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Top 8 Health Benefits of Gooseberries

What are Gooseberries?

Gooseberries are small and high in nutrition fruits, which can be a part of most foods. It is rich in vitamin C and is known for its overall health benefits.

It can be eaten in fresh and canned form. Its Indian form amla, also known as Indian gooseberry is known for its several health benefits.

Top 8 Health Benefits of Gooseberries

Gooseberries is found in various types in different regions, which are as follows:

  • European Gooseberry: It is a green and hairy fruit found in Europe, northwestern Africa, and west, south, and southeast Africa. It is eaten in puddings, jams, and pies.
  • American Gooseberry: It is a green and purple fruit that is found naturally growing in the northeastern and midwestern United States.
  • Indian Gooseberry: It is a yellowish-green fruit that grows in Southeast, China, Iran, and Pakistan.

Gooseberries can be eaten as fresh fruit, used in desserts, used to make jams and jellies, pie filling, and can also be made into wine and syrups.

Benefits of Gooseberries

  1. Gooseberries are Extremely Nutritious

    Gooseberries are low in calories and fat and are rich in nutrients and can be helpful to a person to reach the daily amount of nutrition of a balanced diet.

    Its fiber content helps a person to keep the bowel moving, keeps a person full, and helps in managing weight.(1) The beneficial nutrients of gooseberries are:(2)

    • Vitamins
    • Fiber
    • Minerals
    • Antioxidants

    100 grams of gooseberries contain 4.3 grams of fiber, 27.7 grams of vitamin C, 44 calories, and 15 micrograms of vitamin A.(3)

  2. Protects Skin and has Anti-Aging Properties

    Gooseberries contain natural phytonutrients and can be beneficial for skin and aging.

    Indian gooseberry contains antioxidant, anti-elastase, and anti-collagenase properties which can be helpful against wrinkle formation and skin aging activities.(4) It is a part of the Phyllanthus species which is known to play a role in protecting skin from sunlight and UV damage to the skin DNA. 

    As Indian gooseberry is rich in vitamin C, its extract is mostly used in many skin care products.

  3. Anti-oxidant Properties

    Gooseberries contain antioxidant compounds including phenolic acids, flavonoids, and anthocyanins.(2)

    Antioxidant compounds might play a vital role in the prevention of chronic diseases by reducing oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress may lead to the development of cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, eye disease, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration.(3)

  4. Anti-Carcinogenic Properties

    Studies show that Indian gooseberries contain anti-carcinogenic properties and can reduce the incidence and number of tumors at various organ sites.(5)

    The studies show that Indian gooseberry has anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic properties. The studies are mostly on animals and human research is still limited.

  5. Helps in Keeping Heart and Blood Healthy

    A study showed that 500 grams of Indian gooseberry when consumed daily for 18 weeks helped in improving the endothelial function of blood vessels, reducing oxidative stress, and lowering cholesterol levels.(6)

    In the research, it was concluded that ellagitannins and ellagic acid present in this fruit help in regulating blood pressure and prevent arterial thrombosis.

    Studies showed supplementing Indian gooseberry for 12 weeks helped in lowering cardiovascular risk in overweight and obese people.(7)

  6. Helps in Reducing Blood Sugar Level

    Studies on Indian gooseberry leaves, fruits, and flowers suggested that ellagitannin compounds in gooseberry may be helpful in reducing blood glucose levels and can be used in the treatment.(1)

  7. May Help Protect the Brain

    Gooseberries can be helpful in benefitting brain function. A review showed Indian gooseberry to be helpful in being beneficial to the brain.(1)

    It can be helpful in having neuroprotective effects and enhancing cognitive function.

  8. It can be Good for Hair

    Indian gooseberry is known to strengthen hair and promote hair growth.(8) It is also used by people to promote hair pigmentation.

    Consuming gooseberries is mostly safe unless someone is allergic to them. Eating fruits in large quantities can affect blood sugar, therefore, those suffering from diabetes should speak with their health practitioner if they are concerned.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 14, 2023

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