Experiencing high blood sugar, medically known as diabetes mellitus, in itself indicates that an individual has to be very particular in choosing the right things to eat and drink. It is very crucial to understand that how much carbohydrates a person must intake and its impact over the blood sugar levels.
As per the American Diabetes Association, it is recommended to drink zero-calorie or have at least low-calorie drinks while suffering from diabetes. The main reason behind this is to prevent unwanted blood sugar spikes. A lot of research goes into finding the right kind of food and drinks to be consumed when one suffers from high blood sugar.
It was found that a lot of teas has a beneficial effect in lowering the blood sugar levels. In this article, we will find the different teas that help in lowering the blood sugar levels, how to choose the right one and the other benefits of these teas.
5 Teas That Can Help Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels
A variety of tea options are available to choose from as per individual choice and preferences. The list of requirements in a single tea might vary from taste, aroma, its effect over blood sugar levels, heart and many others. Benefits of teas are unlimited but selection must be done wisely to avoid any negative impacts. Moreover, a person with any disease must prefer a little bit of research before opting for a tea in a regular diet. These herbal teas provide the best aroma and benefits if consumed without adding any milk or dairy products.(1)
Following are few teas which are great for keeping blood sugar levels low as well as reducing excess body fat:
Green Tea:
Several studies till date have revealed endless benefits of green tea. It can actually benefit people suffering from both type 1 as well as type 2 diabetes. Green tea consists of many beneficial polyphenol components like epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. It helps by improving insulin sensitivity and easily combats obesity.(2) Green tea is one of the healthiest options amongst drinks to help with effective weight loss. It can be taken any time before or after meals as per need, as a replacement for a mid-time snack.
Green tea is often consumed in Asian countries; however, its consumption is becoming popular day by day in Western countries as well. It has sufficient data to support that green tea can actually prevent type 2 diabetes and hence people are opting it as a measure to prevent the disease.(3) Green tea not just improves the glucose metabolism of the body but also helps in flushing out several toxins out from the body and preventing several other diseases as well. So green tea is the healthiest option, to begin with.
It also has many sub-varieties or options of brands and blends as per the source of origin or the green tea plant and its processing which further gives the green tea its specific aroma and taste. A person can find out the available green tea and eventually, the different taste and peculiar blend can be researched as per an individual’s choice.
Black Tea to Help Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels:
Just like green tea, another tea in the category to help with blood sugar levels is black tea. It also has a good combination of substances like a special type of polysaccharide compound which acts almost in a similar way like anti-diabetes drugs including Glyset and Precose.(4) Black tea has properties similar to anti-diabetic prescription drugs which help in keeping good control over blood sugar levels naturally.
Also, a study done in 2008 by the University of Dundee revealed that black tea consists of certain factors known as theaflavins and thearubigins, which have the potency to imitate like insulin.(5) Hence, black tea can put control over high blood sugar levels with ease. Black tea might also help with weight loss as well by changing gut bacteria and this was revealed in a study conducted by the University of California.
Ginger Tea for Lowering Blood Sugar Levels:
Ginger is actually a rhizome and grows under the ground and it consists of several compounds. One of those compounds possesses the quality to cause a reduction in the blood sugar levels by regulating insulin response mainly in diabetic people.(6,7) Ginger also acts as a natural appetite suppressant; hence a tea infused with ginger is possibly the best way to lose weight.
This spice has magical powers and is used for thousands of years for treating several different ailments, like nausea, vomiting, indigestion, cough, and cold.
Hibiscus Tea:
Hibiscus tea is one of those several teas which helps in controlling elevated blood sugar levels. It is rich in vitamin C, various antioxidants, and minerals. Hibiscus tea not just controls type 2 diabetes but also lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Hibiscus tea is also known for reducing cancer risks. It also speeds up the body metabolism and hence helps in gradual weight loss.
Chamomile Tea to Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels:
Chamomile tea helps in lowering blood sugar levels by prevention of all sorts of diabetic complications like kidney issues, and eye troubles like glaucoma.(1) It also helps in managing weight and stress levels which even helps with sleep disorders. It is also known to help with menstrual cramping and relieving other related symptoms.
Along with the consumption of tea, it is also very essential to follow a diet that is specifically devised to control blood sugar levels. One such diet is controlled sugar diet where the main focus is to keep an eye on the sugar intake.
While on a controlled sugar diet, it becomes very important to check if the tea you are planning to start with is purely sugar-free and organic. All processed and synthetic drinks must be avoided to avoid any type of sugar spikes in the blood.
As mentioned earlier, green tea is known to possess polysaccharides which are capable enough to regulate blood sugar levels just like insulin does. As per a study report, specifically catechin and polysaccharides both present in the green tea helps in lowering sugar levels in the blood.(8)
Other Benefits of Tea
The several other benefits of tea include:(1)
- Improving insulin sensitivity
- Preventing blood clot formation
- Maintaining healthy blood pressure
- Helps to reduce the risk of having type 2 diabetes
- Reducing cardiovascular risks
- Minimizing the risk of developing cancer.
As per a study, several dietary factors helps in preventing and controlling type 2 diabetes. Tea certainly builds a protective effect against diabetes.
Several teas like oolong tea, black tea, and green tea all consist of polyphenols which are known to increase the insulin activity. Also, in an American study done in 2002, it was revealed that the presence of milk in tea reduces insulin sensitivity and its effects. Teas are known to create low blood sugar levels in the blood and also protect the pancreatic β cells as well; although, there are no sufficient statistical data to justify the fact that teas can reduce the risk of development of type 2 diabetes.(9)
Every tea might have different taste and aroma but the benefits of many of the herbal teas include controlling blood sugar levels, cholesterol and putting control over body weight, or BMI. Several teas are sold by the name of their potent actions like anti-diabetic effects or reduce waist circumference, or body fat mass and many more. Every individual can choose a tea of his or her choice as per requirement and taste specificity. Consulting a doctor or a dietician can always be helpful if any time in doubt while choosing the best tea as per the health condition.
- ”Tea And Diabetes – Benefits Of Tea & Tea Types”. Diabetes.Co.Uk, https://www.diabetes.co.uk/food/tea-and-diabetes.html.
- Meng, J.M.; Cao, S.Y.; Wei, X.L.; Gan, R.Y.; Wang, Y.F.; Cai, S.X.; Xu, X.Y.; Zhang, P.Z.; Li, H.B. (2019, Jun) Effects and mechanisms of tea for the prevention and management of diabetes mellitus and diabetic complications: An updated review. Antioxidants. 8(6): 170.
- Maruyama, Koutatsu et al. (2009, Jan) The Association Between Concentrations Of Green Tea And Blood Glucose Levels. Journal Of Clinical Biochemistry And Nutrition. 44(1): 41-45
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- https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/black-tea-polyphenols-mimic-insulininsulin-like-growth-factor-1-s
- Khandouzi, N. et. al. (2015) The Effects of Ginger on Fasting Blood Sugar, Hemoglobin A1c, Apolipoprotein B, Apolipoprotein A-I and Malondialdehyde in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 14(1): 131-140. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4277626/
- Makhdoomi, A. M. et. al. (2017, Aug) The Effects of Ginger on Fasting Blood Sugar , Hemoglobin A1c, and Lipid Profiles in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 15(4):e57927. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29344037
- Nagao, Tomonori et al. “Ingestion of A Tea Rich In Catechins Leads To A Reduction In Body Fat And Malondialdehyde-Modified LDL In Men”. The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, vol 81, no. 1, 2005, pp. 122-129. Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.1093/ajcn/81.1.122. Accessed 22 June 2019.
- Yang, J. et al. “Tea Consumption And Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Update”. BMJ Open, vol 4, no. 7, 2014, pp. e005632-e005632.
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