. Take about one teaspoon of the durian flesh and make it into a smooth paste. Smear the paste on your face, neck, hands, and foot. It is easy to apply Durian, as it is a soft fleshy fruit. Allow it to set in for about 15 to 20 minutes. Once it is dry, rinse off the facemask with warm water and then pat it dry. It also removes the bad odor of the fruit, which some do not like. Use a moisturizer after removing the face mask for best results.

Durian and Cucumber Face Mask: Mix two tablespoon of durian pulp with few slices of peeled and chopped cucumber and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Blend it well to make a smooth paste. Apply it all over your face and neck and gently massage it into the skin and allow it to dry for about 10 minutes. You can now wash your face with lukewarm water and remove the dry mask. Pat your face dry with a smooth towel.

Durian Face Scrub: Blend 2 tablespoons of durian pulp with a pinch of baking soda and 1 teaspoon olive oil well into a container and apply it on the skin. Gently give your face and neck a brisk massage. This will act as a good scrub too. If you have any left-over from the Durian pulp, you can apply it on your arms and legs too, as it helps to exfoliate your skin and leaves the skin feeling smooth and soft. Durian brings a glow to your skin. These Durian face masks can offer the skin and beauty benefits of durian and can be used regularly for best results.

Precaution Tips While Using Durian

  • Durian is rich in carbohydrates and calories; so it is best if Durian is eaten moderately.
  • Even though durian is very nutritious, it also helps a person gain weight.(1,7)
  • Do not consume alcohol, when you are eating durian.
  • Durian contains traces of alcohol that raises the blood pressure of people with hypertension.


Durian is a very nutritious fruit. Just eat the fruit and enjoy its taste along with its health and skin benefits. Apply a bit of the pulp on your face and enjoy the beauty benefits of durian.


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 14, 2020

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