Sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and congested chest are some of the common symptoms of common cold and flu. If you frequently fall ill due to cold and flu, it means you have a weak immune system. Talking about natural cures for cold and flu, certain foods can boost your immune system. So, here we have 7 foods to build immunity and fight cold and flu.
7 Foods to Build Immunity & Fight Cold and Flu
There are no such super foods that can prevent colds from occurring and treat the condition effectively. But, there are some foods that can help build immunity and fight cold and flu infection. Try to include the below mentioned 7 foods that help build immunity and fight cold and flu.
Kiwi Fruit
A type of Chinese gooseberry, kiwi fruit is a powerful and surprising food to combat colds. According to medical experts, snacking with nutrient-dense kiwifruit can help alleviate the symptoms of cold and even reduce the duration of illness. Eating kiwifruit can resolve sore throats, head congestion and other symptoms of cold quickly. The micronutrients present in gold kiwifruit can enhance the concentration of immune boosting erythrocytes in red blood cells significantly which fight cold and flu.
No matter how you use this spice in your diet, it can help you cure and prevent a variety of heath conditions. Ginger is effective in building your immunity and with its anti-inflammatory properties is one of the popular foods to fight cold and flu. It has a long medicinal history and people have used it to fight against common colds for ages. Consuming ginger tea is believed to be effective for cold sufferers with no fever and this may also reduce other symptoms like nausea. Drinking ginger tea with lemon juice and honey can sooth the throat by loosening the mucus and easing chest discomfort.
Chicken Soup
Chicken soup has been in use for many years to cure common colds. Along with the protein rich chicken, warm liquids keep you hydrated, loosen the mucus and ease the sore throats. Moreover, the ingredients included in the soup are often ginger, black pepper, parsley, etc. which have medicinal properties that build immunity and helps fight common colds in patients. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in easing the symptoms of colds and flu. Hence, chicken soup is one of the tastiest surprising foods to build immunity and fight cold and flu in patients.
Almonds and Its Skin
Eating a handful of almonds is very effective against common cold, but make sure to eat them whole. Studies have proved that the skin of almonds have polyphenols which is a disease fighting compound. It can increase the sensitivity of white blood cells called T Cells, which fight viruses and bacteria that cause cold and flu in people. Even after the almonds are digested in the gut, the immunity boost lingers on. Almonds with skin have positive effects on immune system and so are included in the list of foods to build immunity and fight cold and flu.
Mushrooms are a rich source of antioxidants, selenium and vitamin B. All these nutrients are helpful in boosting your immunity that helps fight cold-causing viruses and bacteria. It also has anti-viral effects and regular consumption of mushrooms helps to fight cold. The increased level of selenium found in mushrooms is also known to reduce the risk of flu and vitamin B in mushroom helps keep your immunity stronger to combat colds.
High in omega3 fatty acids, Sardines are known to reduce the risk of inflammation and heart diseases in people. The omega 3 fatty acids found in Sardines can boost your immunity and help your body fight cold and flu symptoms. Sardines also provide other essential nutrients like protein, calcium and vitamin D which are good for your overall health. So, it is another effective food to combat colds.
Citrus Fruits with Skin
Citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C, which can keep your immune system in great condition. Orange is one of the best citrus fruits rich in Vitamin C. It boosts your body’s ability to fight infections and is one of the useful foods to combat colds and flu. It also fights against the cell-damaging free radicals and protects you from many illnesses. The peels of the citrus fruit comprise a unique and natural chemical compound called limonene, which is very helpful in treating bronchitis. This chemical compound may also help against cancer and weight loss.
These foods boost your immunity that enhances your fighting ability during colds and helps you recover faster. But, before including these foods into your diet, prefer consulting your doctor to know the exact quantity that you need to consume along with your regular diet.
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